Selasa, 30 April 2019

Riding Goats into May - A Nod to Walpurgisnacht

The wind has been howling at the windows for three days, and although the sun has done its best to shine in between spring rains its heat cannot compete with the biting cold that the tempests have blown in. I don't mind the last gasps of winter, the final shake of Frau Holle's feather blanket that resulted in rain-snow-hail this past weekend. In my mind and dreams the Wild Hunt is riding a frenzied race across the skies to the peak of the Harz to celebrate winter's end and the coming of summer. I need a fast goat who likes altitude, because I want to go too.

We have arrived in the season of lush festivity. And let's face it, in days of old if you made it through the winter without succumbing to disease or starvation there was definitely something to celebrate. Feasting on spring greens and shoots, lighting bonfires to chase off the winter and to cense your livestock, jumping brooms and fires (and jumping each other - it's a very fertile time of year after all), were some of the activities that folks embraced as the days grew long.

The last day of April marked Hexennacht, when it was said that witches rode to their sabbath at the Brocken in the Harz mountains of Germany. The saint Walpurga/Walburga who was called upon to aid in protection from witchcraft was canonized on May 1st, conveniently overlapping her eve with the night of the witches. Walpurisnacht (Walpurga's night) became both the time when witches were out on their revels and when people would employ protections for their homes and livestock to keep them safe from witchcraft. It's a wicked merry-go-round, isn't it?

If May dawned and you made it home from the mountains or your woodland frolicking, then you might bathe yourself in the morning dew to ensure youthfulness for another year. You could find yourself spinning ribbon around a maypole with village folk, guising or dancing in a parade through the streets, or preparing to lead your cattle between two bonfires to bless them with vitality.

There are more stories of folk practices and debaucherous frolicking than I have time to tell while the hours of April slip away, but I wanted to share a few words from others here - snippets from people and books I enjoy that speak to the spirit of this celebratory time. I'll be out by the fire tonight (if the wind cooperates) and I'll lift a glass to see the Old Woman of winter off. If you hear me howling, send a howl back. I know you're out there bringing in the May in your own way.

Bernard Zuber

"Some call it Walpurgisnacht or Beltane or May Day, and the days of observance may shift minutely, but the general celebration remains the same. It is a grand day of festivity and rejoicing, an ode to vanquishing the dark and looking forward to a green and glorious future. It is a time for joyous feasting and the encouragement of growth, a time for lovers and life.

In Blacktree, however, we see Hexennacht as a night when witches fly to their own gatherings and revels. On this night, we also acknowledge and honor our genus loci and other land spirits. For us, Hexennacht is literally a night of witches; it says so right in the name. On this night, we howl at the moon, wild in our power and in love with our very nature as witches. We connect deeply with the land and spirits around us."

Besom, Stang & SwordChristopher Orapello and Tara-Love Maguire

"Although officially sanctioned by the church as the feast of Saints Philip and James, May Day celebrations in England smothered religious veneration with fertility rites suggested by flowers and fires. The notorious lecher, King Henry VIII, took great pleasure in his court's floral masquerades and the sexual license of Mayings. The common people had fun with setting up maypoles, lighting bonfires, playing football, running races, morris dancing, and flirting. Villagers were sent into the woods where they would cut down a maypole (that most obviously phallic symbol) to erect in front of the parish church, and many young couples, it appears, got "lost" for the night in the woods to enjoy semi-clandestine love."

Ritual in Early Modern Europe, Edward Muir

"Beltane rituals are still held. Traditionally bonfires are lit. To heal infertility, people creep through bonfires, jump over them, and run between them. Once upon a time, they also made love amongst the bonfires, although to avail yourself of this power you may have to build private, personal fires."

Beltane Bonfire Spell, The Encyclopedia of 5000 SpellsJudika Illes

"Walpurgisnacht" by Albert Welti 1897

"A Munich vesper from the fourteenth century mentioned a Brockelsburg as being an abode of nocturnal ghosts and witches. Such "buck mountains," "hay mountains," or "heathen caps," where the last heathen festivals took place, were found throughout Europe. The most famous of these is the Brocken, in the Harz mountains of Germany. The "witches" usually gathered there on Walpurgis night. They danced the last winter snows away in "participation mystique." In the sagas they danced so vigorously that they danced through the soles of their shoes."

Witchcraft Medicine, Muller-Ebeling, Ratsch, Storl

Bernard Zuber

This charm may well be the 'vesper' spoken of above. I've included a small snippet here if you are the sort to quake at witches flying overhead and want a few words of protection to whisper as you drift off to dream. (I'll try not to wake you as I streak by on my goat.)

