Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Deaf For 29 Years & Hearing Herself For The First Time!

VIDEO: Deaf woman hears own voice in dramatic video the National Today News on NBC TV.

Today Exclusive reporter interview with Sarah Churman, 29 this morning on the NBC Today. This is the video of them turning it on and her hearing herself for the first time!

Sarah Churman, 29, was born with hearing loss, Until recently, she had never heard the sound of her own voice. But thanks to a hearing (cochlear) implant, Churman was able to experience a miracle.

Sarah says "I have worn hearing aids from the age of 2, but hearing aids only help so much. I have gotten by this long in life by reading lips. This was taken as they were activating the implant."

"My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in." Sarah Churman said.

For those of you who have asked the implant she received was Esteem offered by Envoy Medical. Amidst all of the will they/won't they Radiohead drama currently clogging up YouTube and Twitter feeds. Suffice it to say that if witnessing this amazing moment doesn't give you the warm fuzzies, we don't know what will... Read more:

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Deaf For 29 Years & Hearing Herself For The First Time!

Deaf Girl HEARS For The First Time

Deaf Toddler Hears Parents' Voices For First Time

Deaf Woman Hears Son's Voice For First Time

Adopted Chinese Deaf Girl Hears For The First Time 

Related Post of Sarah Churman:

Deaf For 29 Years & Hearing Herself For The First Time!

Sarah Churman On The Ellen Degeneres Show

Sarah Churman Book Excerpt: Deaf Woman Describes Hearing for First Time

'Deaf' Viral Video Star Sarah Churman Talks Her New Book and The Joy of Hearing Rain

When Haters Gonna Still Hate, Stop The Deaf Bullies

HEARS For The First Time Video Is FAKE ?

Sloan Churman Video is a Hoax ?

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Deaf Czechs On The Guinness Book of Records

VIDEO: The Guinness Book of Records for the large group people wears white gloves by the Czech Deaf community.

PRAGUE, Czech Republic - The Czech Deaf community wearing white gloves for the International Day of the Deaf 2011 Event, which guinness book of records by gloves for the large group people to wear white gloves.

Congratulations to Deaf Community of the Czech Republic!

Senin, 26 September 2011

Gallaudet Students Come From Hearing World

Exclusive: More students at Gallaudet University now come from hearing world.

WASHINGTON -- The quiet campus of Gallaudet University in Northeast Washington was always a place where students could speak the unspoken language of deaf America and be understood. That is no longer so ontrue. For the first time in living memory, significant numbers of freshmen at the nation's premiere university for the deaf and hard of hearing arrive lacking proficiency in American Sign Language and experience with deaf culture. Rising numbers of Gallaudet students are products of a hearing world.

The share of undergraduates who come from mainstream public schools rather than residential schools for the deaf has grown from 33 percent to 44 percent in four years. The number of students with cochlear implants, which stimulate the auditory nerve to create a sense of sound, has doubled to 102 since 2005. Gallaudet is also enrolling more hearing students in programs to train sign-language interpreters and teachers. Together, the changes are redefining a school that sits at the very epicenter of American deaf society.

A new generation of deaf and hard-of-hearing children can study where they please. Changes in federal law have rerouted deaf students from residential deaf schools to mainstream public campuses, which are now obliged to serve them.

Cochlear implants are gaining acceptance and changing the nature of deafness, although the deaf community remains divided on their use. The influx of "non-signers," who can hear and speak or who read lips or text, may be necessary for Gallaudet's survival. Yet it has sparked passionate debate on whether the university is becoming "hearing-ized" and whether Deaf culture is slipping away. "We want a signing environment, because how often do deaf students get that environment?" said Dylan Hinks, 20, student body president. "This is the place where I want to have comfort and ease in my communication." There was talk of a vanishing deaf culture at Gallaudet five years ago, when protesters shut down the campus over the appointment of then-Provost Jane Fernandes as president.

More than 100 demonstrators were arrested. Trustees eventually revoked the appointment. The consensus on campus today is that the protest centered on the propriety of the presidential search. Protesters said outgoing President I. King Jordan hijacked the proceedings to elevate Fernandes, his protege. But Fernandes portrayed herself as a casualty in a Deaf-culture war. Born Deaf, Fernandes grew up speaking English and learned to sign as an adult. She claimed that, to students advocating the primacy of sign language, she was "not deaf enough." Fernandes now serves as provost of the University of North Carolina at Asheville. In an e-mail interview, she said, "There remains entrenched at Gallaudet a strong Deaf culture that perpetuates a very narrow way to live as a deaf person." One year during her tenure as provost, Fernandes said, upperclass students hazed freshmen, ordering them not to speak in any of their classes so that they were forced to sign. "I had freshmen in tears, telling me that Gallaudet recruited them under false pretenses, because they were told Gallaudet welcomed all Deaf students," she said. After Fernandes's ouster, accreditors from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education put Gallaudet on probation. The censure dealt a stunning blow to Gallaudet's academic currency. Some feared that the school would close. Accreditors found academic standards virtually nonexistent. The university admitted students who could not graduate and employed professors who could barely sign.

