Kamis, 14 Juni 2018

The Marriage of Spring and Summer or, Listening to the Land

I walked the five-mile length of land often, in all weather, keening my senses to the activity of snakes, toads, deer, and trees on rainy and cloud-filled days, I came to recognize the place of each stone, tree, and being that lived in the area, and my own place within, rather than apart from this sacred terrain.   
- Judith Berger, Herbal Rituals
I am listening to grasshoppers singing for the first time this year. In early spring I caught the thrumming of pond frogs echoing across the river, and have been serenaded by assorted song birds since late winter, but those big old grasshoppers don't usually start sawing their legs until the heat ushers summer in. We are at the precipice now, hastily tipping toward those months of sultry breezes and sweltering, slow-moving afternoons. I've been feeling 'in-between' for a few weeks now. Spring is not yet over, but summer seems about ready to set up camp at any moment. I'm all spun around, but rather contented about it.

It might have been the strange heat storms that were pacing along the valley hills just over a week ago, circling my little town but not pouncing (something we don't usually experience until July). It felt like the hot season had arrived. The temperatures climbed to the high 80's for almost two weeks and we were peeling off clothing and drinking icy beverages. The hard work of planting the gardens being finished, I was able to loll about in my yard weeding here and there, deadheading spring blooms and sipping my morning coffee in the shade while the cats clucked at the birds visiting the feeder. But last night there was a cold wind spinning its fingers through my hair as I moved through the rows of peas and lettuces. The day had been warm though there was just enough briskness to remind me that, despite the feverish tease in the middle of May, spring was not finished with us. My family in Ontario lost half their new tomato plants to frost a week ago and only a few mornings after that, at the eastern edge of my country, startled Canadians awoke to snow. I find myself hanging in the balance, the land I walk upon too far gone into ripeness to call it spring anymore, yet not quite radiating with heat and crackling with summer energy.

As gardeners, homesteaders, farmers, wild folk or witches for whom the turning of the year has a level of importance, marking time and tide is much more intuitive than looking at a date in your daybook and trusting that is when the weather will change and the next agricultural marker will be upon us. Most people live in areas that don't suddenly feel different when the solstices and equinoxes arrive, despite the calendrical announcement that it is the first day of the next season. Whether you are fond of the Old Farmer's Almanac or the Wheel of the Year, there is a still a flow to the way the land and climate metamorphose. Your area will tell you when the next season is arriving. Your trees, local flora and wildlife will give indications of the transitions and you only need to allow yourself to observe and note those messages to feel the tide of the year shifting.

The liminal time between seasons always makes me so deliciously dizzy. I feel almost tipsy, picking up on the increasing buzz of the incoming energies, while giving a nod and a farewell to those still hanging on - watching them dance and melt into each other like tendrils of woodsmoke or streaks of stardust across a meteor-showered sky. While I make note of grasshopper songs, where certain constellations are winking above me each night, and which garden flowers are blooming now, I also plug in to the deeper pulse of my land base. I know where the water is running and where the ponds are shrinking back from their spring flood. I can see the wild plants that are flourishing and tell by the animal signs who is moving through an area. I can feel my temples tighten when a low pressure system is approaching. Our entire bodies are a sensitive gauge that can observe and chronicle our experiences while translating the language of our environment into clear symbols that allow us to connect intimately with the land we live upon.

Start with knowing where you are. What's the geography? Do you live by the sea, in the high desert, in the middle of a great city? How many seasons do you have and how long do they last? What is your FDA planting zone? What animals and plants are natives there and who lived on the land before you?
Treat the land like a new lover. Learn what it is, what it likes, how it is threatened and who protects it. "Land" isn't only soil. It is wind and water. It is history and legend.
-H. Byron Ballard, Asfidity & Madstones

When we are in-between seasons, with one foot in each, feeling neither here nor there, it's good to set your sights on something to anchor you. For me, keeping my hands busy in the gardens or the kitchen calms my whirling senses. I'm a tactile girl, so having a task I can touch brings me a great deal of peace and pleasure. Here are some ideas, based on my own activities and current to-do list, that might assist or inspire as the veiling between spring and summer begins to slip away.

Late spring projects and nearly-summer tasks:

* The spring rains are fading now, so be kind and create a water source or bath for birds/bees/animals.