May the supreme Numen divinium,
may the holy sanctus spritius,
may the sacred sanctus dominus,
again protect me this night
from the evil creatures that roam the darkness
and I sign myself
against the black ones and the white ones
whom people call the Good ones
and who leave from Brockelsberg

- excerpt from a 14th-15th century charm,
published in Lecouteux's Phantom Armies of the Night

I wish you wildness and firelight. Frenzied joy and good feasting. Kisses and dances and all the merrymaking you desire. May your earth and home and family be fruitful.

Happy Witches' Night. Happy May!

Jumat, 19 April 2019

Deaf Disabled Man Brutally Attacked

Warning graphic content: Deaf Russian woman brutally beaten and tortured on Deaf physically handicapped outside while one records it.

MOSCOW, Russia -- Elya is a Deaf girl, 17 years old, attends mainstreaming school from Balashikha, a very inactive girl and tortures all people and beats for no reason, always lies and behaves like a spoiled brat. Nikita is also a Deaf boy, 16 years old, studying in school, there is a problem with his mother and he is in an orphanage, he is very weak and thin. What is the problem?

In that, Nikita's iPhone 6c broke and he took it for repairs, and suddenly Elya told him that she would give him an iPhone 8+, and that he give her 10 thousand ruble, but Nikita did not believe her, because he knows that she is lying brazenly and torturing. So, they met and he did not know that this would happen.

Let's go to Izmailovo Forest, and Elya started the problem, and tells him "where are my 10 thousand?" and he says he left and didn’t take it, because he has problems with his family, and Elya began to be rude to him and treat him terribly.

Elya, she is such a spoiled brat girl that you will start to communicate with her, and then once will start a problem, and the absurd speaks. Also, she steals phone numbers in stores, cuts herself, and beats anyone. So Nikita does not think that to sit in a colony is a terrible feeling. Let's get a lot of views so that the whole world sees and finds out that it’s a terrible feeling to do this to Deaf Russians.

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Deaf Black Women Fight In Public Park

Walmart Store Trashed By Mob Of Teenagers

Deaf Man Kicked In The Head By Passenger

Huge Increase in 'Disabled' Scam in Europe

One-Eyed Deaf Man Fights With The Syrian Army

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Deaf People Share Stories When Signing Drunk

Deaf community of Reddit share funny errors when signing drunk.

Deaf community of Reddit, when are the stereotypical alcohol induced communication errors when siging with a drunk person? r/AskReddit.

Deaf people of Reddit around the globe share funny stories about when they were attempting to sign while being under the influence.

r/AskReddit, what funny stories do you have about Deaf people trying to communicate when you or them were drunk? Share and post on Reddit!

Make sure you like and subscribe:

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#DeafCommunity - #DeafCulture - #DeafPeople - #SignLanguage - #Reddit

Deaf Chat: Best Video Calling App For Deaf

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NOTE: Warning, Deaf Chat app may be a scam... download at your own risk, Deaf Chat app from India and there's none of details/informations on social network such as facebook, instagram, twitter or website, see for urself, DeafChat About.

If Deaf Chat app is actually a scam and the post will be removed.

Related Posts:

#DeafApps - #DeafCommunity - #DeafPeople - #SignLanguage - #Smartphone

Rabu, 17 April 2019

Blessing the Seeds and the Blossoming Year

There is a world I had forgotten. Beyond snow and ice, frigid temperatures and howling wind. That world has been slowly slipping into this one, and over my winter-ravaged spirit, thawing even the most cold-bitten parts of me. The vernal equinox arrived in the northern hemisphere four weeks ago heralding a bright new season, but the warmth of spring has taken its time settling in. The sun that lights up our valley shares space with fast-moving clouds, cold rain, and blustery winds. The eternal early-spring dance twirls on.

Spring rain coaxes out a different perfume from the earth than autumn rain does. The last time my valley was blessed with precipitation that wasn't snow, it was late November and the land had concluded its sickly-sweet dance of dying and rot, putting that haunting season to bed barren and still. The rain returned at the dawn of this month and the earth is rising to meet it, flushing with the sharp medicinal bouquet of greens and yellows. The buds on the trees are growing fat (and in a very few instances, popping open), and the grasses are pushing up from under last year's leaf compost. This is not the sugary scent of spring bulbs and blossoms - that will come soon. This is the hint of ginger and citrus, the pleasant balm of sunlight-awakened earth, that is the first welcome home sign of spring's return.