The institution was not keeping pace with the changing Deaf world. Undergraduate enrollment had slipped from 1,274 in fall 2005 to 1,040 in 2007. The Gallaudet of today scarcely resembles that fractured campus. President T. Alan Hurwitz, recruited away from a rival Deaf school within New York's Rochester Institute of Technology, has raised standards and largely united Gallaudet around a new vision of bilingual deaf education. "People are beginning to realize that American Sign Language is a value added," said Hurwitz, who has been Deaf since birth and is a fluent signer. Hurwitz was so wary of Gallaudet's history that he turned down the search committee several times before consenting to an interview. On the day he was introduced as president, Hurwitz said, "We didn't know if everyone was going to stand up and protest." Twenty months into his administration, there is little to protest.

Gallaudet's graduation rate has risen from 25 percent to 41 percent in four years. The share of graduates who continue their education has nearly doubled to 63 percent. The school has raised admission requirements, and average ACT reading scores for entering freshmen are at their highest point in recent history. Undergraduate enrollment has rebounded to 1,118. Hurwitz has calmed the culture wars with a schoolwide policy that affirms the primacy of sign language but also posits Gallaudet as a bilingual school.

Professors now must prove mastery of sign language to get tenure. Students, too, are expected to sign. In a campuswide e-mail last fall, Hurwitz wrote: "Everyone on campus no matter his or her signing level should make every effort to communicate in sign language when in public areas on campus." But upholding that standard is increasingly difficult on a campus where nearly half of the freshmen now come from mainstream high schools and dozens arrive not knowing how to sign. To help them, university leaders last year created a six-week crash course for 46 new signers, an orientation to Gallaudet and to the Deaf world.

An explosive opinion piece in the school newspaper last fall decried the rise of non-signers on campus and the potential demise of "the one Deaf space we can have in this country." Some students agree. Others favor a more patient approach to new signers. "They've been speaking for years, and then they come here and they're expected to sign," said Tony Tatum, a 23-year-old senior. "It's a hard habit for them to break." Tatum sat with four other students in the campus dining hall on a recent day. Three of them, including Tatum, came from public schools and learned to sign at an advanced age. "Before I came to Gallaudet, I thought I was the only person in the world who was hard of hearing," Tatum said. Now, he plays on Gallaudet's celebrated football team, a squad that invented the huddle in the 1890s as a way to hide signs from the other side.

Easter Faafiti, a 22-year-old junior, didn't know about Gallaudet until she took a sign language course at a community college. Her hearing parents "knew nothing about deaf culture, not one thing." At the lunch table, Faafiti and Tatum communicated in sign, even though both are more comfortable with spoken English. "I would prefer to speak," Tatum said. "But if I'm going to speak to someone who can't hear me, that makes no sense." Leila Hanaumi, a 21-year-old senior, attended a deaf school and knew Gallaudet and its history when she enrolled. She's one of a few on campus who fully appreciate how much the school has improved; at an institution where the population turns over every few years, memories are short. "In my class, we have the highest retention rate in I don't know how long," she said. Most of her class will graduate within five years, "and that's pretty much unheard of." The university's future may depend on reaching further into the mainstream of American education.

Gallaudet recruiters have tripled the number of annual visits to public schools since 2006. A trip might focus on one or two students who know nothing of Gallaudet. Charity Reedy-Hines, the chief recruiter, recalled a recent visit to a public high school in Mississippi where recruiters met with two Deaf students. "Both of them had never met another person like themselves," she said. "They hadn't even met each other."... Read The Full Story.

Gallaudet University is the world leader in liberal education and career development for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing undergraduate students. The University enjoys an international reputation for the outstanding graduate programs it provides Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and hearing students, as well as for the quality of the research it conducts on the history, language, culture, and other topics related to Deaf people. Visit Gallaudet: for more informations.

Find more Gallaudet videos: Gallaudet YouTube Channel

Related Deaf Population:

Rochester's Deaf Population Among Largest Per Capita in U.S.

Deaf Population Boom In Rochester, New York

Deaf People Population Worldwide

Deaf Population Growth In A Small Village

Deaf Population: An Informational Vlog About Deafness

Educating Hearing Parents With Deaf Children

VIDEO: Educating hearing parents with Deaf children in American Sign Language.

Deaf vlogger, Keri tells you the story about the mostly hearing parents doesn't know how to deal with babies with hearing loss (Deafness) and how the AG Bell Assocation, Cochlear Implant companies, Audiologists and Doctors often hyocrites and manipulations to the hearing parent against the Deaf children's will, which is a violation of human rights.