* While the weeds in your yard are lush and green, harvest them for food, medicine, and magic. (I know you have a good field guide and can identify your plants accurately.) Tincture fresh herb material, dry your harvest for infusions, toss freshly picked young leaves into salads.

* The May and June observances of Beltane and Midsummer are considered particularly fae/otherworldly (even though you can tap into this energy in every month). Have you cultivated a connection with your land and the others that live there? Do you offer gifts or thanks when you harvest or pass through an area? Is an altar, offering or burial place something you might wish to bring into your yard or practice?

* In my area this is the last chance to collect the soft and citrusy spruce/fir tips. Yarrow, wild rose, and elderberry bushes are seen blooming now. It is early berry season, and strawberries, honeyberries (haskap berry) and Saskatoons (service berries) can all be found. The medicinal herbs that are thriving with vigorous growth at this time of year, such as mugwort, vervain, calendula, and St. John's wort show up in folklore and magic as midsummer herbs and are traditionally harvested in mid-June. I'm out wandering the land and my gardens with my basket as often as I can be. My valley hills will begin to dry up soon, and the vibrant plants will fade with the fierce heat of summer.

* Midsummer (on or around June 21st up to and including St. John's Day on the 24th) is considered the height of green energy and there is magic afoot! There is a plethora of folklore on the merits of picking herbs/flowers around this date. I make sure my yearly Florida Water mother tincture is created before or on the solstice, and I purposefully harvest a small selection of midsummer plants for magical work.
For many years it was believed that witches picked their herbs at the summer solstice, and that they did it naked in the middle of the night. The farm women also made a bouquet of midsummer herbs, a summer solstice bundle, from one of the countless versions of nine herbs - a magic number. To increase the healing power of yarrow, wood betony, or other herbs the women peered through the bundle and into the fire and spoke a charm, something like the following: "No boil shall come upon my body, no break to my foot." 
-Witchcraft Medicine, by Müller-Ebeling, Rätsch and Storl

If you've moved recently, or are new to conversing with your land base, why not introduce yourself to people and places that might offer you sources of seasonal wisdom. There are few locales these days that don't have a farmer's market of some kind nearby. Talk to the farmers and herb-crafters. See what is in season and what they are expecting to harvest in the coming months.

Visit your local farm and feed shop. Even if you aren't a farmer there is always something wonderful to be found in a supply store and more importantly you can glean tips, tricks, and seasonal lore from the regulars as well as the person behind the counter. Don't have a farm store around? Hit the garden center. Someone there is going to be knowledgeable about the weather and growing conditions in your area.

Talk to your neighbours or folks who you know have been in your community for a long time. Most people don't mind a good chat, so ask them how the seasons have shifted since their early days in the area. My grandfather would have talked your ear off and told you all kinds of stories about his summers as a boy working in the local orchards (gods, I miss him).

Summertide is calling out a greeting now, with cherries beginning to spill out onto farm stands and snap peas fading to gold (even as the shelling peas still offer up a lovely harvest) and I am trying to taste the last kisses of spring before I run into the next season's embrace. I'll dance a while longer in this delicious in-between, gardening in the soft rain and grinning as the wind tries to make off with my big sun hat. I won't have to wait long for the heat - the grasshoppers are singing it in.

Witch Notes:

The quotes included above are from wonderful books that you might wish to seek out. Judith Berger's utterly charming "Herbal Rituals" is sadly out of print but is available as an e-book. It takes you through each month of the year, and presents the author's observations of the shifting seasons and the herbs and flowers that speak to her at those times.

I can highly recommend Asfidity Madstones, an enchanting workbook (both working with your land and a good helping of magical work too) and Witchcraft Medicine (pages 10-19 speak of midsummer specifically). I also want to point out author Tristan Gooley who has a handful of books on the joy of reading nature's signs (his website is wonderful and you could get lost there happily).

And for those who find themselves somewhat overcome with seasonal tasks and malaise, this is a lovely article about dealing with seasonal overwhelm, from One Willow Apothecaries.

Edited to add:

I neglected to mention a wonderful email-course called Be A Local Witch, from Lady Althaea. I received the course because I'm a Patreon supporter of hers and though I've been running through my own forests and meadows since I was a child I found it a fantastic read with wonderful ideas and actions for a deeper relationship with the land and its spirits.

