Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

The Great October Giveaway - Sabbat Sign

Thank you again for joining me this year, it was a delicious amount of fun for me! I did receive all your email entries and just about gave myself carpal tunnel by writing out all your names (twice, at times). Thank you for making me smile and for digging the books and goodies and folks I've featured this year. Do click through all the photos and links, and track these authors and artists down, too.

My internet dropped out yesterday during our first snowstorm of the season, so I'm a bit late in posting this, but...the lucky soul taking home Aidan's beautiful work is:

Jennifer Larochelle


You know it is coming. Every year. The last day of October. The haunt of all haunts. The motherlode of candy. The scent of scorched pumpkin, spent firecrackers, and the bonfire smoke on the wind. The laughter and the screams of all the little monsters running amok. And all that before you engage in your own festivities. Samhain reigns from dusk on the 31st until sunset on November 1st, and whether you observe the sabbat or simply frolic with Halloween glee, the finale of October is definitely something to celebrate.

To wind up our October fun here at Rue and Hyssop, I've saved the witch's best accessory for last. A striking talisman, Sabbat Sign, created by the marvelous Aidan Wachter. If you don't know Aidan yet, you need to. A superior precious-metal artist, author of Six Ways (soon-to-be-released from Red Temple Press), and just a sincerely awesome person, Aidan has generously offered up one of his sigils to a very lucky trick-or-treater.

I'll let his own words speak for this stunning piece:
The Sabbat Sign came about while working on an altar piece (which also produced the Descent piece). While they contain strong Saturnal and Neptunian aspects, the story they tell is of those who engage in spirit flight, like witches flying to the Sabbat. They also have resonance with Lucifer and the Watchers. They come in two forms, ascending and descending. This is the ascending or upright form...

These next three days are alive with magic and remembrances. Go out into the world and make merry (or make mischief) on your Halloween, Samhain, and All Saint's Day, but have your name in the hat here by All Soul's Day (November 2nd) at 8 pm Pacific time in order to have a chance at gathering up this lovely silver sigil.

Once again, your comment counts as your entry. If the comment form isn't working out for you, drop your name in the hat by using the "contact me" button up top. If you'd like a second chance at this gorgeous piece, please share Aidan's shop, or link to one of his pieces that catches your eye, at your favourite social media site and then stop back here and let me know and I'll put your name in the hat again.

Thank you so much for joining me this year - it's so fun for me to see familiar names flying by each October, and extra lovely to meet new folks. Immense thanks to the wonderful authors and artists that lent a hand this month in making this another enchanting Great October Book (and cards, and amazing art) Giveaway. I could never pull this off without you!

Happy Halloween, and a bewitching Samhain to you!

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop

Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

The Great October Book Giveaway - A Trio of Tarot

The decks will be haunting the halls of the following folks:

Halloween Tarot: Rebecca
The Wild Unknown: Liz D
Santa Muerte Tarot: Johanna

As this most magic of months inches toward a spirit-fueled (or spirits-fueled, if you partake, or candy-inundated, if you trick-or-treat) climax, I thought I'd pass along something to assist with your Samhain divinations. You may prefer to peel an apple in one long piece, and toss the peel over your shoulder to spy the initial of your love. Or perhaps you'd rather place chestnuts or apple seeds in a fire to see if you and your crush are meant to be together. I am hoping that you've grabbed yourself a deck of playing cards to experiment with, but if you are still looking for the predictive tool that feels just-right to you, I might have something to tickle your fortune-telling bone.

My very first tarot deck was The Halloween Tarot by Kipling West. It's the one I still go back to time and again, and is so well-loved that I've always got a new deck on standby. All the readers I knew back when I was just starting out were reading the Rider-Waite-Smith or the Thoth deck (which I think is fabulous too) but I was looking for something I could really connect with. I'm a Halloween girl at heart, a lover of fairy tales and monster stories, black cats and pumpkins, and any kind of ghostly yarn, so when I saw West's illustrations they made my heart leap. It is a Rider-Waite based system, with the suits swapped out for more seasonal fare. Pentacles are pumpkins, swords are bats, cups are ghosts, and wands are imps. Charming and whimsical, but still brimming with the symbolism of the RW and wild fun to read with. (I've learned that it is even a favourite deck of the fabulous witch and reader, Judika Illes.)