Also and Keri suggest you to be positive words how to deal with hearing parent's children who is Deaf to wearing CI as a patient. Send them the information such as to learn in sign language (ASL) and resources from the Deaf community to let educating them, rather than the wrong pictures about Deaf community.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Scammers Posing Deaf Customers Target Local Businesses

VIDEO: I Team 10 investigation scammers posing Deaf customers target local businesses.

NEW YORK CITY - I-Team 10 investigation from the NBC reports. It's a new twist on an old credit card scam and it's really repugnant. These schemers are posing as customers who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and using a telephone relay service to try to exploit these businesses.

The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Visit for more informations. SOURCE

Related Post:

SEC Investor Alert!

SEC Investor Alert Regarding Web-Based Scheme Targeting Deaf Investors

Kamis, 15 September 2011

ASL Video - SEC Investor Alert!

VIDEO [CC] - SEC Investor Alert Regarding Web-Based Scheme Targeting Deaf Investors: American Sign Language Version.

UNITED STATES - SEC Investor Alert Regarding Web-Based Scheme Targeting Deaf Investors: The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") has charged an Internet-based investment company, Imperia Invest IBC ("Imperia"), with securities fraud for soliciting several million dollars from U.S. investors and promising guaranteed annual returns in excess of 1.2% per day while in reality siphoning the funds into foreign bank accounts and not paying any money back to investors.

TEXAS - A Texas man who allegedly solicited $3.45 million from more than 7000 Deaf investors before securities regulators stopped him last year has been charged with fraud. The Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Jody Dunn... Read more: Texan Defrauded Deaf Investors Out of $3.45M

WISCONSIN - A multi-million-dollar international swindle targeting Deaf investors that recently drew federal warnings has snagged at least a dozen Wisconsin residents, investigators at the Department of Financial Institutions report... Read more: Swindle Targeting Deaf Investors Ensnares Wisconsin Residents

NEW YORK - I-Team 10 investigation from the NBC report. It's a new twist on an old credit card scam and it's really repugnant. These schemers are posing as customers who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and using a telephone relay service to try to exploit these businesses... Read more: I-Team 10 investigation: Scammers Posing as Deaf Customers; Target Local Businesses

NORTH CAROLINA - A common scam lately — known as the “overpayment scam” — happens when a person places an item for sale online (or through a print publication such as the Bolivar Herald-Free Press that also places its classified ads online) and then receives a call from someone through the Telecommunication Device for the Deaf relay service, or TTY, wanting to purchase the item... Read more: The Scam Artist’s Next Victim — Don’t Let It Be You

FBI GOV. - The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at lists 18 Internet crime schemes and that is just schemes related to the Internet, not including schemes that are carried out by phone or U.S. Mail.

The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Visit

Senin, 12 September 2011

Cochlear Implant System Failed Me!

VIDEO [ASL] - Believe it or not, cochlear Implant system failed me!

Cochlear Implant failures!, It's not work well for me! Being a Deaf is the best medicine.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Deaf Human Rights To Love Marriage Relationship

VIDEO: Marriage Equality Rights: Deaf rights to love marriage relationship in International Sign.

A beauty Deaf vlogger girl, Gadehelena recalls marriage relationship the prejudice, discrimination and oppression is stereotyping of and discrimination that people who identify as deafness and hearing loss with race.

The Deaf culture of a society has been described in various cultures and nations throughout the world to push them apart and have been prevalent throughout human history.

The globe has shown that prejudice is fundamentally related to low self-esteem, and values used to justify cultures based prejudice, discrimination, and subordination.

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

9/11 - 10 Years Later: Are They Ready For Deaf People ?

VIDEO [CC] - 9/11 - 10 Years Later - Are They Ready For Deaf People? 9/11 Fear in silence: The forgotten underdogs.

NEW YORK CITY - 9/11 was covered from every perspective except ours, the Deaf survivors. The film disclose issues and concerns about our quest for resolutions to the City and Government to improve equal access within the NYC MTA transit system that failed to meet the needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing commuters, evacuation designed safe areas under the subway stations for both the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

The Deaf-Blind and people with disabilities, 9-1-1 accessible emergency procedures, emergency preparedness for immediate evacuation, information on alert systems, accessible emergency communication and notification within the law enforcement, hospitals, and fire department all within the city, state and federal operating system. Best Produced Documentary by Ann Marie "Jade" Bryan.

The list goes on. "When information is 'not accessible' for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, then ignorance kills, silence kills, fear kills, and neglect kills. INFORMATION IS POWER," quoted Jade. Go to site for more information or order the complete film:

Jumat, 09 September 2011

ASL Music Video 'Born This Way'

VIDEO: The Ontario Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf proudly presents the Drag'ing ASL to Pride performers in Born This Way by Lady GaGa.

This video premiered at the 3rd Annual Drag'ing ASL to Pride at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre.

Thank you to all the performers and volunteers who made that show and this video a success! And thank you to Lady GaGa for creating such powerful and inspiring music that can speak to every person's heart, wether it be through singing or signing. Visit for more informations.