As for me, I'm currently digging through these gems:

The Enchanted Life: Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday by Sharon Blackie

Six Ways: Approaches & Entries for Practical Magic by Aidan Wachter
(I've read this wonderful book and am circling back through it, marking it with dozens of sticky notes - I'll have more to say about this tome soon! In the meantime, grab it - it's fantastic!)

PS - My apologies to the southern latitude folks, for whom this post will offer little. I know you are moving from autumn into your winter season now and I wish you warmth, comfort, and plenty of hygge!

Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

Danny Skits Video - Allegations of Plagiarism

Controversy: Danny's skits video is accused of plagiarism from Deafies in Drag on YouTube.

The Deaf comedy duo, cheekily nicknamed "Deafies in Drag," has been making YouTube videos covering a range of topics, even they speak out about copyright, plagiarism and cultural which they claims Danny's Skits Video's lack of a unique vision and plagiarism has left Deaf community despondent and rudderless.

The duo's thoughts and speaks out about the "Danny's Skits Video" and wrote the settlement on their Facebook:

"Hello everyone, today I want you to read this carefully: No negativity or insults to anyone. Let's have an open dialogue on how we can prevent plagiarism and cultural appropriation through media.

We want to keep Deaf community accountable: if you see a person copying someone else's content or yours, say something. I applaud to some people for correcting our mistakes in the past, it helped us improve better and I want the same for others with this topic.

Cultural appropriation: a concept dealing with the adoption of the elements of a minority culture by members of the dominant culture.

This is a message for Danny and his mother, we all have tried to ask you to create your own content for years and to please remove that video "Worst Interpreters" and the rest are yours.

For Danny's supporters, please kindly let him know this and hopefully he can produce his own content and style for you all.

I wish nothing but the best for Danny, I just want Danny to do it the right way without harming others. Thank you!"

Deaf community recognized Danny Murphy has numerous plagiarizing videos from Deafies in Drag and Danny's mother Kelly is considered as at least subliminally racism and privilege.

Follow @DeafiesinDrag:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/deafiesindrag

Instagram - https://instagram.com/deafiesindrag

Twitter - https://twitter.com/deafiesindrag

YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/deafiesindrag

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Deaf Cat 'Psychic' For 2018 FIFA World Cup

Meet Achilles, the Deaf Russian cat predicting this year's soccer World Cup results.

SAINT PETERSBURG, Russia -- As football fans rush to calculate the winning probability for each team in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Achilles the 'psychic' cat will be using his cat sense to predict the results.

Achilles, a resident of the Hermitage museum in Saint Petersburg, is currently in full training mode, studying the teams heading to Russia to compete in the world's biggest football championship.

- Deaf Cat Named As World Cup Official Oracle

According to his veterinarian Anna Kondratyeva, Achille's deafmess makes him a better prognosticator than other cats because "he's absolutely unbiased, he's Deaf to any comments from the fans so he probably feels with his heart and a special cat sense."

Achilles will only be predicting the games played in Saint Petersburg.

"He will make his predictions the morning of the game. For breakfast, we’ll put two identical bowls in front of him with cat food and a little flag of the countries playing."

So whichever bowl Achilles eats from -- that's the country that will win.

The white cat with blue eyes wasn't chosen at random, he has a history predicting football games.

Last year, he determined the results of the confederation cup matches played in his hometown. He guessed without a single error the winner for each game, including one that ended in a draw said Kondratyeva.

When Achilles isn't training he enjoys kicking balls in the long corridors of the Hermitage museum and posing for pictures outside in the gardens.

SOURCE - Euronews

Follow 2018 FIFA World Cup:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/worldcuprussia2018fifa

Twitter - https://twitter.com/fifaworldcup

Official Site - http://fifa.com/worldcup

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Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

KFC Employees Mocking Deaf Couple

News: Deaf couple claims they were mistreated by employees at KFC.

BYRAM, MS -- A Byram woman is looking for answers after she said her mother was made fun of for being Deaf by employees at the Kentucky Fried Chicken in Byram. She said her mother and other people with disabilities shouldn't have to choose where they can go eat or be mistreated while they are there.

Bobbie Cole said she and her husband went to the KFC off Siwell Road in Byram Wednesday night. Because she's Deaf, she said they usually go inside, but the door was locked.

Cole said she attempted to order her food at the drive-thru window.

"I said excuse me I can't understand you, I'm Deaf can you move your hand so I can read your lips," said Cole. "She still stays like this."