I am still stirring from my long winter's slumber, stretching and yawning. I've begun walking with my umbrella by the river as the Canada geese pair off and gorge themselves on the new grass on the path. The sheep have lambed at the small farm beneath the hill and the little ones race around their mothers. Crows soar past carrying nesting material in their beaks. The last of the snow melted away from the shadowy corners of my yard only two weeks ago, and now I'm keenly aware of how much work I have in order to clean up all the garden beds for the new growing year. It will move fast now that the cold season has finally loosed its grip.

This year I am making more of an effort to watch the moon and charting the astrological signs so I might put the age-old wisdom of well-timed planting to good use. I have my trusty Old Farmer's Almanac and a journal to mark this year's experiments, successes, and inevitable failures. My peas and lettuces went into the ground under the waxing moon in Cancer last Friday, and I'm hoping to get some spring flowers in today or tomorrow while the moon is lingering in Libra. (I've long planted under the particular moon phases, but I've never been especially vigilant about planting under specific signs.)

If you too want to give your crops a leg up, why not try to correspond your planting and tending to the moon's movement through the constellations? Here's a quick and easy list for reference, or you can always pop over to the Farmer's Almanac site and check in on their moon planting calendar each month.

ARIES (head & face): Dry and barren. Never plant. Best sign for plowing, tilling and cultivating.

TAURUS (neck): Earthy and moist. Plant here to withstand a drought. Excellent for root crops and okay for crops above the ground and flowers. 

GEMINI (arms): Airy, dry and barren. Destroy weeds, kill trees and prepare soil.

CANCER (breast): Watery and very fruitful. Plant here to withstand a drought. Excellent for above and below-ground crops. Time to graft. 

LEO (head): Fiery, dry and barren. Never plant; destroy weeds, kill trees and prepare soil. 

VIRGO (bowels): Earthy, dry and barren. Destroy weeds, kill trees and prepare soil. 

LIBRA (balance): Airy, moist and semi fruitful. Excellent for flowers (beauty) and okay for above-ground crops. 

SCORPIO (loins): Watery and fruitful. Excellent for above ground crops and flowers. Okay for below-ground crops. Time to graft. 

SAGITTARIUS (thighs): Fiery, dry, and barren. Destroy weeds and kill trees. 

CAPRICORN (knees): Earthy, moist and productive. Good for root crops and okay for above ground crops. Root cuttings and make grafts. 

AQUARIUS (legs): Airy, dry and barren. Destroy weeds and kill trees. 

PISCES (feet): Watery and fruitful. Plant here to withstand a drought. Excellent for below ground crops and okay for above ground crops. Root cuttings and make grafts.  

If charting the moon's course isn't enough magic for you, there are a variety of folk charms, historical customs, or familial traditions that you can employ while preparing your gardens for the new growing season. 

* Ask the elders around you what practices were their favourites for successful growing. My 86 year old friend swears that you must bury a fish beneath your tomatoes and pumpkins for the best possible harvest (I prefer to use a good quality fish fertilizer).

* If you created a corn or wheat dolly last summer or autumn you can put it to bed in the garden or field now to re-plant the spirit of that fetish back in to the earth. Some folks will burn or bury their dolly upon creating a new one each year. You may have your own charms or magics to tuck in your garden as the growing season begins. Perhaps you've written out petitions of things you'd like to come to you slow and steady as the spring progresses, or you may bury a coin or two with the beans in the hopes of 'growing' your bank account. 

Wildlife-safe, biodegradable or retrievable offerings to the land can be made at the start of your growing season and/or throughout the year. I routinely share local wine with my gardens and their good spirits, and chocolate-free cookies or cake make their way into a specific corner of the perennial garden to keep myself on the sweeter side of the mischievous creatures that wander by that shade-dappled place full of strange, flickering lights in the dark, and odd volunteer plants.

* There are a number of seed-sowing charms and songs.  The Consecration of the Seed from the Carmina Gadelica is a beautiful example. Children's gardening songs are easily found - often creatively crafted to the tunes of older songs a child has learned. I create my own as I move through each variety I'm planting. It's a delightful trance to be in, singing or chanting to the seeds as you tuck them into the earth, wishing them fruition.

The old saying "one for the rook and one for the crow, one to die and one to grow" has many incarnations and is found all over North America and abroad. Being generous with your seeding was wise as it meant more chance of germination, especially when planting seeds near the surface of the earth where hungry critters could nibble them up. In a similar bent, "two for the devil and one for the garden" speaks to successive sowings of plants that might be finicky about sprouting. Sometimes this is temperature related (sowing too early) or might be a result of sub-par seed stock, or simply a crop that takes its sweet time germinating.

