Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Hearing People Questions Annoy Deaf People

WATCH [CC] - Deaf people tell you which questions annoy them the most.

Sometimes people ask stupid questions when they don't fully understand something. But a new video about the most annoying questions people who are deaf or hearing impaired get asked is proving how surprisingly tone-deaf people can be (pun not intended).

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In a nearly four-minute video by The Cut, the group reveals the most common questions they get asked, such as, "Can Deaf people drive?"

While this one is valid, since many find it confusing that it's legal for those who are hearing impaired to drive, but illegal for people to wear headphones behind the wheel, many of the other questions were pretty cringe-worthy, as they assumed people who are deaf aren't physically capable of doing regular things.

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"Do Deaf people actually have sex?" and "Can you read and write?" were some of the more bizarre inquiries, while one of the more offensive questions was whether they need a wheelchair.

"People ask me if I need a wheelchair, like when I'm at the airport," one man revealed in the video. "I'm like, hello, I'm standing right in front of you! I just can't hear."

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Earlier this year, a woman from Scotland named Bea, who is also Deaf, shared a similar video of herself revealing the stupid questions she gets asked. In the clip, which was posted by BBC The Social, she proved that her body -- and the bodies of all other people who are deaf or hearing impaired -- are perfectly functional, by brilliantly responding to the question, "How do Deaf people have babies?"

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"My ear's not telling my womb to stop making babies. Just 'cause my ears [are] not working doesn't mean I can defy the laws of biology," she said snarkily.

SOURCE - Huffington Post


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