She said them something happened, that has never happened to her before.

"Then she walks away to the boy that was cooking, he had flour all over him," Cole said. "They both were laughing. I said, 'hey, hey.' She turned around. She said, 'what?' I said, 'are y'all making fun of us?"

"It makes me upset, hurt. You don't make fun of other people who are handicapped or deaf. I can't respect that."

Cole's daughter, Donna Curtis, took to social media to express her concerns.

"No one deserves that, no one," said Curtis. "I don't care who you are, what disability you have or anything, you do not deserve to have your feelings hurt."

We reached out to KFC. In a statement, a spokesperson told us:

"We are conducting a thorough investigation of this incident. The franchisee’s director of operations is reaching out to Ms. Curtis regarding this matter. We believe in a culture of respect for all people and do not tolerate discrimination of any kind."


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Ice Cream Parlour Employs Deaf People

WATCH [CC] - The Brazilian ice cream parlour employs Deaf people.

ARACAJU, Brazil -- A Deaf man has bucked the trend, overcoming obstacles and challenges, to open his own business with an inspiring workplace initiative that breaks new ground for people with hearing difficulties.

Breno Oliveira’s ice cream bar, il Sordo, in Aracaju, north east Brazil, is the first outlet in the South American country where the majority of his staff are Deaf.

Mr Oliveira, 24, who was born with full hearing loss, came up with the idea of opening and running the unique parlour after becoming frustrated at the employment opportunities open to Deaf people.

He decided to challenge the perceptions of what workers with impaired hearing could do by striking out on his own and proving his disability was not a limitation.

Mr Oliveira said: “The idea was to create something that would be inclusive for everyone. il Surdo, happens to be a bar run by deaf people. But it is a shop selling tasty and delicious desserts for everyone.”

SOURCE - Caters Clips

Connect with Caters:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/caterstv

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Official Website - https://catersnews.com

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Jehovah Witnesses - A False Religion ?

WATCH: Is the Jehovah's Witness religion a cult? A former Jehovah's Witnesses' shared experience as a Jehovah Witness.

The American Sign Language (ASL) video of a former Jehovah's Witnesses, exposes organisation as a religion that 'destroys lives' has gone viral on social media platform in ASL/Deaf community and even the globe, literally.

Is your Jehovah's Witness religion cult?

Answer is yes... describing it as a cult that "tries to control emotions, thought, information and behavior of a person".

The Deaf woman, Sherri shared her experience growing up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and how she came to be disfellowshipped/disassociated, also, the psychological effect that the cult's shunning doctrine had on her. That prompted us to dig deeper and deeper, until we convinced ourselves that this could not be the true religion with all its lies. The Jehovah's Witnesses is the false prophets.

What happen when you leave JW org? Here's the step...

1. Research: About JW history, JW doctrines etc.. JWfacts give many facts to show many contradictions of JW teachings.

2. Plan your Exit: Leaving JW org. You decide to disassociate yourself from JW or start to fade away from JW.

3. Protect your privacy online: Protect yourself from JW friends and family being spying on you and getting you in trouble.

4. Get support: Try therapist. If can't afford therapist, get support with FB group called EX-Jehovah's witnesses support recovery 3.

5. Take your time: Take all your time to feel peace and quiet.

6. Expect doubts and flashbacks: Many years of indoctrinations of Watchtower scar your mind and take time for your mind to slowly go away and keep yourself busy.

The Jehovah's Witnesses familiar within the Law of Moses and the Islamic holy book, the Quran/Koran, as well as various thereon. It is so sadistic quotes Jehovah's Witnesses bible - they really are fearful for the future of humanity when Jehovah's Witnesses allow such old Barbaric practices to continue. Beware the cult-like control and abuse of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Here's the useful link for Jehovah Witness who wants quitting the JW org.








Good luck.

Subscribe - https://youtube.com/channel/ttatt-asl

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Jehovah’s Witnesses - Recruiting The Deaf

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Deaf Christians - What is a Cult?

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Jehovah’s Witnesses Anti-Masturbation Video

ASL Terp Experience As A Jehovah Witness

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Should I Cochlear Implant My Children?!

WATCH [CC] - Say what, should I cochlear implant my children?!