Originally self-published in 2012 by creator Kim Krans, The Wild Unknown Tarot was a furious success and was eventually picked up by publisher HarperElixir in 2016. One of the bestselling self-published (at the time) decks on the market The Wild Unknown struck a chord with tarot fans with its stark, nature-based illustrations in black and white with bright punches of colour. (Click through to The Wild Unknown site to see Kim's art.)
The last deck I have to share is a brand new release this month. Santa Muerte Tarot, by Fabio Listrani, produced by Lo Scarabeo and published by Llewellyn has been released just in time to lay out your spread for The Day of the Dead. I haven't even opened my deck yet - it's that fresh!

I have one copy of each of these decks to pass out. In the case of The Halloween Tarot and The Wild Unknown, these are tarot sets that include good-sized guidebooks. We are running out of days in October, so you only have until 8 pm Pacific on October 30th to get your name into the hat!

As always, your comment is your entry and if you are the sort who likes to get an extra entry in you can always share this post around to your favourite social media haunt and I'll add your name a second time. Feel free to send along an entry via the "contact me" button up top if you are a bit shy or if the comment form is being finicky.

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop

Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017

The Great October Book Giveaway - It's All About The Love

The following folks are taking home books:

Embracing Willendorf: Rhi and Danni

Glamour Magic: James and Joe

Love Magic: Dre and John


I had some different words planned in order to introduce this next giveaway, but then a week ago the #metoo hashtag bloomed all over social media. It wasn't the way I had ever hoped to connect with other women. It's not the sort of thing I wish I had in common with anyone. For a great number of years I had a difficult time looking in the mirror. I didn't love myself. I didn't believe I deserved love. I wasn't entirely sure that I was worthy of much of anything. I was wrong. I had believed people that I shouldn't have trusted. I bought into a religious system that told me that I was fundamentally flawed. And I rated my value based on the size of my jeans and whether or not I looked like the girls in the magazines I was reading.

I'm happy to say that most days I don't struggle with my worth anymore. My scars still make me flinch from time to time, but they are a part of me - the maps of my life and experiences. I have such a soft-yet-fierce love for myself for making it this far when there were so many times I wasn't sure I could keep going. I learned to trust my own heart. My own desires. And the deep magic of this strange world - magic that I saw proof of, even in my darkest hours.

For me, it is all about where love lives. First, inside me and for me. Then, as it blossoms and flows out to those around me - friends, family, lovers - and then outward still, to my land base and communities and the world at large. These three books I picked for my October giveaways came to mind a few months ago, long before I was reminded this past week how important self-love is. I'm pleased how perfectly they fit, right at this time.

The first book is by a witch close to my heart. A field guide to cultivating health and well-being, told from a sassy, earth-centered perspective, H. Byron Ballard's Embracing Willendorf: A Witch's Way of Loving Your Body to Health & Fitness (published by Skyebridge Publishing) is a wonderful take on loving yourself and working toward being your most vibrant incarnation.

A heartwarming and giggle-worthy memoir, and a good helping of practical advice on living your own robust life, this book is a truly lovely read. You can find more about Byron (and her blog) at My Village Witch.

The second book up for grabs has just what you need to get your glow on and your confidence working for you (even if you aren't sure you have any). Deborah Castellano's Glamour Magic, published by Llewellyn, is a gorgeous take on the often under-looked magical arte of the glamour (both employing this work to achieve/attract what you want, and to bump up your own morale and spirit).

I've been subscribed to Deborah's fabulous blog, Charmed, I'm Sure, for some time now and I'm mad about her writing style and unapologetic honesty. This book serves up her bold ideas with a side of history and pop culture references that will be sure to make you grin and want to get to work!

Our third book is a charming tome brimming with magic. Lilith Dorsey's Love Magic, published by Weiser Books starts off its very first chapter with "Happiness and Self Love Spells," and though it does offer ideas to capture the attention and affection of a potential mate, I am delighted by the chapters that speak to the myriad ways love is expressed. There are fertility rites and spells to bless your marriage, as well as works that center on honoring your relationship with family, friends, animal companions, and the wider world. This is a spellbook for those who generally shy away from love magic!

You can find more of Lilith's writing on her blog, Voodoo Universe at Patheos.

I have two copies of each of these love-filled books to give away. Your comment counts as your entry. If you are of the shy sort (or Blogger comments are not playing nicely) please feel free to enter your name via the "contact me" button up top. If you want a second chance at the goods, you are welcome to share this post on your fave social media haunt or share some love for Deborah, Byron, or Lilith, and circle back to let me know. I'll add your name to the hat a second time. Please have all entries in by 8 pm on Friday, October 27th.