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Wells Fargo Ad: Learning American Sign Language

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Virtual Deaf Church: God Is A Transgender

Gallaudet University LGBT 'It Gets Better'

Deaf LGBT Interview In Japan

ASL Music Video 'Born This Way'

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Have You Annoy Deaf LGBT Today ?

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Deaf Jam Official Trailer

VIDEO [CC] - Aneta Brodski biography "Deaf Jam" official trailer.

Aneta Brodski, a Deaf teen living in New York City, discovers the power of American Sign Language poetry as she prepares to be one of the first Deaf poets to compete in a spoken-word slam, her journey leads to an unexpected collaboration.

Trailer Editors: Bill Tunnicliffe, Judy Lieff. Connect with us at:

Deaf Women Awareness: A Natural Selection

VIDEO [CC] - Christie, a Deaf female who has struggled with her inability to have children, visits a fertility clinic with another woman, Michelle. The pair are informed about the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

They are informed by a genetic counselor that a growing understanding of the genetic basis of some forms of deafness has made it possible to select for or against a Deaf child.

The pair reflects on the social and ethical implications surrounding IVF/PGD from the perspective of the Deaf community.

Gene Screen BC 2011 Participant. Vote for this film to win the People's Choice Award by Liking it.

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Deaf Documentary Film: 9/11 Fear In Silence

WATCH [CC] - Documentary Film: 9/11 fear in silence has been covered from every perspective. Expect ours, Deaf Survivors.

NEW YORK CITY -- 9/11 Fear in silence: The forgotten underdogs is a compelling documentary about Deaf and Hard of Hearing people who were the first citizens to become shut out from outside communication and 'left in the dark,' and the last to receive access to critical information, or be delivered from danger on September 11, 2001.

Order your DVD copy here: or

Related Documentary:

Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Deaf World

Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Hearing World

Ted Evans - In Search Of The DEAF WORLD

Living In Between The Deaf And Hearing Worlds

A Hearing Son In Deaf Family 'I'd Rather Be Deaf'

Life and Deaf - BBC4 Documentary

Through Deaf Eyes - Documentary Film

Living In Between The Deaf And Hearing Worlds

Deaf Awareness 'Voiceless' Short Film

VICE News: Deaf Culture 'Signs of Change'

Can Deaf People Hear Their Own Thoughts ?

Deaf Documentary Film: 9/11 Fear In Silence

The Deaf Holocaust - Deaf People and Nazi Germany

A&E: Born This Way Presents 'Deaf Out Loud'

Senin, 05 September 2011

Paea Paongo - Deaf Tongan MMA Fighter

VIDEO: This is 4th Title Champion. Since Paea earned 4 title champion belt. He is profound DEAF and live in Hawaii. He involves MMA. Check Paea's Youtube. He has several videos about Paea won game each fighters.

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Find more videos: Paea Paongo Channel

ASL Films 'Gerald' Official Movie Trailer

VIDEO [CC] - The ASL Films 'Gerald' official movie trailer - Gerald won the WORLDEAF Cinema Festival best Narrative Film at Gallaudet.

This film is a journey of a young man, Corey, yearning for kinship until one day discovers he has a Deaf and autistic grandfather he has never knew, Corey was determined to make connection regardless.

The family ties and secrets unbeknownst to the young man have surfaced, and all the events suddenly unfold. A powerful, emotional and continuous twist of events that leads to shocking truth. Watch on DVD: Gerald DVD.

ASL Films is committed to creating sophisticated entertainment with an appeal that both inspires and rewards sponsors and audiences,visit

Like on Facebook "Gerald"

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Related: ASL Films: 'The Legend of the Mountain Man' Official Movie Trailer

Kamis, 01 September 2011

'Deaf Like Me' On The CTV News

VIDEO [CC] - A hearing impaired woman breaks down misconceptions through 'Deaf Like Me' video.

TORONTO, ON - A 20-year-old Deaf woman has created a lighthearted video to explain the misconceptions people have about Deaf people and in particular, their ability to pick up on humour and sarcasm. Brooke Wayne's Short Film 'Deaf Like Me'

Brooke Wayne's short film, 'Deaf Like Me' Her film has attracted some media attention too, including an interview with CTV Health Reporter Pauline Chan that aired last night on the evening news... Watch CTV NEWS Toronto:

Related Post:

Brooke Wayne's Short Film 'Deaf Like Me'

'Deaf Like Me' On The CTV News

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Bob's House - Pepsi's Super Bowl Commercial

WATCH [CC] - Behind the scenes Pepsi's Super Bowl commercial at 'Bob's House' is banned by AG Bell's requested.

Video in behind the scenes commercial of Pepsi's Super Bowl XLII ad, Bob's House. Amid the wall-to-wall sound grabbing fortheir remotes to check whether they accidentally hit the mute button. The pre-game advertisement features a joke that originates from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

Produced by On The Scene Productions.

Bob's House in Pepsi's Super Bowl advertisement commercial has been disabled by AG Bell Association's requested as the progressive social advocacy reason.

