Kamis, 28 Maret 2019

Deaf Actor Cast As Superhero In DC's 'Titans'

WATCH [CC] - Deaf transgender actor Chella Man talks being cast in 'Titans' as Jericho for DC universe series.

LOS ANGELES -- DC’s “Titans” has found its Jericho. Deaf activist, artist and model Chella Man, who’s transgender, has been cast in the role, portraying the mute superhero who uses sign language to communicate with his teammates.

Man told HuffPost that Jericho has a special significance for him as a Deaf individual who regularly communicates using sign language.

Jericho’s primary mode of communication hits close to home,” Man said via email. “I rarely saw sign language authentically represented on screen growing up, so this incredible opportunity has made my heart soar.”

Titans” cast Man for its second season. Jericho, the superhero son of villain Deathstroke, can possess anyone he makes eye contact with.

Man’s involvement in the series is a win for representation. According to the Ruderman Family Foundation, 95 percent of characters with disabilities are depicted by able-bodied actors in television. The significance of his casting isn’t lost on him. He said it’s “imperative” to cast actors with disabilities for disabled characters.

“Individuals with disabilities have long been misrepresented and underrepresented by all industries,” he wrote. “Casting disabled actors/actresses for disabled roles will aid to authentically represent and deconstruct stereotypes built around our identities.”

Man said that he doesn’t feel any of his traits are limitations and that with his acting, he can exhibit that.

“Take it from a Deaf queer, Jewish person of color who has always dreamed of being a superhero and has now been granted that exact opportunity,” he said.

SOURCE - Huffingtonpost

Follow @ChellaMan:

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Related LGBTQ:

Why Don't Deaf People Believe In Bisexuality?

Carl Schroeder In Gay Solo Action

What It's Like Growing Up Transgender & Deaf

Wells Fargo Ad: Learning American Sign Language

Boycott Wells Fargo Ad 'Learning Sign Language'

Deaf Gay Man's Video Project 'I’m From Driftwood'

Deaf Drag Queen Dazzles DeafNation World Expo

Disability Film Challenge - Passengers

Deaf LGBT Interview In Japan

Deaf Gay Pride 2015 - Maspalomas, Spain

Deaf LGBT Filipinos Sees Rise In HIV Cases

Deaf Tranny Cammi Argues On Facebook Live

Deafies in Drag - Deaf, Latino Comedy Duo

Deafies in Drag: 5 Types of Deaf People

Deafies in Drag: Deaf 101 Learning ASL

LGBT "It Gets Better" Gallaudet University

Virtual Deaf Church: God Is A Transgender

Gay People Walking Through The Street Reaction

HIV Is A Gay Disease. Own It. End It.

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Deaf Canadian Arrested For Child Pornography

Deaf man arrested in child pornography investigation, Niagara police looking for witnesses after Ottawa child porn bust.

SAINT CATHARINES, Ontario -- Niagara Regional Police are looking for additional witnesses in Niagara after the arrest of an Ottawa man on child porn charges.

An investigation into the sexual exploitation of children that began this month resulted in a search warrant for an Ottawa residence, where police there seized computer systems and storage media for forensic examination.

Richard Fortier, 31, is being held in custody in Niagara. He is charged with two counts of making available child pornography, two counts of accessing child pornography and one count of possession of child pornography.

SOURCE - StCatharinesStandard

Click this link for more details: Niagara Regional Police Service News

Sheri Tillett aka shebaby is a close friend with Richard Fortier as she has learned the situation and announced on Facebook.

Deaf Community responses has reacted to a video showing on FB#Comments.

UPDATE: Eric Savage, who is a witness, shared the child pornography from Richard Fortier, Savage tell a story on Facebook.

Who is Richard Fortier aka SuperDeafPride:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/richard-fortier

Twitter - https://twitter.com/superdeafpride

YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/superdeafpride

Share this blog to your loved ones and friends to aware about Richard Fortier.


Richard Fortier is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information posted on this website. However, Deaf YouVideo does not not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the content of this website. Names may be similar or identical to other individuals.

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Redeafination - Deaf Dancer & Choreographer

WATCH [CC] - Can't hear? Not a problem for this Deaf dancer and choreographer from Redeafination.