LONDON, UK -- A famous motivational speaker and leading FX trader Charning Peters, a British author of "Deaf And Wealth, Peters shares the opinion and thought about the cochlear implant issue for his Deaf children.

Charning Peters encourage people how to overcome their own limitations of success. The professional guide to becoming a successful trader.

Follow @CharningPeters:

Facebook - https://facebook.com/charningpeters

Instagram - https://instagram.com/charningpeters

Twitter - https://twitter.com/charningpeters

YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/charningpeters

Linkedin - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/charning-peters

Official - http://charningpeters.com

Buy a book: Award Winning Author - Deaf And Wealth - The professional guide to becoming a successful trader.

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Jumat, 01 Juni 2018

Passenger Punches Deaf Couple, Service Dog

WATCH [CC] - Video shows airline passenger accused of punching Deaf pregnant woman, service dog being tackled at the Florida airport.

ORLANDO, Fla -- The details of an alleged punch thrown by a passenger at a Deaf pregnant woman's service dog remain up for debate, but new video shows some of the confrontation on the plane and an ensuing fight in the terminal.

Hazel Ramirez and her fiance Matt Silvay - who are both Deaf - along with their two young children and service dog were aboard a Frontier Airlines flight from Colorado Springs, Colorado to Orlando, Florida when they say a passenger punched their 8-month-old service dog, a Great Dane named Zariel.

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An Orlando Police Department report says passenger Tim Manley felt the dog was taking up too much space and irritating his wife's allergies, so he "punched it with a closed fist," causing the dog to yelp and take cover under a seat.

Silvay can be seen standing in the aisle of the plane arguing with Manley, cell phone video shows.

Manley says he considered what he did to the dog a "swat," not a punch, ABC News reports. Ramirez told Orlando CBS affiliate WKMG she and her husband were appalled by Manley's actions.

"So my husband gets mad and yelled at the man to tell him never touch any dogs or service animals," Ramirez told WKMG.

The argument then escalated from the plane and into the terminal of the Orlando International Airport where Manley is accused of punching Ramirez, who is five months pregnant, in her stomach.

New cell phone video recorded inside the terminal appears to shows Silvay shoving Manley to the ground. Silvay told police he tackled Manley in an attempt to prevent him from leaving before authorities arrived.

In the description of the video posted to YouTube, Manley provided his own account of the incident. Here's some of what he says happened:

"They had a very difficult time keeping the dog confined in front of the seat even though since no-one wanted to sit there they had two extra seats. The dog was hyper and got up into the isle while the plane was approaching the landing. Through kicking and pushing the man was able to get it back under the seats though. When the plane stopped moving naturally a lot of people stood up in the isle. I being quite groggy was reaching down in front of me into my backpack. Upon rising up I found I was staring the great dane in the face. I instinctively pushed it away immediately feeling fear and alarm. The man went berserk and accused me of punching the dog, started pushing his hand in my face and kicking me...

Read Manley's full account here.

Frontier Airlines confirmed an incident occurred on the flight.

Neither the couple nor Manley accepted medical treatment

Officers took statements and referred the case to the FBI. Ramirez says she plans to press charges.


Deaf Couple Claims Passenger Punched Their Service Dog on Plane.

There was drama on a plane after a man was accused of allegedly punching a Deaf pregnant woman and a service dog on a flight to Orlando over the weekend.

Matthew Silvay and Hazel Ramirez, a Deaf couple, were traveling with their two kids and service dog on Frontier Airlines from Colorado Springs. The couple got into an argument with passenger Timothy Manley, which started on board the plane as they were getting ready to disembark.

SOURCE - Inside Edition

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Deaf Couple Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide

Deaf News: Man, woman die in murder-suicide in Idaho shooting.

CALDWELL, Idaho -- Four children are without their parents following Monday’s domestic violence shooting, which was the second deadly case of domestic violence in Canyon County in the past nine weeks.

An investigation indicated that Ian S. Stone, 37, shot Jaclyn D. Zabel, 29, and then turned the gun on himself, according to a press release from Canyon County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Marv Dashiell.

“Investigators have determined the incident was a domestic violence situation which elevated to the most severe type of situation and resulted in the loss of life,” according to the sheriff’s release.

Zabel and Stone, both Deaf, and their four children practiced jiu-jitsu in northern Idaho at Bonners Ferry BJJ, according to Sam Brown, their coach and friend.

