Throwing the Bones - A Great October (Book) Giveaway

**The folks taking home the cards, are as follows:

Joel - Shades of Magick Tarot
AlphaBetsy - Shades of Magick Tarot
Thistle - The Oracle of Oddities

Thanks so much for playing along!**

There is a deep sigh that comes upon us when autumn arrives. Some of us feel it in September when the goldenrod starts to lean at an odd angle and the sun follows it, stretching out languidly. Others must wait until October days bring cool, breezy kisses to their skin and the heat finally relents. Here in The Valley, it was late August when the treetops began to blush and the squirrels furiously sprinted around, taking cones and seeds to their winter stores. Autumn has been settling in here for a while. September was truly lovely, but there is just something special about October.

I had much to say about watching autumn come in. I've had a good lot to say about this entire year, the seasons, my gardens, the hills I climbed and the paths I got lost wandering down, but somehow I haven't found my way back here to tell my tales. I have left photos on Instagram from time to time, and haphazardly stumbled onto Facebook, but I found that the most comfortable place for me these past months was Twitter. During a year where I was attending far too many funerals, and digging through my own bones, blood, and marrow, I appreciated having only 140 characters to consider.

Despite the dust that settled at Rue and Hyssop, folks found me all over the place. Some sent messages via social media or email, and some of you left comments on old blog posts because you knew I would see them. I was surprised to find that there were still many people coming by the blog and sharing older posts as well as my two small offerings from this year. It's terribly nice to be thought of and for the record, I was thinking of you too. Though I couldn't quite find my words for you, I still wanted to offer you a glass of sweet tea and a seat in the good rocking chair. And so, as I have for years now, each time I found something out in the world I was quite taken with, I picked up a copy for you too.

The Great October Book Giveaway started with a few books that I gave out as a thank you to those folks that wandered by my little area of the internet and stopped to say hello. It grew to more than a dozen books, often autographed by their authors, and then as the years went by other delights showed up. Wonderful folks offered their talents. I've been wildly honoured by the people who want to share themselves with you. This year is going to be a gentler variation of the event, but not at all lesser than previous years. I still have books to give you (though I did not have the energy this year to track down the individual authors to have them autographed) but I have also picked up some enchanting card decks that I know you'll enjoy. There are two artists who have added truly beautiful works to the goody-bag of gifts to come your way, as well. You'll definitely want to check back this month - there is something for everyone.

First up, are two decks I stumbled across that are blooming with bones and elements of nature. Both are lovely, but so very different.

The Oracle of Oddities - Second Edition, is a 30-card oracle deck created by Claire Goodchild of Black and the Moon. Claire combines vintage medical images and her own drawings of the natural world (or restorations of antique pictures) to form simple yet stunning vignettes. I tore into this deck the moment I had it in my hands and it has become an instant favourite.

Next is a striking black and white deck, the Shades of Magick Tarot, created by Jessica Gore of Elenari. Populated with bones, insects, and crystalline forms, this deck is a unique addition to a tarot lover's collection. I like the idea of pulling cards from this deck to ask of underlying or shadow issues that are showing up - either using just these cards, or overlaying them on a reading from another deck.

I have one copy of the Oracle of Oddities and two copies of Shades of Magick Tarot up for grabs. If you want your name in the hat, simply leave a comment here before 9pm Pacific on Friday, October 7th. If there is one deck that speaks to you above the other, feel free to state your preference. I will do my best to match the names drawn to their preferred deck.

Please ensure that there is a way for me to get a hold of you if you win (if your comment isn't linked back to you then please leave an email address). I'm not going to allow anonymous comments because I get terrible spam if I do, but you can use Open ID or a registered account to comment. Alternately, if there is some reason you are unable to comment, just send me a note (click on "make contact" in the menu above) and I'll make sure your name gets into the draw.

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop.

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