Fact check: Pepsi website and try to find page, unfortunately this page term doesn't exist. It is clear affirmative ban. You can find "Banned Bob's House in Pepsi's Super Bowl ad" and/or "Banned Super Bowl Commercial" informations in Google, for example:

Related Super Bowl:

Kriston Pumphrey: Super Bowl’s ASL Performer

Super Bowl LI National Anthem in ASL

Marlee Matlin Signs The Anthem At Super Bowl 50

Deaf Singer Super Bowl XLIX National Anthem

Super Bowl: NBC Discriminates Deaf Community

Super Bowl XLVII: John Maucere Got Hand Insurance

First Deaf Offensive Player In The NFL History

Bob's House - Pepsi's Super Bowl Commercial

Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials 2015

The 10 Best Commercials Of Super Bowl 50

Super Bowl LIII Deaf National Anthem Signer

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#ASLPerformer - #DeafSinger - #DeafTalent - #NationalAnthem - #SuperBowl

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Cinema Subtitle Glasses Give Promise To Deaf Film Fans

VIDEO: [CC] - People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing have long complained that going to watch a film can be an unsatisfactory experience, with subtitled films on at unsociable times and often suffering from technical problems.

But a solution could soon available in the form of special glasses which allow the wearer to see subtitles directly in front of their eyes, giving them the freedom of choice afforded to hearing people. Graham Satchell reports.


Related Post - Sony's New Subtitle Glasses For Deaf Moviegoers

Sony’s Entertainment Access Glasses Utilizing Unique Holographic Technology - The movie industry’s transformation to digital technology has created an opportunity to efficiently deliver closed caption data to movie patrons. This coincides with large demand from people with hearing difficulties to watch movies more easily and enjoyably.

Sony has therefore developed entertainment access glasses utilizing its unique holographic technology: the STW-C140GI Entertainment Access Glasses with Audio and, as part of this solution, the STWA-C101 Data Transmitter. When wearing this stylish and lightweight see-through eyewear, users can see closed caption text seemingly superimposed onto the movie picture that they’re watching on screen - it’s a natural subtitle-movie experience.

In addition, as the captioning glasses’ receiver box is equipped with an audio assist function, this solution is useful not only for people with hearing difficulties but also for people with visual impairments - both can enjoy movies far more than ever before... Read more:

Visit Sony for more details:

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Related Charlie Swinbourne:

The 10 Annoying Habits of Deaf People

Cinema Subtitle Glasses Give Promise To Deaf Film Fans

Communication Barriers In Sex Education Put Deaf People At Risk

Deaf Short Film 'The Kiss'

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Nightmare Factory - Oregon School For The Deaf

WATCH [CC] - The 'Nightmare Factory' video tour. Faux Panels on Extreme Makeover Home Edition "Oregon School for the Deaf" on the ABC show.

SALEM, Oregon -- Episode 172 of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, a special Halloween episode, thank you and the gang help renovate the Oregon School for the Deaf's Nightmare Factory, which is a haunted house in which the proceeds are used to keep the school afloat from the communites in Salem.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Instead of Ty shouting with his bullhorn to surprise the school, he sends a small plane with a visual message while the staff and students are having their annual barbecue. While the students are in Minnesota getting new hearing aids, the team builds a new dormitory for the boys as their old dorms along with the Nightmare Factory was considered unsafe to live in.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Guest stars include actress Marlee Matlin and Rob Zombie. Since then, the new dormitory has been rarely utilized due to budget constrictions. The haunted house was founded in 1987.

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Deaf Haunted House Story 'Nightmare Factory'

Nightmare Factory - Oregon School For The Deaf

BONUS: Free Game Online - The Halloween - Creepy and Scary Game


Top 10s Creepiest Urban Legends Compilation

Halloween The Ultimate Horror Video Compilation

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Deaf Soccer Referees Officiating Match

VIDEO [CC] - This is a video of an all Deaf soccer (football) referee team.

They were officiating a youth tournament in Kentucky, USA. They are said to be the only hearing impaired referee team in the world. Deaf people can do anything except hear!

Child of Deaf Parent - My Family Culture

VIDEO [CC] - My Family Culture - Aha Moment with Liysa from Green Bay in American Sign Language.

My life is three cultures. I am a child of Deaf parent, often known by the acronym "CODA", is a person who was raised by Deaf parents living in a hearing world. I realized that I now have my own identity to explore.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Experience more aha moments at:

Related CODA: #CODA

Child of Deaf Parent - My Family Culture

CODA Pride - Documentary Film

CODA Brothers: Deaf Mother's Intuition

CODA - Growing Up With Deaf Parents

CODA Kambri Crews and Burn Down The Ground

CODA Nate Tao - American Idol Season 12

CODA Tried To Kill Deaf Parents In House Fire

Deaf Parents Voice With CODAs ?