* Special days, hours, or time markers that have meaning can be worked into your planting rituals. In different regions, towns, or even spiritual communities there are sometimes special days/times that signal optimal planting opportunities. Perhaps you always plant a certain flower or herb on a beloved's birthday. In my valley we consider the May holiday weekend the safe-zone to begin planting crops that are less cold-hardy. Good Friday was once considered a beneficial day to plant as the devil was thought to be powerless on this date. (Of course, this is going to depend on your climate.)

Sowing above-ground crops as the day dawns or as the hands on the clock work their way up (from 6 to 12) might be how you symbolize your wish for the plants to grow tall and strong, and planting root crops in the waning hours of the day or when the clock hands are moving downward may bring to mind healthy tubers reaching deep into the earth.

However  you bless or begin to plant this year's gardens or patio pots or wee windowsill terrariums, I am wishing you the utmost joy as you step into spring and the blossoming year!

Sweet month thy pleasures bids thee be
The fairest child of spring
And every hour that comes with thee
Comes some new joy to bring
The trees still deepen in their bloom
Grass greens the meadow lands
And flowers with every morning come
As dropt by fairey hands

- John Clare, The Shepherd's Calendar, "April"

Sabtu, 13 April 2019

Jehovah's Witnesses Targeting Deaf People

Why are annoying Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers so disrespectful to Deaf people, the community around the globe.

This blog actually get the public's attention as the Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers has gone viral on social media platform in Deaf community.

Deaf people should be aware and educated about the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Their method of proselytism involves a door-to-door Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) tactic which is really annoying. The rest of sign language JW's behaviour also follows similar patterns. JW are so awkward with little to no unawareness of social cues. If you confront them, they get all defensive and act all innocent. There's no middle ground with them. But why? The totalitarian, hierarchical structure of their organization is attractive to the socially inept as targeting the Deaf community.

Watch in ASL - Regan Thibodeau was Live, #Comments on Facebook.

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

Practitioners of a particular religion probably spend most of their time with each other, so the way they treat each other is an indication of how they treat others. When a leader (governing body members) can tell his followers what he can do without being questioned, he tends to lack empathy due to lack of feedback. The followers also lack empathy since they mirror the behaviour of their leader.

A former Jehovah Witness, who is a Child of Deaf Adult (CODA) brief story and explain why Jehovah’s Witnesses recruiting the Deaf in ASL on YouTube.

Jehovah's Witnesses are indoctrinated with the idea that everyone who is not part of the religion is going to be destroyed in Armageddon. They believe that this will happen any moment. To them, you are as good as dead already.

Here's an explanation: Why Jehovah’s Witnesses Recruiting The Deaf?

However, Deaf people have not heard of Jehovah's Witnesses actually destroying property. The Deaf association would advise you to call the authorities. Police involvement and any kind of negative publicity may get them away from your door permanently. The "elders" in their congregation will not want any further incidents that will reflect badly on Jehovah's Witnesses corporation.

Otherwise, the Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers are still so stubborn and disrespectful to Deaf people's will as well.

The Deaf community have to do something with the annoying Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers such as to set up the petition, or contact the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), the Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD), the association of the Deaf in your local area to complaint as a file the statement of claim for a class-action lawsuit against the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Barbara Anderson a former Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower secretary tell everything about JW's dark secret: Jehovah’s Witnesses Recruiting The Deaf.

Barbara Anderson was a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses from 1954 through 1997. She worked at Watchtower’s headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, from 1982 to 1992 where during her last four years there, she researched the movement’s official history (published in 1993) and did research as well as wrote a number of articles for their Awake! magazine. While working in the organization’s Writing Department, Barbara discovered that the Watchtower organization covered up child sexual molestation committed by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Rather than becoming discouraged over this discovery, she became a champion for change. This issue caused her to exit the religion and eventually become an outspoken critic of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ sexual abuse policies that she’s extensively researched: Barbara Anderson's Watchtower Documents.

Everyone should be aware and educated about the JW org:

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

What countries have banned Jehovah's Witnesses? Benin, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Canada, Eritrea, France, Georgia, Germany, Singapore, Vietnam, Russia and many Muslim-majority countries: Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses.

JW org is a cult - Jehovah Witnesses - A False Religion?

