Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Gallaudet 'Deaf President Now' Movement

The Kojo Nnamdi Show: The Legacy Of Gallaudet's 'Deaf President Now' Movement, 03/07/13 Full Hour.

Since its founding in the mid-19th century, Gallaudet University has been an academic and cultural hub for the Deaf community. But until 1988, the university never had a Deaf president.

Twenty-five years ago this week, students launched a protest on the Northeast D.C. campus, dubbed the "Deaf President Now" movement. The protest resulted in the school's first Deaf president, and helped spur passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act two years later. Kojo explores the legacy of student protests at Gallaudet.

Guests - Gregory Hlibok: Former Gallaudet University Student Body President and student leader of the Deaf President Now movement in 1988; Chief of the Disability Rights Division in the Bureau of Consumer and Governmental Affairs at the Federal Communications Commission

T. Alan Hurwitz: President, Gallaudet University

Fred Weiner: Interim Assistant Vice President, Gallaudet University; Member, Gallaudet University Class of 1983.

Sen. Tom Harkin: D-Iowa; Sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990).

Find more information about the show.

Visit website: http://thekojonnamdishow.org

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