Deaf Parents Struggle With Kids - Supernanny

Dutch Boy Trolls Deaf Mother

Kambri Crews: Songs in American Sign Language

Korean CODA Sings For Parents Goes Viral

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Sean Berdy Performs - Deaf Dancing Group

VIDEO [CC] - ASL Music Video: Sean Berdy Performs Deaf Dancing Group Part 1 and 2.

Sean Berdy, star of the ABC Family's "Switched at Birth", performing with an all Deaf dancing group.

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

VIDEO [CC] - American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers in ASL vlog.

Babies, toddlers and their families will learn how to sign over 200 words and short phrases in ASL.

Visit for more information.

Related Post of Hearing Parents With Deaf Children:

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

Deaf Awareness: One Deaf Child

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Why Is It Important To Learn Sign At Birth For Deaf Child ?

Educating Hearing People About The Deaf World

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Deaffinity - BBC See Hear - Deaf Not Dumb

VIDEO [CC] - BBC See Hear created a short film article on the award winning video Deaf Not Dumb.

The girls along with some of the team members were interviewed to share their experience and participation during the project.

Official website -

Deaf Not Dumb is a project by

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Hearing World

Short Film - A Deaf boy's frustration when there's no communication access and left him out alone in a hearing world.

CSS Movies presents "Alone in a Hearing World". If you watch this video, and open your eyes and understand in 'Alone in a Hearing World' shows true to life scenarios of a young Deaf boy growing up in a hearing world.

Alone in a Hearing World shows true to life scenarios of a young Deaf boy growing up in a hearing world.

With family members who can't communicate and continuous misunderstandings by his teachers and coaches, he is forced to live in a world of isolation. However, when he pleas for his Mothers understanding and falls short, he ends up in the only place he seems to find acceptance.

It is how a young Deaf boy's frustration in a hearing world and mainstream school. Deaf children often feels violation and oppressing from a hearing parents. Stop audism and give them a chance to education which is a part in American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf culture to cherished.

Related Documentary:

Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Deaf World

Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Hearing World

Ted Evans - In Search Of The DEAF WORLD

Living In Between The Deaf And Hearing Worlds

A Hearing Son In Deaf Family 'I'd Rather Be Deaf'

Life and Deaf - BBC4 Documentary

Through Deaf Eyes - Documentary Film

Deaf Awareness 'Voiceless' Short Film

VICE News: Deaf Culture 'Signs of Change'

Can Deaf People Hear Their Own Thoughts ?

Deaf Documentary Film: 9/11 Fear In Silence

The Deaf Holocaust - Deaf People and Nazi Germany

A&E: Born This Way Presents 'Deaf Out Loud'

Maryland School For The Deaf On Toyota TV Ad

VIDEO [CC] - The Line of Scrimmage was a documentary campaign that aired during the Sunday Night Halftime Show on NBC.

WASHINGTON - The Maryland School for the Deaf was an amazing group of players that had a team that was one of the most well disciplined and organized ones that we saw and enjoyed a solid winning record.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Deaf Hope - Do Men Understand Rape Culture ?

VIDEO [CC] - Stop Domestic Violence Promo from Lavender Revolution - a social media movement to end violence against Deaf women.

Men are living in the mistaken belief that they cannot be raped because "rape is a women's issue" Women are constantly striving to protect their bodies using many different ways, yet they are still being raped Everyday!

A man is raped everyday usually by other men. A woman is raped Every Two Minutes, usually by someone they know. Men are impacted by the constant Violence against women... Deaf men and women can accomplish so much more by working together to End Rape Culture! Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man.

Margaret Mead join DeafHope's effort to end violence against women! Visit for more informations.

Deaf Women Everywhere - The Pearls Special

VIDEO: "The Pearls" recognized outstanding Deaf women across America.

These Deaf women deserve the honor and have been extraordinary in their respective categories: First Ofs/Founders, Advocates, Artists, Businesswomen, and Hidden Pearls.

The private affair will be broadcasted via:

Several years ago Sheena McFeely, founder of "The Pearls," watched Oprah's television special, "The Legends," where Oprah honored outstanding African American women who serve as great role models in their professions. This inspired Sheena to establish "The Pearls"

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

ASL Poem Video: I Don't Need Your Cure

VIDEO [CC] - Cochlear Implants, I Don't Need Your Cure.

I don't need your cure. I am tired of them oppressing me. I have Deaf community, Sign Language, Deaf education. Say no Cochlear Implants! I dont need your cure... Check credit roll for more information.

" I Don't Need Your Cure" - Written By Megg Rose. Performed by Megg & Yamila Rose "Sign language is a human right, it is not just an option." - Ralph Singleton "There is never a cloud without its bright light." - Billy Graham

Follow Rose Megg on Twitter:

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Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Sign Language On The McDonalds TV Ads

VIDEO: Universally Spoken Sign Language on McDonalds TV Ad Commercial.

The teenagers uses sign language in McDonalds commerical for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community to express the universal language that is universally spoken throughout the world. Directed by Jim Zoolalian.