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

If you want Jehovah's Witnesses to go away from your home, here are simple and easy tips to help you - How to Have Jehovah's Witnesses Go Away.

The Jehovah's Witnesses familiar within the Law of Moses and the Islamic holy book, the Quran/Koran, as well as various thereon. It is so sadistic quotes Jehovah's Witnesses bible - they really are fearful for the future of humanity when Jehovah's Witnesses allow such old Barbaric practices to continue. Beware the cult-like control and abuse of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Watch in ASL - JW, I'm watching you!, #Comments on DeafVIDEO.TV.

Watch in ASL - For Tayler: The Supreme Court Accepts the Case, #Comments. JW Elder, Steve Darnell @SDD71's vlog has been removed.

Watch in ASL - Tayler: DeafRead No Longer be Neutrality. You Target on JW, #Comments. JW Elder, Steve Darnell @SDD71's vlog has been removed.

Watch in ASL - Hey SDD71, #Comments.

Watch in ASL - The good JW, #Comments.

Share this blog to your loved ones and friends to aware about Jehovah Witnesses.

Related Jehovahs Witnesses:

Jehovah’s Witnesses - Recruiting The Deaf

Jehovah's Witnesses Targeting Deaf People

Jehovah's Witnesses Tell Deaf People To Stop Masturbating

Jehovah’s Witnesses Anti-Masturbation Video

ASL Terp Experience As A Jehovah Witness

Jehovah Witnesses - A False Religion?

Deaf Christians - What is a Cult?

Philistine Cemetery May Solve Biblical Mystery

Related Posts: #DeafChristians - #DeafChurch - #JehovahsWitnesses - #Religion

Selasa, 09 April 2019

Jehovah’s Witnesses - Recruiting The Deaf

A former Jehovah's Witnesses, Barbara Anderson wrote the article on Jehovah's Witnesses' practice to targeting Deaf households and recruiting them because they're isolated and vulunerable.

The worldwide recruiting attempt of Jehovah’s Witnesses to bring their religious message to the Deaf using sign language can be viewed as something of a mixed bag. While they strive to communicate it using the right methods, they convey an illusionary message that is detrimental in countless ways. The information in this article was compiled from sources who ask that their names remain confidential.

RELATED - Jehovah's Witnesses Targeting Deaf People

Jehovah’s Witnesses international “Deaf ministry” as directed by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., is no small feat because there are over 200 distinct sign languages in the world. It’s their “Deaf ministry” in the United States and the United Kingdom that this article focuses on. Both countries share the English language, but each country’s sign language is markedly different although the recruiting method is basically the same. Here's an explanation:

Just as Watch Tower translators around the world look to the English version of book, article, or scripture in their work, the sign language that most of the Society’s sign language teams around the world look to for guidance is American Sign Language (ASL).

Investigation has revealed that this religious organization has not spared any expense to get their message out to the Deaf, although, overall, hearing members directly bear most of the costs. The Watch Tower Corporation provides low cost DVDs filmed at their headquarters that feature expert volunteer sign language translators signing the Bible and Watch Tower literature. But expensive electronic systems are installed in places where Witnesses congregate to help the Deaf understand the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses with equipment costs paid for by local Witnesses. Moreover, scouring the cities and countryside looking for Deaf persons and conducting personal Bible studies is done by Witness translators at their own expense.

RELATED - Jehovah's Witnesses Tell Deaf People To Stop Masturbating

The charitable attitude of the Witnesses to aid the Deaf to learn the fundamentals about God is commendable at a time when it is estimated “…that only 1 percent of American Deaf children will attend church as adults and less than 7 percent will ever have the gospel presented to them in a way they can understand.” Christianity Today, January 5, 2011, Do You Hear What I Hear? by Jeremy Weber.

But what are the ramifications of accepting the sign language religious message delivered by Jehovah’s Witnesses? That is the other part of the “mixed bag” that will be discussed later.

RELATED - Jehovah Witnesses - A False Religion?

Media Coverage: Churches in America have, until recently, been ill-equipped to share their faith with the Deaf, yet Jehovah’s Witnesses have been making a diligent effort to share theirs for years. Notice some success stories:

In Accra, Ghana, on Dec. 7, 2009, the Witnesses provided interpreters for 470 Deaf attendees at a convention where nearly 50,000 people came from Ghana, Europe and other African countries. Peace FM Online: Print News, News, Dec. 7, 2009, 470 Deaf delegates attend Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention.

