Sabtu, 10 September 2011

9/11 - 10 Years Later: Are They Ready For Deaf People ?

VIDEO [CC] - 9/11 - 10 Years Later - Are They Ready For Deaf People? 9/11 Fear in silence: The forgotten underdogs.

NEW YORK CITY - 9/11 was covered from every perspective except ours, the Deaf survivors. The film disclose issues and concerns about our quest for resolutions to the City and Government to improve equal access within the NYC MTA transit system that failed to meet the needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing commuters, evacuation designed safe areas under the subway stations for both the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

The Deaf-Blind and people with disabilities, 9-1-1 accessible emergency procedures, emergency preparedness for immediate evacuation, information on alert systems, accessible emergency communication and notification within the law enforcement, hospitals, and fire department all within the city, state and federal operating system. Best Produced Documentary by Ann Marie "Jade" Bryan.

The list goes on. "When information is 'not accessible' for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, then ignorance kills, silence kills, fear kills, and neglect kills. INFORMATION IS POWER," quoted Jade. Go to site for more information or order the complete film:

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