An email address with your entry is super-helpful (especially if your comment doesn't link back to a site or profile that gives me a way to contact you). You can let me know which book floats your boat if you like, and I'll try to match up books with wishes as much as possible. All prizes generally go out within a week of receiving the winner's addresses (if I don't get too far down the October rabbit hole).

PS - for those that aren't podcast fans and didn't catch the reference, "It's All About The Love" is a blatant rip-off/nod/blown-kiss to The Wigglian Way, a Canadian witchy podcast hosted by the wonderful duo, Mojo and Sparrow.

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

The Great October Book Giveaway - The Witch's Cauldron

*The two books are flying off to Stephanie Clayton and Cathi!*

There is little that is more perfect company on an autumn evening than a good book. Except perhaps a flicker of flame, or wisps of burning incense, or even a warm slice of cornbread straight from your favourite cast iron cookware. This next giveaway combines the delight of a sweet read, and fresh inspiration to work magic with one of the witch's most captivating tools - the cauldron. Whether you prefer to burn petitions in it, cense your sacred space with billows of herb-scented smoke, or cook something bone-warming on a cool October eve, this book will encourage you to attempt new alchemy and creativity with your cauldron.

Part of Lewellyn's "Witch's Tools" series, The Witch's Cauldron: The Craft, Lore & Magick of Ritual Vessels is a spellbinding look at this classic and beloved vessel. Written with charm and wisdom by Laura Tempest Zakroff, dancer, artist, witch, and author, this engaging tome is sure to make you take a second look at the cauldron tucked into the back of your altar. History and lore, recipes and spellwork, and Laura's own system detailing nine uses of the cauldron, are just a taste of the many paths she (and a few guest authors) lead us down.

From the publisher:
The Witch’s Cauldron shows you the ins and outs of one of the most iconic tools in Witchcraft. Learn about the cauldron’s role in lore and mythology, its development through the ages, and old-world witchery. Discover how to choose, personalize, and care for your cauldron, and find unconventional ones already in your home. This entertaining book also features advice and spells from well-known writers, helping you delve into the endless possibilities for using a cauldron in your practice.

This book is a bewitching read and I've got two copies to give away - signed by the lovely author, no less! As always, your comment is your entry. If you'd like to share this post, or share some love around for Tempest, then pop back and let me know and I'll add your name to the hat again. I'll be drawing for these books on October 21st at 8pm Pacific. Please ensure that there is some way for me to contact you if you win. If you are of the more private sort or the comments aren't playing nice with you, you can toss an entry in via the "contact me" button up top. (Though I haven't had the time to reply to each message that comes in, you should know that I have been getting everyone's entries!)

Please find the enchanting Laura Tempest Zakroff here:

Her blog on Patheos, A Modern Traditional Witch
Her blog on Witches & Pagans, Fine Art Witchery
Her interview with Chris and Tara of Down at the Crossroads

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017

Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally 2018

WATCH: Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally at U.S. Capitol in Washington the District of Columbia on March 8th, 2018.

WASHINGTON -- The Deaf Grassroots Movement is an organization that pushes for Deaf rights, such as an end to discrimination in jobs and education and to provide equal access as facilitate an historical nationwide civil rights event to bring awareness to the Deaf community and to issues with access to communication, educational barriers and employment discrimination.

Related: Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally 2018 Highlights

Sean Markel, the chairperson for the Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally on March 8th, 2018. We will be marching from Gallaudet University starting at 1030am all the way to here, at the United States Capitol, there will be a platform, with microphones and ASL interpreters. There will be chairs provided for the rally attendees as well.

As of today, Markel have put together a total of 14 presenters including 3 Senators, he will give information on their names, their positions, pictures for those who will be here to speak, and they will be speaking for up to 10 minutes each. You may ask, what's the rally for? We are Deaf and we are coming here to show the legislators that we exist, to raise awareness about the struggles we face on a daily basis in our lives, such as communication accessibility, education, and jobs, employment.

He have spoken with several legislators, the U.S. Capitol Police, and we have discussed the rally. Now, there are rules for the rally, you can bring signs, but you cannot have wood sticks for the signs, its illegal, be proud, be friendly, enjoy the occasion so we can show our Deaf spirit.

