Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

ASL - Slut Walk Comes To United States Capital

VIDEO [CC] - Slut Walk comes to United States capital! - ASL Version.

WASHINGTON - Hundreds of women swapped business suits for short skirts and revealing tops Saturday as Washington joined the list of cities around the world that have hosted a SlutWalk a march calling for an end to sexual violence and victim blaming.

Sasha Ponappa highlighted a disturbing phenomenon as she led a contingent of Deaf women at the colorful protest march, where women were clad in everything from shorts and tanktops to miniskirts and bodices.

"About 80-85 percent of Deaf women and women with disabilities experience sexual assault in their lives, and 80 percent of the cases go unreported," Ponappa, who is executive director of the Deaf Abused Women's Network, told AFP... Read more: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/

Slut Walk Facts - SlutWalk began in Toronto, Canada, which "SlutWalk" was born. In a revolting decision, a Canadian judge gave a convicted rapist a two-year conditional sentence with no jail time because the crime took place under "inviting circumstances" and the victim was wearing a revealing outfit. As seen on article: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/rape-victim-inviting-so-no-jail--rape-victim-inviting-so-no-jail.html

Related Post:

Slut Walk At Maryland School For The Deaf

ASL - Slut Walk Comes To US Capital

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