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Sign Language On The McDonalds TV Ads

ASL - Slut Walk Comes To United States Capital

VIDEO [CC] - Slut Walk comes to United States capital! - ASL Version.

WASHINGTON - Hundreds of women swapped business suits for short skirts and revealing tops Saturday as Washington joined the list of cities around the world that have hosted a SlutWalk a march calling for an end to sexual violence and victim blaming.

Sasha Ponappa highlighted a disturbing phenomenon as she led a contingent of Deaf women at the colorful protest march, where women were clad in everything from shorts and tanktops to miniskirts and bodices.

"About 80-85 percent of Deaf women and women with disabilities experience sexual assault in their lives, and 80 percent of the cases go unreported," Ponappa, who is executive director of the Deaf Abused Women's Network, told AFP... Read more:

Slut Walk Facts - SlutWalk began in Toronto, Canada, which "SlutWalk" was born. In a revolting decision, a Canadian judge gave a convicted rapist a two-year conditional sentence with no jail time because the crime took place under "inviting circumstances" and the victim was wearing a revealing outfit. As seen on article:

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Slut Walk At Maryland School For The Deaf

ASL - Slut Walk Comes To US Capital

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Oklahoma School For The Deaf Names First Deaf Woman To Lead

VIDEO: The Oklahoma School for the Deaf has hired the first Deaf female superintendent to lead the school in its 114-year history.

KaAnn Varner is only the second Deaf superintendent the school has had.


Deaf Father's Love For Daughter

VIDEO: English Subtitles - Aware of life insurance in short film "Deaf Father's Love For Daughter."

The short film from Thailand in "Deaf Father's Love for Daughter." A sponsor from Thai Life Insurance.

This video will touch you deeply. It can be impossible to truly comprehend just how deep the Father's love for us is, but every now and then, a great reminder will come along to allow us to catch a glimpse.

This video paints a perfect picture of his unconditional love and grace for us. While we are selfish, undeserving and sinful children, our Father loves us so much, he sent his perfect son to die for us.

Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Share this powerful video with someone you love that needs to hear this message.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Warning To Cochlear Implant Users

VIDEO [CC] - The storytelling of the cochlear implant system failures for the users.

If you travel consider which company you use. Your dreams could be destroyed. Caution I am making this video because some of you may be considering a Cochlear Implant for yourself or a child. As a Cochlear Implant Recipient, I think the following video is important for you to watch before making a decision on which implant to receive.

Bear with me as I give you a A brief history of my hearing loss. Born hearing and after a case of the measles when I was 10, I developed a progressive hearing loss which left profoundly deaf by the age of 20 I used sign language interpreters in college and at work. A TTY and other assistive listening devices. Eventually my aduilogist said nothing more can help there was no residual hearing left and I should consider a cochlear implant. I began the process of searching and selected Nucleus 24. The reason I went with this company was because of the World Wide Service they could provide. My surgery went fine, and I was activated and after three months of aural rehabilitation I was able to use the telephone. After 1 year my life was completely changed.

Sounds good so far huh? Here is the catch. Got my dream job working 10 months a year in Spain. Everything was going well until my Freedom Processor conked out. When you are traveling in a another country, you cannot access the Cochlear Store USA. I went to have my Freedom repaired locally here in Spain. GUESS WHAT. If you were not implanted in Spain, they say they cannot help you. OK GOT IT I can't get help here. I will buy a new processor from the USA and have it shipped to Spain. Again, my audiologist coordinated everything maped it and shipped it to me in Spain. IT WAS STOPPED in Madrid by customs,,,, why? Because only one company in Spain can provide a processor. It gets even more interesting. I asked how much a processor was to buy in Spain. I was told 11,000 USD. However from the USD it was only 6,000 USD. The company in Spain suggested I fly to the United States if I wanted service.

It has been over a month since I have had a processor that will allow me to do the work that I have dreamed of doing. Consider if you ever wanted to travel, or maybe your child might want to be a foreign exchange student ,, think of all the dreams and possibilities that could suddenly be taken away from you. I am at a point now where I am about to lose everything I have worked so hard to achieve. Don't let this happen to your child or loved one.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Sean Berdy in 'The Legend of the Mountain Man'

The ABC TV show Switched At Birth star Sean Berdy's Demo Reel on "The Legend of the Mountain Man"

The Legend of the Mountain Man (2008) is a family-friendly story that will be enjoyed by viewers of all ages in American Sign Language.

The Legend of the Mountain Man, set in picturesque Montana, features a typical, dysfunctional family of five. The father, who has been at odds with his parents for many years, decides to send his three children to his parents' ranch for the summer. The children unexpectedly encounter a creature, one that has never been seen nor recorded in history books. Watch on DVD.

Viewers accompany the children on a heartwarming journey as they navigate the family's past and try to reconcile some of the estranged family members.

