Jehovah's Witnesses Targeting Deaf People

Why are annoying Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers so disrespectful to Deaf people, the community around the globe.

This blog actually get the public's attention as the Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers has gone viral on social media platform in Deaf community.

Deaf people should be aware and educated about the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Their method of proselytism involves a door-to-door Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) tactic which is really annoying. The rest of sign language JW's behaviour also follows similar patterns. JW are so awkward with little to no unawareness of social cues. If you confront them, they get all defensive and act all innocent. There's no middle ground with them. But why? The totalitarian, hierarchical structure of their organization is attractive to the socially inept as targeting the Deaf community.

Watch in ASL - Regan Thibodeau was Live, #Comments on Facebook.

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

Practitioners of a particular religion probably spend most of their time with each other, so the way they treat each other is an indication of how they treat others. When a leader (governing body members) can tell his followers what he can do without being questioned, he tends to lack empathy due to lack of feedback. The followers also lack empathy since they mirror the behaviour of their leader.

A former Jehovah Witness, who is a Child of Deaf Adult (CODA) brief story and explain why Jehovah’s Witnesses recruiting the Deaf in ASL on YouTube.

Jehovah's Witnesses are indoctrinated with the idea that everyone who is not part of the religion is going to be destroyed in Armageddon. They believe that this will happen any moment. To them, you are as good as dead already.

Here's an explanation: Why Jehovah’s Witnesses Recruiting The Deaf?

However, Deaf people have not heard of Jehovah's Witnesses actually destroying property. The Deaf association would advise you to call the authorities. Police involvement and any kind of negative publicity may get them away from your door permanently. The "elders" in their congregation will not want any further incidents that will reflect badly on Jehovah's Witnesses corporation.

Otherwise, the Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers are still so stubborn and disrespectful to Deaf people's will as well.

The Deaf community have to do something with the annoying Jehovah's Witnesses door knockers such as to set up the petition, or contact the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), the Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD), the association of the Deaf in your local area to complaint as a file the statement of claim for a class-action lawsuit against the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Barbara Anderson a former Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower secretary tell everything about JW's dark secret: Jehovah’s Witnesses Recruiting The Deaf.

Barbara Anderson was a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses from 1954 through 1997. She worked at Watchtower’s headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, from 1982 to 1992 where during her last four years there, she researched the movement’s official history (published in 1993) and did research as well as wrote a number of articles for their Awake! magazine. While working in the organization’s Writing Department, Barbara discovered that the Watchtower organization covered up child sexual molestation committed by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Rather than becoming discouraged over this discovery, she became a champion for change. This issue caused her to exit the religion and eventually become an outspoken critic of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ sexual abuse policies that she’s extensively researched: Barbara Anderson's Watchtower Documents.

Everyone should be aware and educated about the JW org:

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What countries have banned Jehovah's Witnesses? Benin, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Canada, Eritrea, France, Georgia, Germany, Singapore, Vietnam, Russia and many Muslim-majority countries: Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses.

JW org is a cult - Jehovah Witnesses - A False Religion?

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

If you want Jehovah's Witnesses to go away from your home, here are simple and easy tips to help you - How to Have Jehovah's Witnesses Go Away.

The Jehovah's Witnesses familiar within the Law of Moses and the Islamic holy book, the Quran/Koran, as well as various thereon. It is so sadistic quotes Jehovah's Witnesses bible - they really are fearful for the future of humanity when Jehovah's Witnesses allow such old Barbaric practices to continue. Beware the cult-like control and abuse of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Watch in ASL - JW, I'm watching you!, #Comments on DeafVIDEO.TV.

Watch in ASL - For Tayler: The Supreme Court Accepts the Case, #Comments. JW Elder, Steve Darnell @SDD71's vlog has been removed.

Watch in ASL - Tayler: DeafRead No Longer be Neutrality. You Target on JW, #Comments. JW Elder, Steve Darnell @SDD71's vlog has been removed.

Watch in ASL - Hey SDD71, #Comments.

Watch in ASL - The good JW, #Comments.

Share this blog to your loved ones and friends to aware about Jehovah Witnesses.

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