Just walk, stay calm, be courteous when you're here at U.S. Capitol, the legislators are willing to listen to your message, it's really important that we educate them, for years and years, the Deaf community has been complaining about a lot of things and it's time that we come and let them know.

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) has been working hard for years too, we need to show gratitude and thank them for their advocacy on our behalf. They have accomplished in some improvements, but for other issues, it continues to be a struggle and this is why we must all come together and rally.

The Senators and Representatives will listen, in the long term it will be good for us, to raise issues such as defending our rights, stop oppressive tactics, and remove misconceptions about Deaf people.

DGM and NAD are working together on legislative training on March 7th, NAD will be providing the training and Gallaudet University will give us a meeting room. He is working on getting State Associations and DGM State Representatives to come, up to 100 people, the training will be all day and then the next day on March 8th on Thursday, after the program at the rally, about 2 hours, the State Associations and DGM State Representatives will go see their Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Capitol.

Those who are interested to attend the legislative training, please let Wesley Arey know. For those who are in State Associations, please contact NAD President, Melissa Draganac-Hawk. In the long term, the Senators and Representatives will appreciate our initiative to raise awareness about our issues, especially in Communication Accessibility, Education, and Employment. Please save the date, come to support the root cause of the Rally, US, the Deaf Americans! See you all there on March 8, 2018.

We're still facing inequality access of opportunities as hearing people does. We will not fight as individuals. We will fight as a team to make a change.

Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally! Be there on March 8th, 2018.

SOURCE - Sean Markel

Follow @DeafGrassrootsMovement:

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Related #DeafGrassrootsMovement:

Deaf Grassroots Movement - National Deaf Rally

Deaf Grassroots Movement Nationwide Rally

Deaf Alaskans Rally For Equality In Anchorage

Deaf Grassroots Movement at Alabama Capitol

Deaf Grassroots Movement at Oklahoma Capitol

Deaf Grassroots Movement at Nebraska Capitol

Deaf Grassroots Movement at Maine State Capitol

Deaf Grassroots Movement at Florida State Capitol

Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally at RI State House

Deaf Grassroots Movement at Idaho State House

Deaf Advocates at the North Dakota State Capitol

Deaf Advocates at the Massachusetts State House

Deaf Rallies at the Connecticut State Capitol

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

'I Love You' Sign Is Now An Emoji

“Apple is preparing a new emoji for saying 'I Love You' in ASL

CUPERTINO, California -- _\,,/, the gesture for “I love you” in American Sign Language, shown as a raised pinky (little) finger, index finger, and an extended thumb. Love-You Gesture was approved as part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017 under the name “I Love You Hand Sign” and added to Emoji 5.0 in 2017.

Apple has revealed an array of new emoji that will come to iPads and iPhones with the upcoming introduction of iOS 11.1.

-- Petition | 'I Love You' ASL Handshape Emoji

In all likelihood, one of the most popular will be the “I Love You” gesture--a hand with the middle two fingers curled in and the pinky, forefinger and thumb stretched out. This is a gesture that moved from deaf culture into the mainstream several decades ago, having been derived from the American Sign Language sign for “I Love You.”

It’s also very close to the so-called “devil horns” gesture used by fans of heavy rock, which differs in that the thumb is curled in rather than extended (and which has its own, separate emoji). Indeed, the similarity is such that KISS star Gene Simmons tried earlier this year to trademark the “I Love You” gesture as his own devil-horns variant, before changing his mind in the face of heavy criticism.

Other notable additions to Apple’s emoji roster include a depiction of a woman wearing a headscarf, an image representing breastfeeding, a zombie, someone in the lotus position, foodstuffs ranging from sandwiches to broccoli, and--just in time for winter--clothing items such as scarves and gloves.

Of course, Apple doesn’t come up with these ideas itself--they are just the company’s own spin on emoji that are approved by the Unicode Consortium in order to let people send symbols between different communications platforms while retaining their meaning.

Apple will probably release iOS 11.1 sometime in the coming month. Apart from introducing new emoji, the beta version of the software update is reportedly being used to test out the new Apple Pay Cash person-to-person payment platform.

SOURCE - Fortune

I Love You Sign Language Emoji, download from Request Emoji.


Petition | 'I Love You' ASL Handshape Emoji

'I Love You' Sign Is Now An Emoji

The World's First Public Deaf School in France

WATCH [CC] - Deaf History: The world's first public Deaf school: Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris.