SINGAPORE -- Roseanne was born Deaf, and is by nature shy and reserved. But when she discovered her passion for hip-hop 9 years ago, everything changed.

As a member of Redeafination - a dance group for both the Deaf and Hearing, she has found a new way to express herself. Now her mission is to shed light on the misconceptions people have of the Deaf.

“I want to show how Deaf people can also enjoy music and have fun," she says.

More about the series 'This is What I Hear': Four hard of hearing individuals - a boy going for ear surgery, a teenage athlete rising in her bowling career, a young dancer, and an accomplished pianist - let us into their lives to understand the challenges and misconceptions of the world of the Deaf.

Follow @Redeafination:

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Website - https://redeafination.com

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Related Deaf Dancers:

'DWTS' Season 22 Recap Clips of Nyle DiMarco

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A Short Film About A Deaf Dancer

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The Greatest Dancer: Deaf Dancer Chris Fonseca

Redeafination - Deaf Dancer & Choreographer

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Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

US Education Budget Cuts For Gally & NTID

Betsy DeVos' Education Department budget cuts to Special Olympics, Gallaudet University and National Technical Institute for the Deaf.

WASHINGTON -- Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday defended deep cuts to programs meant to help students and others, including eliminating $18 million to support Special Olympics, while urging Congress to spend millions more on charter schools.

"We are not doing our children any favors when we borrow from their future in order to invest in systems and policies that are not yielding better results," DeVos said in prepared testimony before a House subcommittee considering the Department of Education's budget request for the next fiscal year.

It was the first time that DeVos, a wealthy former Michigan Republican Party chairwoman and school choice advocate, had been called before a Democratic-led panel in the U.S. House to explain President Donald Trump's spending priorities.

While proposing to add $60 million more to charter school funding and create a tax credit for individual and companies that donate to scholarships for private schools, DeVos' budget proposal would still cut more than $7 billion from the Education Department, about 10 percent of its current budget. President Trump proposed a $4.7 trillion overall budget this month with an annual deficit expected to run about $1 trillion.

It calls for eliminating billions in grants to improve student achievement by reducing class sizes and funding professional development for teachers as well as cutting funds dedicated to increasing the use of technology in schools and improving school conditions. In many cases, DeVos said the purpose of the grants has been found to be redundant or ineffective.

In the case of the $17.6 million cut to help fund the Special Olympics, a program designed to help children and adults with disabilities, DeVos suggested it is better supported by philanthropy and added, "We had to make some difficult decisions with this budget."

"Do you know how many kids are going to be affected by that cut?" asked U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wisconsin, while also pointing out a recent report by a nonprofit group that concluded the U.S. government has spent as much as $1 billion on charter schools that never opened or they closed because of mismanagement or other reasons.

@BetsyDeVosED is making serious cuts to special education programs Americans rely on like the Special Olympics, special education grants to states, the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, & Gallaudet University.

@MarleeMatlin - Please RT. The benefits of Special Olympics, which I have seen first hand as volunteer are IMMEASURABLE. DeVos proposal to cut their funding will adversely affect thousands with developmental disabilities. Don't let this happen! I support SpecialOlympics.

DeVos has been a longtime supporter of charter schools - independently run, publicly funded schools that typically aren't as closely regulated as traditional schools - and school choice for public school students, arguing that parents should be able to put their children into the schools of their choice and that funding should follow them.

Many public school supporters have argued that government support of charter schools and private schools can undermine traditional schools, which educate most students.

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who is chairwoman of the subcommittee that held the hearing, called the budget proposal "cruel and reckless," saying it "will hurt the middle class and low-income families that most need our help."

"How can you support this budget? I mean that genuinely," she said. "As secretary of the Department of Education, how can you support, even boast, about taking 10 percent away from our teachers and students?"

It's unlikely that any of the major reductions, or any major proposals to boost school choice, are headed towards passage, however. Even with the Republican in the majority in the U.S. House the last two years, most of DeVos' strongest proposals for cuts or spending were turned back. Now with Democrats in the majority, they are far less likely to gain traction.