Deaf Director: Mark Wood. Deaf Actors: Chuck Baird, Scott Berdy, Sean Berdy.

ASL Films is committed to creating sophisticated entertainment with an appeal that both inspires and rewards sponsors and audiences,visit

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Related ASL Film: ASL Films 'Gerald' Official Movie Trailer

Related Chuck Baird:

Chuck Baird's Website:

Deaf Artist: Chuck Baird

Deaf Artist: Chuck Baird Mural Exhibits

Deaf Artist: Memory of Charles 'Chuck' Baird

Tribute To Chuck Baird

Sean Berdy in 'The Legend of the Mountain Man'

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Raw Video: Unbelievable! Lightning strikes cochlear implant user twice!

An amazing video clip of a hearing impaired who is cochlear implant user struck by lightning twice caught on a surveillance camera, and unbelievable he's still alive! unfortunately, cochlear implant is completely damaged.

Check this out, watch more closely... a man's right hand cover on his head where cochlear implant area... could be at risk to cochlear implant users where the thunderstorms approaching.

Note: This video shows no evidence, which is none of source or information due to confidential from the cochlear implant industry, but this video is a conspiracy theory of possibility that could it be happen when the lightning strikes into cochlear implant device is made of metal as the sensitivity frictional electricity energy.

Related Cochlear Implant:

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

Violation of Human Rights: Forcing A Deaf Child to Wear CI

Deaf Adopted Child To Force On Cochlear Implant

Deaf Girl Dies of Bacterial by Cochlear Implant

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

Arrests Made In Alleged Sex Assaults At Hawaii's School For The Deaf and Blind

VIDEO: Police say several arrests have been made as an investigation continues into allegations of widespread sexual abuse between classmates at Hawaii's public school for the Deaf and Blind.

HONOLULU - Police say several juvenile males have been arrested since the investigation began earlier this year. There are dozens of victims and several alleged perpetrators.

According to sources, the molestation which included rape began years ago, allegedly instigated by one young student.

The abuse worsened as other student victims were forced to become perpetrators themselves, fearing retaliation if they didn't follow suit... Read more:

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

ABC's With The Switched At Birth Cast

VIDEO: The actors and actress from the abc family TV show "Switched at Birth" in the fingerspelling alphabet ASL in the pictures slide show.

Deaf Teachers: Open Letter To AG Bell Association

VIDEO [CC] - Deaf Progressivism: An open letter to AG Bell Association in American Sign Language and captioning.

In a response to Alexander Graham Bell Association's recent letter to teachers of the Deaf who sign with Deaf children. AG Bell are soliciting temporary memberships that offended many of us due to the exclusion of American Sign Language and labeling us teachers "Hearing Specialists".

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Here is the link to Patti Durr's blog:

Barb Digi's blog:

Related: #AG Bell

Deaf Student Bullied at the AG Bell School

Deaf People Bullied By The AG Bell Association

AG Bell's Letter About Nyle DiMarco Controversy

Audism Free America Video Letter To AG Bell

NTID/RIT Facutlty & Staff Open Letter To AG Bell

Cochlear Implant Failures Lawsuits & AG Bell

AG Bell & CI Companies

How AG Bell Association Destroy Deaf Culture

Alexander Graham Bell - Theft Of The Century

#LiesAGBellToldMyParents - Indiana HB 1367

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

VIDEO [CC] - Parody of the cochlear implant users.

'Cochlear Implant' parody. Watch the video and giving you an example of what a cochlear implant looks like. It's a worthwhile to watch this hilarious video. Enjoy!

Related Cochlear Implant:

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

Deaf Girl Dies of Bacterial by Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Deaf Adopted Child To Force On Cochlear Implant

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

WATCH [ASL/CC] - The cochlear implant industry has employed to maximize profits in the United States, the globe.

Dr. Donald Grushkin's discussing the dirty tricks and marketing ploys the cochlear implant industry has employed to maximize profits. Here's closed caption.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.


Cochlear America's Million Ear Challenge: and Cochlear's Dirty marketing tricks:

Dr. Don's official blog:

Related Hearing Parents With Deaf Children:

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Children

Early Language Acquisition of Deaf Babies

Deaf Awareness: One Deaf Child

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Why Is It Important To Learn Sign At Birth For Deaf Child ?

Educating Hearing People About The Deaf World

Related Cochlear Implant:

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

Violation of Human Rights: Forcing A Deaf Child to Wear CI

VICE News: Deaf Culture 'Signs of Change'

Deaf Adopted Child To Force On Cochlear Implant

Deaf Girl Dies of Bacterial by Cochlear Implant

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

University Killing Deaf Kittens For CI Research

Deaf Cats In Cochlear Implant Research

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Dropout Rate Among Mainstream Deaf Students

Mainstream School Is Failing Deaf Students

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Deaf Awareness: Alone In A Hearing World

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Deaf Awareness 'Voiceless' Short Film

Deaf Awareness Short Film - 'Rise Up'