Destiny Slater is a Deaf 2D artist, creating illustration, animation, and comic who published See You Later, Slater!
Sign Language is Dangerous, Episode 10 of See You Later, Slater! in line...
How Sign Language Can Be Dangerous - Face Smasher, Cigar Extinguisher, Knife Wielder, Eye Poker, ASL Scratch Fever, and Commit Seppuku - Please Sign Responsibly.
NOTE: ^^^Click This Link To Enlarge Comic Images^^^
Destiny Slater is a Deaf 2D animation and artist who published See You Later, Slater! Handrawn frame by frame 2D animation of Destiny Slater using American Sign Language (ASL) to introduce for webpage as a splash animation.
This webcomic contains whimsical autobiography using Deaf-visual perspective to tell story about interactions, three geckos, quirky moments, and some other random stuff that does not make any sense. Deaf community continue to support Deaf talent artist Destiny Slater. Please visit,
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#DeafCulture - #DeafTalent - #SignLanguage - #Cartoons
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