Related Politics:

Dems Spurn Deaf Candidate Over Allegations

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Why Deaf Americans Fear President Trump

Marlee Matlin Slams Donald Trump ‘Retarded’

Deaf Voters: ‘Retarded & White America’ Rigged

The Ugly Truth About The Democratic Party

Deaf Voters: Why Trump Won

Deaf Voters: Capitalism Versus Socialism

Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

How Sign Language Can Be Dangerous

Destiny Slater is a Deaf 2D artist, creating illustration, animation, and comic who published See You Later, Slater!

Sign Language is Dangerous, Episode 10 of See You Later, Slater! in line...

How Sign Language Can Be Dangerous - Face Smasher, Cigar Extinguisher, Knife Wielder, Eye Poker, ASL Scratch Fever, and Commit Seppuku - Please Sign Responsibly.

NOTE: ^^^Click This Link To Enlarge Comic Images^^^

Destiny Slater is a Deaf 2D animation and artist who published See You Later, Slater! Handrawn frame by frame 2D animation of Destiny Slater using American Sign Language (ASL) to introduce for webpage as a splash animation.

This webcomic contains whimsical autobiography using Deaf-visual perspective to tell story about interactions, three geckos, quirky moments, and some other random stuff that does not make any sense. Deaf community continue to support Deaf talent artist Destiny Slater. Please visit, https://destinyslater.com.

SOURCE - Webtoons

Follow @Slatertoons:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/holygreek

Instagram - https://instagram.com/slatertoons

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Patreon - https://patreon.com/slatertoons

Website - https://destinyslater.com

Follow @Reptonic:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/reptonic

YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/reptonic

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Deaf Friendship - Language Has No Barriers

WATCH [CC] - The touching story about one of the strongest Deaf friendships ever witnessed.

A travel blogger Drew Binsky posted on YouTube channel Daily Travel Vids, share the journey experience, meets foreign Deaf women for the first time.

In non-video making life, Drew Binsky said "This is a very touching story about one of the strongest friendships I've ever witnessed -- between a girl named Amni and a girl named Chia Wei, who come from the amazing country of Malaysia."

"Amni was born with about a 60% hearing loss, but Chia Wei didn't know it until the girls were 21 years old, when Amni had gone almost completely Deaf. As a linguistics major, Chia Wei was already learning Sign Language before she knew that Amni was Deaf and the rest is history. This video as much as enjoyed meeting these girls and hearing their story in real life." Drew Binsky said.

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/drewbinsky

Follow @DrewBinsky:

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Website - https://drewbinsky.com

SOURCE - Drew Binsky

Related Drew Binsky: The Indian Head Shakes Explained


How Not To Be A Dick To Deaf People

Things Not To Say To A Deaf Person

Hearing People Questions Annoy Deaf People

Deaf People Teach Hearing People Bad Words

Deaf People Describe Talking Dirty

Deaf People Teach Hearing People How To Flirt

Hearing Kids Meet A Deaf Person

How To Insult And Swear In British Sign Language

Shit Hearing People Say About Deaf People

Hearing Knows Best - ASL Musical Satire

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Senin, 04 Maret 2019

Deafies in Drag: Deaf 101 Learning ASL

WATCH [CC] - Genuinely funny and hilarious facts about hearing people learning American Sign Language incorrectly.

The Deaf comedy duo, cheekily nicknamed "Deafies in Drag" has been making YouTube videos, which is covering "Deaf 101 Learning ASL".

Many people want to learn American Sign Language and while there are many videos online, the best tips are learn from an experienced Deaf, CODA, or ASL user that teach as a profession and socialize more with the Deaf community.

Follow @DeafiesinDrag:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/deafiesindrag

Instagram - https://instagram.com/deafiesindrag

Twitter - https://twitter.com/deafiesindrag

YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/deafiesindrag

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Deafies in Drag - Deaf, Latino Comedy Duo

Deafies in Drag: 5 Types of Deaf People

Danny Skits Video - Allegations of Plagiarism

Deafies in Drag: Deaf 101 Learning ASL

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Why Don't Deaf People Believe In Bisexuality?

