Deaf Canadians On Broadcast TV Commercials

Tim Horton's "A Meaningful Gesture" & Hershey's "Dad's Jokes" Canadian Broadcast Television Commercials in American Sign Language.

Canadian ASL community pleased to see companies in Canada beginning to embrace American Sign Language (ASL) in their commercials. Two examples are Tim Hortons and Hershey’s of the Canadian Broadcast Television.

"Sometimes it's not so easy to communicate." A welcoming Tim Hortons team member makes the difference for Mackenzie and her long-time friend Blair, who together are inspiring change to break down barriers in their community.

Hershey's Canada 44 seconds "Hersey's Dad's Jokes". There’s nothing sweeter than sharing a dad joke. Except maybe sharing a grandad joke & some Hershey's.

Sign Languages are EQUAL to Spoken Languages and this is a positive step in accepting Sign Languages as part of humanity as there are 300+ Sign Languages worldwide. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article.

SOURCE - Jessica Sergeant

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