On September 30, 2000, Watchtower’s information site announced the completion of a building in Brooklyn, NY, “the first of its kind in the United States, a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses built from the ground up with the needs of the Deaf community in mind.” All services were provided in American Sign Language. Sermons were given by ministers fluent in American Sign Language, many of whom were Deaf themselves. Under construction was another sign language Kingdom Hall in Washington, D.C. that would join 68 other American Sign Language congregations and Bible study groups in the United States. Jehovah’s Witnesses Official Media Website, September 30, 2000, In New York, worship becomes more accessible to the Deaf.

On July 9, 2010, the newspaper, The Press-Enterprise, in Norco, California, reported that hundreds of Deaf Jehovah’s Witnesses were in the area to attend a convention where about 1,500 people were expected. The article stated that there were 145 American Sign Language congregations in the United States. In addition, the press article pointed out that due to the “growing turnout in Norco,” the Witnesses would have a similar conference in the Bay Area. The Press-Enterprise, July 9, 2010, Olson, David, Hundreds of Deaf, Hard of Hearing Jehovah’s Witnesses gather in Norco for annual conference.

RELATED - Deaf Christians - What is a Cult?

On August 2, 2010, a press release from Jehovah’s Witnesses Official Media Web Site announced that in Russia on July 16th, “more than 3,000 Deaf people from all corners of the country (there are 137 congregations in Russia that consist solely of Deaf persons and interpreters) attended a special meeting and learned that they will get their own Bible in Russian Sign Language.” Further, “All in attendance received, free of charge, three new DVDs containing video recordings of those two Gospels [Matthew and John] Jehovah’s Witnesses Official Media Website, August 2, 2010, Deaf in Russia to get their own Bible.

On August 8, 2010, in Denton, Texas, the Denton Record Chronicle reporting on a Witness Deaf convention in the area that drew around 1,000 said: “The first convention for the Deaf was hosted in the early 1990s in New Jersey. Then came conventions on both coasts, with others following in Michigan and Texas. The denomination has so many Deaf congregations that a new convention is being planned in Chicago.” Furthermore, “The denomination is the first to begin translating the Bible into more than 42 sign language and the denomination has translated the books of the Bible from Matthew to Jude. The translations are on DVDs and available to download…” Denton Record Chronicle, August 8, 1010, Convention draws more than 1,000 Deaf church members to Denton area, by Lucinda Breeding... READ THE FULL STORY.

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

Former Jehovah’s Wit­nesses tell eveything about the JW's dark secret:

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Barbara Anderson Uncensored: Eyewitness To Deceit Book.

Barbara Anderson was a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses from 1954 through 1997. She worked at Watchtower’s headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, from 1982 to 1992 where during her last four years there, she researched the movement’s official history (published in 1993) and did research as well as wrote a number of articles for their Awake! magazine. While working in the organization’s Writing Department, Barbara discovered that the Watchtower organization covered up child sexual molestation committed by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Rather than becoming discouraged over this discovery, she became a champion for change. This issue caused her to exit the religion and eventually become an outspoken critic of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ sexual abuse policies that she’s extensively researched. Barbara Anderson's Watchtower Documents.

The Jehovah's Witnesses familiar within the Law of Moses and the Islamic holy book, the Quran/Koran, as well as various thereon. It is so sadistic quotes Jehovah's Witnesses bible - they really are fearful for the future of humanity when Jehovah's Witnesses allow such old Barbaric practices to continue. Beware the cult-like control and abuse of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Watch in ASL - Regan Thibodeau was Live, #Comments on Facebook.

Watch in ASL - JW, I'm watching you!, #Comments on DeafVIDEO.TV.

Watch in ASL - For Tayler: The Supreme Court Accepts the Case, #Comments. JW Elder, Steve Darnell @SDD71's vlog has been removed.

Watch in ASL - Tayler: DeafRead No Longer be Neutrality. You Target on JW, #Comments. JW Elder, Steve Darnell @SDD71's vlog has been removed.

Watch in ASL - Hey SDD71, #Comments.

Watch in ASL - The good JW, #Comments.

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

If you want Jehovah's Witnesses to go away from your home, here are simple and easy tips to help you - How to Have Jehovah's Witnesses Go Away.

Share this blog to your loved ones and friends to aware about Jehovah Witnesses.

Related Jehovahs Witnesses:

Jehovah’s Witnesses - Recruiting The Deaf

Jehovah's Witnesses Targeting Deaf People

Deaf Christians - What is a Cult?

Jehovah's Witnesses Tell Deaf People To Stop Masturbating

Jehovah’s Witnesses Anti-Masturbation Video

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