Carl Schroeder In Gay Solo Action

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Wells Fargo Ad: Learning American Sign Language

Boycott Wells Fargo Ad 'Learning Sign Language'

Deaf Gay Man's Video Project 'I’m From Driftwood'

Deaf Drag Queen Dazzles DeafNation World Expo

Disability Film Challenge - Passengers

Deaf LGBT Interview In Japan

Deaf Gay Pride 2015 - Maspalomas, Spain

Deaf LGBT Filipinos Sees Rise In HIV Cases

Deaf Tranny Cammi Argues On Facebook Live

Deafies in Drag - Deaf, Latino Comedy Duo

Deafies in Drag: 5 Types of Deaf People

Deafies in Drag: Deaf 101 Learning ASL

LGBT "It Gets Better" Gallaudet University

Virtual Deaf Church: God Is A Transgender

Gay People Walking Through The Street Reaction

HIV Is A Gay Disease. Own It. End It.

Things NOT To Say To Deaf People

A Deaf blogger Chrissy Marshall shares ridiculous shit hearing people say.

Deaf activist and blogger, Chrissy Marshall also known as The Essential Sign, share her experience as shit hearing people say. Chrissy decided to act out some of the reactions that hearing people have when she tell them I'm Deaf!

Hearing people can have some ridiculous and funny reactions to Deaf people. We literally just can't hear, but occasionally hearing people will freak out, not know what to do, or even run away.

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She hope after this video you have a new perspective on how you interact with Deaf people. Like, share, subscribe​ The Essential Sign Channel on YouTube.

Follow @TheEssentialSign:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/theessentialsign

Instagram - https://instagram.com/chrissym23

Twitter - https://twitter.com/life_laughter_

YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/theessentialsign


Shit Hearing People Say About Deaf People

How Not To Be A Dick To Deaf People

Things Not To Say To A Deaf Person

Hearing People Questions Annoy Deaf People

Deaf People Teach Hearing People Bad Words

Deaf People Describe Talking Dirty

Deaf People Teach Hearing People How To Flirt

Hearing Kids Meet A Deaf Person

How To Insult And Swear In British Sign Language

Hearing Knows Best - ASL Musical Satire

5 Myths About Deaf People

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Deaf Versus Hearing - Eat And Talk

Deaf Pity Versus Hearing Pity

Deaf vs. Hearing - Reaction To The Light Flashing

Hearing People Versus Deaf People

Being Blind Versus Being Deaf

Deaf Community Versus Hearing Community

Living In Between The Deaf And Hearing Worlds

Shit Hearing People Say About Deaf People

Deaf Lifestyle - Oralism Versus Manualism

Deaf Voters: Capitalism Versus Socialism

WATCH [CC] - Why do Deaf Americans prefer socialism over capitalism, they could turn the United States into another Venezuela.

Decades after Capitalism seemed to have triumphed over Socialism, politicians are once again arguing about the merits and drawbacks of these opposing economic systems. Why are we still having this debate?

Andrew Puzder, former CEO of the parent company of Hardee's and Carl's Jr., explains the misconceptions that keep the debate alive.

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Capitalism versus socialism. We can sum up each economic system in one line:

Capitalism is based on human greed. Socialism is based on human need.


No. You're wrong!

So wrong, it’s exactly backwards. And Andrew Puzder will prove it to you.

Been on Amazon lately? Each of the thousands of products Amazon offers represents the work of people who believe they have something you want or need. If they’re right, they prosper. If they’re wrong, they don’t.

That’s how the free market works. It encourages people to improve their lives by satisfying the needs of others. No one starts a business making a thing or providing a service for themselves. They start a business to make things or provide services for others.

Puzder speak from personal experience.

When he was the CEO of the company that owns Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurant chains, they spent millions of dollars every year trying to determine what customers wanted. If customers didn’t like something, we changed it-and fast, because if they didn’t, our competitors would (pun intended) eat them for lunch.

The consumer-that’s you-has the ultimate power. In effect, you vote with every dollar you spend.

In a socialist economy, the government has the ultimate power. It decides what you get from a limited supply it decides should exist.

Instead of millions of people making millions of decisions about what they want, a few people-government elites-decide what people should have and how much they should pay for it. Not surprisingly, they always get it wrong. Have you ever noticed that late-stage socialist failures always run out of essential items like toilet paper?