PARIS, France -- Calvin Young, a Deaf traveler known as Seek the World on YouTube channel, exploring the world to discover and share amazing story about the world's first public Deaf School in Paris the romantic city.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

After the death of PĂšre Vanin in 1759, the AbbĂ© de l'ÉpĂ©e was introduced to two Deaf girls who were in need of a new instructor.

The school began in 1760 and shortly after that was opened to the public and became the world's first free school for the Deaf. It was originally located in a house at 14 rue des Moulins, butte Saint-Roch, near the Louvre in Paris.

On July 29, 1791, the French legislature approved government funding for the school and it was renamed: "Institution Nationale des Sourds-Muets Ă  Paris."

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

The Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris, has an incredible timeline that reveals the parallel history of Deaf and Hearing successes such as in establishing a school, obtaining a red badge--highest honor badge--while the other hearing people succeed in war, goes on in the same time-line.

It's an awesome idea. I think every Deaf school should do the same thing!

Visit for more information at

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Related Seek The World:

Seek The World, A Deaf Adventurer

INSIDER: Calvin Young, Deaf World Traveler

Seek The World: INES - Brazil's First Deaf School

Signing Merry Christmas In 57 Sign Languages

Signing Happy New Year in 76 Sign Languages

The World's First Public Deaf School in France

The Story of Katrina Deaf Survivor

Museum of Deaf - History, Arts & Culture

Deaf Haunted House Story 'Nightmare Factory'

Erik Jensen - The Deaf Keyboard Muralist

Dal's Poke - Canada's New Deaf Restaurant

Related Posts: #DeafTravel -- #DeafTravelers

Related Documentary:

Life and Deaf - BBC4 Documentary

Through Deaf Eyes - Documentary Film

Related Posts:






Deaf Girl Receives Doll Who Wears Hearing Aids

WATCH: This is the adorable moment a Deaf five year old girl received a doll just like her with hearing aids.

SYDNEY -- Abbi Keating, from New South Wales, Australia, lost her hearing at two years old - something that baffled doctors as she also stopped talking.

Her mum, Amy, 31, was devastated but quickly ensured her daughter was fitted with hearing aids and later underwent an operation to have a cochlear implant fitted - an electronic device that replaces the function of the ear.

Abbi longed for a doll just like her and spent hours drawing hearing devices onto her dolls with pen.

SOURCE: Cater Clips

Connect with Caters:

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Related Article: The face of happiness: Little girl, 5, with cochlear implants receives a doll with hearing aids - after spending years drawing them on her old more at Daily Mail.

Related Cochlear Implant:

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

Violation of Human Rights: Forcing A Deaf Child to Wear CI

VICE News: Deaf Culture 'Signs of Change'

Deaf Adopted Child To Force On Cochlear Implant

Deaf Girl Dies of Bacterial by Cochlear Implant

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

University Killing Deaf Kittens For CI Research

Deaf Cats In Cochlear Implant Research

The Great October Fetch Giveaway

Thank you all for playing along, this round! Mr. John D. Jackalope is going home with:


October is known for entertaining marauding creatures, dressed sharply (or scantily) in the guise of their favourite mythical beings and otherworldly monsters. As the daylight hours fade and the earth gives up its last fiery show, this month feels inspiring for letting your most fetching fantasies come to life. In this next round of trick-or-treat, I have the perfect beast to help you navigate through this month of magic, and beyond. Is he a fetch, a cryptid, a poppet, a spirit house, or simply a bewitching guide on how to look good while finding your way through these October eves? The winner will get to decide.

In the words of his enchanting creator, Polly Lind:
"Introducing Mr John D. Jackalope, Star Path Navigator, Guide and Fetch extraordinaire.  He is a magician with the extraordinary ability to interpret and navigate the universal truths of both the world and the spirit realm. With his bag of ancient, star charts, spirits maps and bottles of strange substances, Mr Joh D works with the planetary pathways, stars and magic to take you deeper into the universal realm of spirits and deities.

Mr John D, is a fetch from the mythical Jackalope family. The Jackalope family are star navigators, and sky gazers.  They have the magical abilities to travel not just the spirit pathways of this world but can also travel the spirit pathways of the universe.  It is said that, in times gone by, the Jackalopes once served the Queen of England. "

Polly is an exceptional fabric artist who has cultivated her talent through many years of practice. She is as magical as she is accomplished in her art, and practices her own spirit-led work alongside her fascinations of needle and thread. I spotted her gorgeous art panels a few years ago which are highly sought after, but I was so curious about what inspired her to form these charming figures.
"Fetches Fairies and Poppets came into being because I wanted to create magical creatures of folklore and urban myth, and figures that could house their spirits.  And that they could become guardians and guides, while also being beautiful pieces of artwork, with exquisite magical detail, such as maps, books and the like.  I love creating these wee Fetches, Faeries and Poppets and sending them on their journeys around the world."