“The whole family was well liked up here and there is a lot of broken hearts,” he said. “We are all shocked and deeply saddened by what transpired on Monday.”

Zabel’s death was ruled a homicide, according to the Ada County Coroner’s Office. She was pronounced dead at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center around 7 a.m. Tuesday.

Zabel died later Tuesday night in a Boise hospital, according to the release.

The Ada County Coroner’s Office release stated both died of a gunshot wound to the head.

Stone’s last Facebook post, published 8:34 a.m. Monday, expressed turmoil over the relationship.

“Inside of me is broke,” read part of his post, just an hour before the shooting.

The relationship between Stone and Zabel has not been made clear by police.

Two months ago, Stone bid Zabel a happy anniversary on Facebook. “To my beautiful wife, Jacy Zabel,” his post read on March 28. “Want to say happy 9 years anniversary together. I love you so much with all my heart. We been through good time and bad time.”

First responders arrived at 19351 Wagner Road in Caldwell around 9:30 a.m. Monday. Children were removed from the house after the shooting, according to Dashiell. How many children were present and the names of their parents have not been released.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families involved in this terrible situation,” the sheriff’s office release states.

Stone was previously convicted of misdemeanor domestic battery in 2007 after pleading guilty to the charge in Bonner County, according to the Idaho online courts repository. He participated in a diversion program for the charge, according to the repository. In 2015, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor disturbing the peace and destruction of a telecommunication line in Bonner County.

A Meal Train has been set up to support the Zabel family. People can donate money or provide meals.

Brown said he plans to work with the jiu-jistu members to see how else they can help the children and family members impacted by their deaths.

Two months and one day earlier from Monday’s shooting, Kymberlee Larsen, a 22-year-old mother, was killed in a domestic violence stabbing in Nampa. According to the sheriff’s office, Evan C. Bashir, 29, broke into a Nampa house and stabbed Larsen and Larsen’s sister and mother. Her sister, Chelsea Larsen, 27, and her mother, Julianna Flowers, 57, recovered from their injuries.

Bashir was shot and killed by one of two responding Nampa Police officers.

Bashir and Larsen were in a romantic relationship that had been deteriorating for some time, Canyon County Sheriff Keiran Donahue said in a press conference in March.

This month, U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, wrote an opinion piece urging the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

The Act, which was signed into law in 1994, has been reauthorized three times since. It has helped Idaho nonprofits and agencies provide life-saving services to domestic violence, dating violence and sexual assault victims.

The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence reported that in 2016 there were 6,067 incidents of intimate partner violence and 2,063 incidents of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies in Idaho, according to Crapo.

SOURCE - Idaho State Journal

Related: #Deaf Couple

ChatterBaby - A New App For Deaf Parents

WATCH [CC] - Dr. mom creates app for Deaf parents that interprets baby's cries.

Parents learn the cries of their babies, differentiating between hunger, pain and just plain fussiness. Now, thanks to a new app, hearing-impaired and Deaf parents can tell when their infant is wailing and what is most likely the problem.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

The ChatterBaby app, developed by Dr. Ariana Anderson, uses sound frequencies and patterns of silence to interpret what a baby is crying about.

InsideEdition.com's Keleigh Nealon (Twitter.com@KeleighNealon) has more.

SOURCE - Inside Edition

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Bad Lip Reading - "Royal Wedding"

WATCH [CC] - This Bad Lip Reading imagines a very different, very weird Royal Wedding these days.

More than 29 million viewers in the U.S. alone tuned in to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding at Windsor Castle on May 19 -- but not every moment was perfectly broadcast for us to hear at home. Enter the “lip reading.”

In this 'Bad Lip Reading' satire video, the team of jokesters at the Bad Lip Reading account imagines just what’s going down in the dialogue that we missed, from Prince Harry and Prince William‘s head-scratching exchange to an alternative sermon delivered by the Bishop Michael Curry. Prepare for some prime reaction shots, too, from audience members like the Duchess of Cambridge, Sir Elton John and soccer star David Beckham.

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But perhaps the best parts are their recaps between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as they hold hands and take their vows, or as they interact with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. We know he didn’t ask them about their favorite Harry Potter characters, of course -- but you can’t deny that these bad lip readers have done a great job of coming up with alternatives that look pretty plausible in another, weirder, funnier universe.

Relive the royal wedding in an entirely new way with the video, above.


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