RELATED: Deaf Voters: Why Trump Won

Of course, this isn’t a problem for those who have the right connections with the right people. Those chosen few get whatever they want. But everyone else is out of luck.

Venezuela, once the richest country in South America, is the most recent example of socialism driving a prosperous country into an economic ditch. Maybe you think it’s an unfair example. I’m not sure why, but okay. We’ll ignore the fact that leftist activists celebrated it as a great socialist success right up until it wasn’t.

But what about Western European countries? Don't they have socialist economies? People seem pretty happy there. Why can’t we have what they have-free health care, free college, stronger unions?

Good question. And the answer may surprise you.

There are no socialist countries in Western Europe. Most are just as capitalist as the United States. The only difference-and it’s a big one-is that they offer more government benefits than the U.S. does.

RELATED: The Ugly Truth About The Democratic Party

We can argue about the costs of these benefits and the point at which they reduce individual initiative, thus doing more harm than good. Scandinavians have been debating those questions for years. But only a free-market capitalist economy can produce the wealth necessary to sustain all of the supposedly “free stuff” Europeans enjoy. To get the “free stuff,” after all, you have to create enough wealth to generate enough tax revenue to pay for everything the government gives away.

Without capitalism, you’re Venezuela!

Andrew Puzder.


Follow @Prageru:

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Related #Prageru:

The Ugly Truth About The Democratic Party

Deaf Voters: Why Trump Won

Deaf Voters: Capitalism Versus Socialism

Related Politics:

Dems Spurn Deaf Candidate Over Allegations

Why Deaf People Will Be Voting For Trump

Why Deaf People Should Obey President Trump

Why Deaf Americans Fear President Trump

Marlee Matlin Slams Donald Trump ‘Retarded’

Deaf Voters: ‘Retarded & White America’ Rigged

The Ugly Truth About The Democratic Party

Deaf Voters: Why Trump Won

Deaf Voters: Capitalism Versus Socialism

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2019

Deaf Protesters Complains of Police Brutality

WATCH [CC] The police took Deaf protesters to the streets in India.

PUNE, India -- Deaf community in Maharashtra has had enough. Pradeep More General Secretary of State Level Association of the Deaf passionately voices the demands of the community.

Deaf individuals gathered outside the Disability Commissioner's office in Pune have decided they will not take no for an answer. It is high time, the government provides accessibilty and quality education to Deaf people.

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The group has decided to march to the Mantralaya to meet the Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in Mumbai, if their demands are not met.

RELATED: Deaf Power Of India: Fight For Your Rights!.

The Pune Police on Monday resorted to lathi-charge to disperse a crowd of Deaf students who were staging a demonstration in Pune, resulting in 35 of the students getting injured in the incident. The cops also detained around 170 activists working for the Maharashtra Deaf Association but later released them.

Nearly 11,000 hearing-impaired youths from across Maharashtra had gathered outside the Social Welfare Commissionerate in Pune near the police commissioner’s office, pressing for their long-standing demands. Among other things, the students were demanding the right to quality education, prevention of fraudulent distribution of disability certificates to able-bodied individuals and provision of trained interpreters for deaf students, reports said.

The police action against the protesters, most of whom were students, was widely criticised by opposition political parties, with many slamming the BJP government for the state of affairs. Meanwhile, chief minister Devendra Fadnavis has ordered the Pune police commissioner to submit a detailed report on the matter by Tuesday morning, as per reports.

The Pune Police had said that it had decided not to proceed with the FIR process against the protesters and hence no FIR was filed. On the other hand, the cops have reportedly claimed that around 7 to 8 policemen had also suffered injuries during the protest... Read More: Times Now News.


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Deaf Power Of India: Fight For Your Rights!

Deaf Protester Beaten, Arrested By Sheriff

Deaf Protesters Complains of Police Brutality

Protest For Deaf Man Who Was Shot By Police

Ontario Deaf Schools: Stands Up and Speaks Out

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Deaf Man Shot, Killed By Louisiana Deputy

Police Shoot, Kill Deaf Man After Order To Stop

Deaf Man Shot, Killed By Oklahoma City Police

Protest For Deaf Man Who Was Shot By Police

Police Brutality: Driving While Deaf

Deaf Elderly Man Brutally Beaten By Police

Police Brutality On A Deaf Man In India

Police Brutality Against Deaf People

Deaf Man Parked Illegally, Slapped Officer

Deaf In America - Black And Deaf

Marlee Matlin On Deaf And Police Interaction

Deaf Protesters Complains of Police Brutality

Deaf Advocates Responds On Police Brutality

Stop Doing That! With Nyle DiMarco

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The Indian Head Shakes Explained

WATCH: A full explanation of the Indian Nod and its varied meanings.

The Indian Head Shakes also known as Indian head wobble, Indian head bobble, or Indian head wiggle. This video is not intended to be offensive to anyone. The video is meant to showcase a religious societies and cultures in India.

What is the Indian head bobble? If you've ever been to India, or spoken with an Indian person, then you may have noticed that their heads move in various directions during conversation. More than a million people have watched a YouTube video which pokes fun at the ways people in India shake their head.

As a foreigner coming to India, it can be very confusing to understand what it means when people are bobbling their heads around.

Indian head shake refers to a common gesture found in South Asian cultures, most notably in India. The motion usually consists of a side-to-side tilting of the head in arcs along the coronal plane. A form of nonverbal communication, it may mean "Yes", "Good", "maybe", "OK" or "I understand", depending on the context.

The Indian Nod: Have you ever wondered what the Indian Head Nod (Shake) was all about? Here's the video to explain what it is all about!

Experiences with other like minded people who also respect and appreciate all cultures, teach you all the awarenss about understanding the Indian head shakes.


Related Drew Binsky: Deaf Friendship - Language Has No Barriers

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Disturbing 'Momo Challenge' Hoax Spreads

WATCH [CC] - Disturbing and creepy, the ‘Momo Challenge’ isn’t a viral danger to children online, but it sure is viral.

People across the world are spreading awareness about 'Momo Challenge'.

If you’re a parent of a young child, chances are that someone on Facebook has sent you an alarming post about the “Momo challenge,” a game illustrated by a disturbing photograph of a woman, in which participants are blackmailed into completing increasingly dangerous tasks.

Maybe that post says that Momo is the latest “trend.”

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Momo was perfectly tuned to set off alarms in the mind of any parent: There’s something online that you don’t know about, and it’s about to kill or traumatize your child. Just one problem: There’s little evidence to confirm that the Momo challenge is real. Although multiple deaths are often attributed to the challenge in warnings about it, none has been confirmed.

The panic over Momo followed a familiar pattern established by other supposedly viral “challenges” - the condom challenge and Tide pod challenge, for example that caused a lot of hand-wringing but few, if any, documented injuries.

The viral spread of this kind of story may say less about the danger these challenges pose to young people and more about the fear that the Internet inspires in parents... Read More: Washington Post.

The Momo challenge is a Hoax:

But the online culture and financial rewards that made it seem feasible are scary.

Everyone worries about their kids.

My kid is two; from the moment he was born (and probably during the few months before), each time I heard about something bad happening to a child, I went into a panicky, sickened research mode, frantically searching for confirmation that the absolute worst had happened and could happen again.

Kidnappings, Monstrous Priests, Car Crashes, Obscure Diseases, Keisuke Aisawa’s Surrealist Sculpture Mother Bird,... Wait,,, What!?

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Aisawa, who works for a company that makes puppets and props for horror movies, made an especially scary sculpture of a bug-eyed bird lady monster that was displayed at a commercial art gallery in 2016; it made its way onto Instagram, then to the bowels of Reddit (which at that point was mostly bowel), to Kim Kardashian’s 129 million-follower Instagram, and today you probably know the sculpture as Momo, the horrible creature who tells teenagers to kill themselves on YouTube (originally WhatsApp)... Read More: NBC News.


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Hurricane Matthew 'Skull' In Eerie Satellite Image

Artificial Intelligence May Kill Us All By 2050

How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages

Beauty Vlog 'You Look Disgusting' Goes Viral

Can I Squeeze Your Boobs?

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