Mr. John D Jackalope is 56cm (approx 22 inches) from feet to handsome head, plus approx 10cm (4 inches) of antlers, and comes with his own satchel packed with materia magica. If you'd like to get your hands on him, simply leave a comment below or add your name to the hat via the "contact me" button up top. If you want to get your name in the draw a second time, just share the love of Polly's beautiful work in some fashion and let me know so I can add you again. I'll draw the name of his new housemate on Monday, October 16th at 8pm Pacific.

Please do visit Polly in all her assorted spots around the interwebs!

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop

Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

The Great October Book Giveaway - Cards and Cartomancy

The following folks are taking home cartomancy prize-packages:

lillie8302 - 54 Devils and the Sleepy Hollow cards
Tessa - 54 Devils and the Midnight Calaveras cards
dampviolets - Kat - Fortune Telling Using Playing Cards and the Bone Riders deck

Tonight the clouds are racing across the moon, and the wind is just substantial enough to send a ghostly kiss along the back of your neck. It is a delightful night for divination. After all, who doesn't want to know what the deeper recesses of October will offer up?

What will help you tell your tales then? What tools will you unwrap from silk cloth to answer your questions? You could throw the bones, or your own magpie collection of charms and oddities. You could scry into flame or water or black bowl. You might shuffle the Tarot. could take out that innocuous deck of playing cards you rarely use anymore, and try an age-old system of prophesying with pips and royals.

On a recent trip, while languishing in an airport during an extra-long layover, I realized that I had forgotten to pack the tarot deck I wanted to bring with me. I found a deck of playing cards in one of the terminal's shops and sat down to whip up a quick divination system that I knew I could remember and work with. Much of the system I mashed together in that airport was inspired by the work of Cory Thomas Hutcheson of New World Witchery fame. His wonderful book 54 Devils: The Art and Folklore of Fortune-Telling with Playing Cards, is a concise and fascinating look at his own system of reading with the cards. He offers a glimpse at some intriguing folklore, as well as illustrating a very clever way of formulating a story with your cards by applying fairy tales. I gave a few copies of this book away when it was first published in 2013, and since it has proven itself so wildly useful to me I wanted to share it with you again.

And just to toss some variety into the cauldron, a second cartomancy book focusing on making use of your dusty old poker deck, is also up for grabs. Fortune Telling Using Playing Cards, by the late Jonathan Dee, an astrologer and clairvoyant, adds astrological associations and symbolism to the meanings of the cards. I've got two copies of 54 Devils to pass along, and one copy of this lovely guide.

 You don't think I'd leave you without cards to use, did you? Forget your shuffled-to-oblivion bridge deck or your gin rummy cards that might actually have a bit too much gin or rum spilled on them. Let's get you started with a crisp, new package of cards with a bit of October flair.

I have two incredibly fun, spectral decks from Art of Play to pass along (and both are sold out on their site now, unsurprisingly*). The Bone Riders deck and the Sleepy Hollow cards are up for grabs, and I have one pack of Midnight Calaveras playing cards from Dead on Paper for someone very fortunate. Any one of these decks are sure to add some Halloween spirit to your readings.

Each one of the three winners in this giveaway will receive one of the above books and one deck of cards. The three names will be drawn on October 11th at 8 pm Pacific time. The winners will be notified by email and their names will be added to the top of the post, and then we will carry right along with the next bit of mischief.

Your comment here counts as your entry. If you'd like to share this giveaway on your favourite social media platform or any number of other ways (blog, sky-writing, email-spam (don't do that)) feel free to swing back around and let me know and I'll toss your name into the witch's hat a second time. There are a few reasons the comments form may not work for you (it does require some vague form of verification so I don't get gremlins) so if you have difficulty or are terribly shy, then just pop me a note via the "make contact" link at the top and I'll add you in. Please make sure there is an email address attached to your entry or linked to your comment in some way so I can be in touch if I draw your name.

*Decks are restocked at Art of Play

Top photo is my own. All other photographs are linked back to their source and are property of and copyright to those sources and only employed here to display their product.

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017

The Great October Book Giveaway - Haunting Herbals

**The following folks are taking home books:

Melody - Alchemy of Herbs
Jessica - The Witching Herbs
Aidan - Under the Witching Tree

The time has come again, good friends, to gather up your cup of cocoa (spiked or not, 'tis your choice) and join me by the fire for some autumn cheer. Seven years ago this month, I passed along two books to kind folks who had been stopping by this blog to read my words and now, after eight years of blogging, I am sitting here staring at a glorious stack of tomes and other treats to hand out as October blossoms and then deepens into the ambrosial (and devilish) days we love so well.

This yearly event is my way of offering to those who have come by my blog, a warm hug (or a remarkably good cup of coffee if you aren't a hug-person) and a thank you for keeping me company on this delightfully strange blogging adventure. Whether we bump into each other here, somewhere on social media, or out in the physical world, I think the world is infinitely cooler with you in it, and my little corner of it wouldn't be the same without you.

Shall we get up to some mischief now?

The first grouping of books tells of my mad love for plants. Being a gardener, a witch, a backyard herbalist, and a wild-woods-wandering soul, I can't get enough of beautiful herbals and informative field guides. These three books will give you information on growing and working with magical plants, employing herbs for health and well-being, and delving into the enchanting world of trees and their deep magic.

Rosalee De La ForĂȘt, a wonderful herbalist and a prolific writer on the Herb Mentor site, has put together a gorgeously curated tome of useful and accessible herbs and spices that would be a beautiful addition to every kitchen or apothecary. Chock full of recipes, information on medicinal properties and the energetics of herbs, not to mention some outstanding photography, Alchemy of Herbs has been been a close companion for me this year and a book I highly recommend.

Harold Roth, gardener, artist, and magician behind the venerable Alchemy Works, has put together a devil's dozen of charmed plants that he feels are indispensable to the witch. (I'm rather partial to the chapters on rue and hyssop, myself.) His book, "The Witching Herbs: 13 Essential Plants and Herbs for Your Magical Garden," offers growing tips, recipes, the history and folklore surrounding each plant, and how you might want to employ the plants magically. A truly fascinating look at an armful of charming plants, which would be just as at home on your garden bench as your magical bookshelf. I love Harold's take on these plants and know you'll enjoy this book immensely.

To round out this bewitching trio, I have a copy of Corinne Boyer's "Under the Witching Tree" to pass along to a very fortunate person. Corinne is a folk herbalist, wild-crafter, teacher, writer, researcher, and medicine maker, whose life of working with plants has offered her a unique voice in the realm of herb-lore and historical research. This wonderful book speaks to the traditionally used medicinal applications of trees, as well as the magical benefits they offer. A captivating read for any time of year, but even more so as the trees around us blush with autumn delight.

I have one copy of each of these three books to give out. *Edited to add* You are free to let me know which book tickles your fancy. I can't guarantee you'll get your wish, but I try to match book with folks as much as possible. This first giveaway will be drawn on October 6th, no later than 8 pm Pacific

The important-but-tedious bits:

We are running simple game again this year - your comment counts as your entry. However, if you feel moved to share this around  (either a particular giveaway or if you just send folks my way) you can leave another comment letting me know you shared some October love, and I'll toss your name in the hat a second time.

On the evening of the draw, the winners will be notified via email and their names placed at the top of this post and the next handful of goodies will go up for grabs. Please, please, leave an email for me in your comment if your name does not directly link to you/your website. I can't tell you how many names I've drawn only to find that I couldn't contact the winners. I simply draw again, but it is rather heartbreaking to see the first name get tossed.

There are occasionally some goblins that stop by in October, just for kicks. I am taking down the comment moderation security and we will hope that we skate under the spam radar again this year. Also, Blogger doesn't always play nice with every app, so there are times when you may have to come to the giveaway page directly (not via the FB app, for example) and leave a comment that way.

As always, if your privacy is of concern (it's totally cool if you don't want to admit in public that you enjoy the same reads as I do) or if you simply cannot get your comment in on the current giveaway post for some reason, you can send an entry in using the "Make Contact" button on the top of the blog.

All mail will go out within three business days of receiving the winner's address and will be sent via the most reasonable shipping rate. Please note that your parcel could take anywhere from 5 business days to reach you (in most of North America) to five weeks (if you are in the EU).

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop