Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

SODAs: Sibling of a Deaf Adult

WATCH [ASL/CC] - Documentary Film: SODAs Sibling of a Deaf Adult.

SODA story to share by Krista Coggins and her sister, Amy Elton. A SODA is a Sibling of a Deaf Adult.

Hearing children who grow up with Deaf siblings have unique experiences. Some SODAs may wish to reach out to other SODAs to share their experiences.

SODAs: Sibling of a Deaf Adult Part 2

Parents Of Deaf Children Encouraged To Learn Sign Language

WATCH [CC] - Parents of Deaf children encouraged to learn sign language.

KENYA -- Parents of Deaf children need to learn sign language in order to communicate with their children.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

This is the proposal by the undugu society of Kenya, who maintain that most Deaf children, especially those from poor backgrounds, live most of their formative years in silence because both their parents and the community at large cannot communicate with them.

The society also faulted the education system for not being accommodative enough to enable effective learning by Deaf children.

Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on http://ktnkenya.tv

Follow us on https://twitter.com/ktnkenya

Like us on https://facebook.com/ktnkenya

ASLized 'Through the Hands'

WATCH [ASL] - ASLized 'Through the Hands'

ASLized fosters the integration of American Sign Language (ASL) educational research into visual media and literacy. The main objective is to produce teaching and learning materials in ASL with two focuses ASL literature, preserving culture and history and ASL Linguistics, promoting a better understanding of the complex structure and use of sign languages.

ASLized - 'Through the Hands'

Signed by Erica Tara Lily Parker

Camera by Andre Otalara

Directed and edited by Sonia Pivac.

Visit for more videos at http://aslized.org/

Direct to aslized/hand video http://aslized.org/hands/.


Deaf Schools 'Home' (VIDEO)

Educate For Hearing Parents With Deaf Children/Toddlers

ASLized: Through the Hands

Creating Deaf Counternarratives With Commentary

No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie Trailer

TRAILER [CC] - No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie Trailer (2013)

Base in the internationally known Superdeafy character, no ordinary hero, featuring Marlee Matlin, stars John Maucere as Tony Kane who plays a superhero on tv, but in real life he's just another guy who happens to be Deaf. 8-years-old Jacob Lang, also Deaf, is having a hard time. When Tony and Jacob's paths cross, they inspire belief in each other and in themselves.

No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie Trailer (2013)

Storyline: Tony Kane plays a superhero on TV, but in real life he's just another guy who happens to be Deaf, with hopes and dreams that always seem to elude him. Eight-year-old Jacob Lang, also Deaf, is having a hard time in school, where he is torn between what his father thinks is "normal" and an education using sign language promoted by his mother.

When Tony and Jacob's paths cross, they inspire belief in each other and in themselves. And when Tony meets Jacob's teacher, Jenny, a romance blossoms that suddenly makes Tony feel like he can do anything... even things he never dreamed was possible. In this first installment of SuperDeafy the Movie, we meet the man behind the superhero the man for whom everything has always felt just a little bit out of reach. But that's all about to change. Written by Taly Ravid.

Follow No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy.

Website - http://noordinaryheromovie.com

Facebook - https://facebook.com/nohthesuperdeafymovie

Twitter - https://twitter.com/superdeafy

Source: http://imdb.com/title/tt2907898/

Related John Maucere:

John Maucere Got Hand Insurance

TMZ: Exclusive Interview With John Maucere

No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie Trailer

Deaf Actor John Maucere Scandal

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Little Witcheries

In my previous post I spoke of the little witcheries that have, over the years, crept into my everyday life.  How it becomes habitual to speak to the garden, chant over the bowl I'm stirring, and draw symbols on doors or mow them into my lawn.  I thought I'd jot a few down here, just for fun, and perhaps you'll find some inspiration or an idea you'd like to try in your own home.

Some habits started out as superstitions or little eccentricities that I've picked up from my family. Throwing spilled salt over your left shoulder, tea and chicken noodle soup as cure-alls, foretelling weather by the color of the sky, and certain seasonal 'tells' that let us know it's time to plant or bring in the last of the harvest before the frost.  Always have a sugar pot out - even if no one uses sugar - just to keep the home sweet.  Always take your shoes off at the door.  Plant red geraniums at the front of the house.  A cut potato pulls out slivers and bee stingers.  Don't ever run out of vinegar. Some of these traditions were explained to me and some of them were just activities I noticed as I grew up around a strange mix of British and Eastern European customs, all tempered with a modern Southern Baptist attitude.

Here are some of the habits/witcheries I practice:


I keep a broom behind the front door.  It serves as my gatekeeper.  When it is standing bristles-down, it is welcoming and functional.  When it stands bristles-up, it is protective and does a great job keeping away unwanted company as well as door-to-door salespeople and proselytizers.

Leave your crap at the door.  That means your dirty shoes and your bad attitude.  If the little gargoyle behind the door doesn't take care if it, the broom sure will.  The only person who's ever broken through my wards is my father, gods bless him (or hit him over the head,) and that's on me.  He's got a special kind of bad attitude and I'm not as 100 percent immune to it as I'd like to think.

I draw symbols on my doors, inside and out.  When I'm cleaning, the symbols are drawn on the doors with an oil after they are washed.  When I'm running in or out and want to place something on the door quickly, I use my saliva.  I use runes or other symbols that resonate with me, or sigils I've created for a certain purpose.


The kitchen is a very magical place for me.  Aside from cooking, I spend a good amount of time in there processing herbs and creating products for my home and practice.  I have a small kitchen altar that houses an offeratory plate, as well as a candle that is always lit when I'm working.

While adding ingredients to a meal or an herbal product, I take time to acknowledge where those ingredients came from and call on any wisdom or symbolism they might offer.  Sarah Lawless recently posted a great list of kitchen staples and their magical uses on her blog - it is definitely worth the read.  Do yourself a favour too - pop these two books on your cookbook shelf:

Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic - Catherine Yronwode

I'm a firm believer in thinking for yourself and putting your own thoughts into plant symbolism and correspondences, yet I also find these books invaluable as far as listing traditional and folkloric uses of herbs, spices and roots.

I'm also sure to keep the kitchen clean and organized.  When I'm cooking, all my ingredients are close at hand so that, rather than using my energy hopping around the kitchen trying to find items, I can focus on what I'm creating.  Depending on what I'm making, I might speak prayers, chants or even sing over the creation.

Let's be honest for a moment.  I don't operate like this at every meal, every single day.  Sometimes I do run into the kitchen, slap together a sandwich, and run back to the office.  But taking the time to be aware of what I'm creating - especially if I'm putting it in my body, or offering it to neighbours or family, is important to me.  I don't want to be thinking of the drama happening at work, while making a batch of cookies to brighten up someone's day.


Not everyone is blessed with a little piece of earth to muck about in.  Apartment dwellers may only have a small balcony or merely a window sill to attempt to grow something on.  There are several herbs that will grow indoors and houseplants or flowers that can brighten a small space.  I may mow a rune into my lawn before I start the real grass-cutting, but if you don't have a lawn, you can simply trace symbols into the earth of your houseplant.

I chat with my gardens. I offer libations (they prefer whisky or dark rum - go figure.)  I give a foolish amount of thanks when harvesting.  And while I'm sure the neighbours fully believe I'm crazy, I have no problem whispering secrets and blessings to the plants - and even the compost bin.

Seeds aren't the only things I put in the gardens.  I tuck in petitions for things I'd like to bring to me. Each spring I bury the corn dolly I created several months earlier when the corn harvest began.  And at hallowtide I bury the plate of offerings that was left out for the passing spirits.

There are more practices than I can write about in one post, that find their way into my everyday life or seasonal celebrations.  This is just a snippet of what happens in and around my household.  I have a friend who passed on the habit of placing garlic in the window sills and changing them out every new moon.  My grandmother always had a kitchen-witch floating high above her sink, but I've found that I'm more attracted to witch-balls hanging in the kitchen.  So many little fascinations.

Small things, really.  Many of them developed into habits that I found meaningful for some reason or other.  Little witcheries and random supersitions and a handful of charms I've decided I don't want to live without.

We knock on wood around here, acknowledge our ancestors, and never come to another's home empty-handed.

Should you like to delve a little deeper into folklore and the practices, superstitions and witcheries of common folk, do check out:

New World Witchery - Resources
Starr Casas - Old Style Conjure Hoodoo Rootwork

And for a look into how one witch runs her household:
Kris Bradley's book - Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery

Pictures are via Creative Commons
Broom - link
The Love Potion - link

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Deaf Actor John Maucere Scandal

WATCH [ASL] - All About Deaf Actor John Maucere Scandal.

This vlog covers on the star of "No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie" also known as John Maucere and his shady past, such as a drugs user, theft and fraudster. Has John Maucere's public image finally recovered after his scandal a few years back?

Maucere shocked Deaf community when he publicly admitted to drugs abused in young adult. Eventually, less a dozen Deaf and Hard of Hearing people came forward about theft and fraudster with a professional Deaf actor, incriminating messages that Maucere had sent to back up their accusations.

Follow @Ridor9th:

Subscribe - http://youtube.com/ridor9th

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Blog - http://ridor.blogspot.com

Related - #Ridor9th

Related John Maucere:

John Maucere Got Hand Insurance

TMZ: Exclusive Interview With John Maucere

No Ordinary Hero: The SuperDeafy Movie Trailer

Deaf Actor John Maucere Scandal

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

The Deeper Places

Today, while pondering when I might get some time to do some magical work, I whispered blessings and thanks to the garden as I harvested vegetables, I chanted while I made cookies for my nieces, I napped and dreamed strange dreams, and I mowed a rune into my lawn as I was cutting the grass.

I speak often about daily practice because it is important to me.  I've not spent much time meditating this summer. My yoga routine has completely fallen by the wayside. I haven't sunk deeply into ritual in quite a while. It pleases me that it is almost habitual to imbue my daly activities with enchantment - it does lend to a very magical-feeling life. But those little fascinations don't actually replace the practices that have always anchored me. And today I felt a bit...adrift.

 As the season slowly begins to shift, the gardens wind down, and the nieces return to school, it will also be time for me to re-commit to my own praxis. It is time to return to those daily observances that offer me a firm foundation when the winds (or the full moon, or moody teenage girls,) press against my sanity.

 Tonight I'm going to spend some time with the gorgeous crow rattle that a friend of mine made, and see where the rhythm takes me. There is much that needs to be done around the house, but those things can wait one more day. I'm in need of a little communion with the deeper places that have been waiting all summer long for some quality attention.

Deaf411: Deaf-Friendly Cities In The U.S.

WATCH [CC] - Deaf411 releases "Deaf-Friendly Cities in the United States"

NEW YORK CITY -- Deaf411 announcer Christine Kim announces availability of an online report, "Deaf-Friendly Cities in the United States", and outlines how the Deaf411 team researched and compiled this report.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

This free report can be viewed by signing up at deaf-friendly-cities/sign-up.

Let Deaf411 handle your customized marketing solutions and strategies that meet your needs. We work with organizations, businesses, government or service agencies to communicate with Deaf Americans.

Deaf consumers have buying power and surf online for resources and information to make informed decisions. Provide you with over four decades of experience in public relations, marketing, project management and business consulting.

Let us apply our hands-on experiences through specialized marketing strategies targeted at Deaf consumers. Visit website: www.deaf411.com.

The Tragedy of Egyptian Deaf Man

Egypt Crisis: The Tragedy of Egyptian Deaf Young Man.

CAIRO, Egypt -- Tragedy experienced by Mousa Mahmoud Mohamed Moussa resident in 3 lane Minister Sahib Street in Cairo, Egypt. Seriously, apparently the door of noodles - a Deaf man where he was replaced ready made garments object sanctioned 85 Street Clot Bey.

Behind Fath Mosque Square Ramses Cairo to burnand destruction and roasted whole of the goods and all its contents to the extent destroyed roof shop and nearby shops have continued on fire as a result the violence on Friday evening August 16, 2013 until the early hours of Saturday morning, and he expressed his tragedy tragic experienced after a witness of violence during the day of the burning and destruction, beatingsarmed robot and cocktails.

He has expressed his tragedy by noting that this shop source of income only and who lives him and his family, his mother and his brothers and sisters after the death of the deceased mother and after the deficit for a government job over the past years, despite receiving a diploma Secondary technician for the Deaf.

The Ahab officials Agatth and help him to his circumstances painfulduring which cross-reference and Uri it has nothing to do with politics, where it is not explained to me relationship to Absssa and Ammersy Aamry participated in demonstration Aaatsam: key is a living and suffering and turn but from God.

Arabic Language:

مأساة المصرية للصم الشباب

مأساة يعيشها المواطن موسى محمود محمد موسى المقيم فى 3 حارة الوزير الصاحب - شارع الجد - الظاهر - باب الشعرية - القاهرة - مصر وهو اصم ابكم - حيث تعرض محل تجارة الملابس الجاهزة الكائن مقرة 85 شارع كلوت بك - خلف مسجد الفتح من ميدان رمسيس بالقاهرة للحرق والتدمير وتفحم كاملا للبضاعة وجميع محتوياتة لدرجة تهدم سقف المحل والمحلات المجاورة وقد استمرت النيران مشتعلة نتيجة احداث العنف مساء الجمعة 16 اغسطس 2013 حتى الساعات الاولى من صباح السبت وقد عبر عن مأساتة الاليمة التى يعيشها بعد ما شاهدة من احداث العنف خلال ذلك اليوم من حرق وتدمير والضرب بالسلاح الآلى والمولوتوف - وقد عبر عن مأساتة بالاشارة ان هذا المحل مصدر دخلة الوحيد والذى يعيش علية واسرتة ووالدتة واشقاؤة وشقيقاتة بعد وفاة المرحوم والدة وبعد ان عجز عن وظيفة حكومية طوال السنوات الماضية رغم حصولة على دبلوم ثانوى فنى للصم - وقد اهاب بالمسئولين اغاثتة ومساعدتة لظروفة الاليمة التى عبر خلالها بالاشارة واورى انة ليس لة اى علاقة بالسياسة حيث اوضح انة ليس لى علاقة لابسيسى ولامرسى ولاعمرى اشتركت فى مظاهرة ولااعتصام :رئيسى هو لقمة عيشى ولاحول ولاقوة الا بالله:

Deaf USA Team Handball Scandal

WATCH: ASL - All about Deaf USA team handball scandal.

SOFIA, Bulgaria -- The blog covers the scandal of US Deaf Team Handball which was coachec by TSD AD Chris Hamilton to Sofia, Bulgaria.

The U.S. Team Handball squad’s last game of the 2013 Deaflympics on Saturday came down to the final seconds.

After a last-minute Russian scoring run, the Americans were down 30-29 with six seconds left. Top U.S. scorer Stefan Bergan moved fast and scored a seven-meter penalty shot in the final three seconds to force a tie between the U.S. and Russia, 30-all. However, because overtime only occurs in games in which medals are at stake, the Americans had to be satisfied with the 30-30 tie and sixth place in the standings... Read The Full Story.

The results of the Deaflympics handball game in Sofia:


What is Handball?

Although its popularity spans the globe, the Olympic sport of team handball is just emerging in the United States and often suffers an identity crisis. Most of the world calls the game "handball," but in the U.S. there is already another game with that name. Most Americans who hear of team handball envision participants on something like a racquetball court smacking a little black ball with their hands. Visit website: http://usadth.tripod.com/home.html.

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Blog - http://ridor.blogspot.com

Related - #Ridor9th

Watch These Hands - ASL Music Video

Watch These Hands by Sean Forbes and Christian Hamby.

Christian Hamby appearance video goes viral on YouTube, to entertaining the Deaf community of the ASL music is a must-see! To see just how different, watch and learn from the beauitfully ASL translation song by Christian and Sean, video by Stevie Naeyaert and Sean Forbes.

Lyrics by Sean Forbes

Music by Jake Bass

ASL Translation by Christian Hamby

Directed, Filmed & Final Editing by Tyler Naeyaert

Edited by Stevie Naeyaert

Special Appearance by Susan Dishaw & Max the dog.

Sean Forbes "Watch These Hands" Official Music Video:

Lyrics by Sean Forbes

Music by Jake Bass

Mixed by Steve King at 54 Sound

Mastered by Adam Ayan at Gateway Mastering

Directed and Edited by Adrean Mangiardi

Cinematography by Wayne Betts Jr

Assistant Director Mark Levin

Production Assistant Stefan Vardon

Make Up Artist/Wardrobe designer Ryan Clouse and Nathan Qualls

ASL Translation: Jules Dameron and Sean Forbes

Executive Producer: Joel Martin and D-PAN Entertainment.


Sean Forbes as himself

Julie Ottinger-Smith as young Sean's Mom

Connor Smith as young Sean

Harrison Smith as deaf friend on bus

Addy Smith - deaf friend on bus

Scott Forbes - As himself

Jake Bass - As himself

Filmed in Ferndale, MI, Pleasant Ridge, MI, Shelby Township, MI.

Special Thanks to Servicar for letting us use the short bus in the video, Mr.B's Bar and Grill for letting us film there, 54 Sound, Alando for everything he did, and Em for his arms and head.

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Deaf Customers Sue Starbucks Over Mocking

Deaf News: Starbucks employees allegedly laughed at speech of hearing impaired customers in New York City.

NEW YORK CITY -- Twelve Deaf Starbucks customers in New York City have filed a lawsuit against the Seattle-based coffee company, claiming discrimination. Starbucks employees allegedly mocked the customers multiple times over the course of several years, and once called the police on a monthly meeting of Deaf people.

"Cruel Employees" at two different Manhattan Starbucks mocked Deaf customers and refused to serve them, a stunning new lawsuit says.

"They were ridiculed, laughed at and told they had to leave Starbucks," said lawyer Eric Baum, who's suing on behalf of a dozen Deaf customers.

Jamie Riley, a spokeswoman for the mega-popular coffee chain, said they were aware of the allegations and were investigating them. "Discrimination of any kind is unacceptable at Starbucks," she said.

The suit says one incident took place at a Starbucks at 424 Park Ave. South in August 2012, when customer Alan Roth said a barista laughed when he placed his order, telling him he "sounded funny."

She "asked him to continually repeat himself as she laughed harder each time," and she was soon laughing "hysterically," the suit says.

When Roth demanded to speak to a manager, the employee started screaming obscenities at him and had to be restrained by other Starbucks staff, the suit says. Another employee told Roth to leave and never come back, the suit says.

Roth said he had "never before been so blatantly and maliciously been discriminated against."

The suit says Deaf customers also were forced to leave and had the cops called on them another time at the 13-25 Astor Place location, which had been chosen as the monthly gathering spot for an informal "Deaf Chat Coffee" social group...

Read The Full Story.

Related Starbucks:

Starbucks Opening Café Staffed By Deaf Baristas

Starbucks Opens First U.S. 'Signing Store'

Deaf Woman's Video At Starbucks Goes Viral

Deaf Man Receives Note From Starbucks Barista

Deaf Customers Sue Starbucks Over Mocking

Deaf Korean Starbucks Barista The Signs

Starbucks Sued For Discrimination Deaf Employee

Deaf Ghost The Film

WATCH: Deaf Ghost The Film - Movie Trailer (2014)

Deaf Ghost When Mitch's Deaf mother dies, all purgatory cuts loose, is an American horror movie, is coming to Cinema on 18 September 2014 (USA) in 2D. What is it all about: There is nothing quiet about a Deaf Ghost.

Directed by Troy Kotsur.

Writers & Screenplay by Angela Murphy, Paul Raci.

Cast: Lynn Whitfield, Leon Thomas III, Troy Kotsur, Kirk B.R. Woller, Paul Raci, Linda Bove, Bob Hiltermann, Alejandro Furth, Nathan Moore, Benjamin J. Cain Jr., Kalen Feeney, Jaclyn Ngan, Petrea Burchard, Joe Guzaldo, John Maucere. See full cast and crew.

Visit website - www.deafghost.com

Follow Deaf Ghost - twitter.com/deafghost

Deaf Ghost (2014) - IMDb: www.imdb.com/title/tt2214957

NOTE: This video is not excatly which is the copy of "Deaf Ghost" from Indonesian horror movie. Deaf Ghost - Indonésie - 2009

Deaf Ghost: Paul rehearsing a Foo Fighters song in ASL.

Related Posts:

#Deaf Film - #Deaf Movie - #ASL Film - #Deaf Movie Trailer

Deaf TV Show: Journeys To The Deaflympics

WATCH: Signed - Journeys To The Deaflympics in Bulgaria.

Deaf TV Show Aksu Ali journeys to the 22rd Summer Deaflympics in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Aksu Ali, who is Deaf with a cameraman - journeys to the Deaflympics to exclusive interviews with the Deaf athletes and tourists from around the countries.


2013 Deaflympics, Sofia, Bulgaria

Deaflympics: Press Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia 2013 Opening Ceremony LIVE Stream

Deaflympics: Media Coverage of Sofia 2013

Deaflympics Sofia 2013 - Highlights for the Closing Ceremony

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

On Teenagers and Summer's Remains

This weeks' theme, at the House of Rue, seems to be "How To Survive Teenage Girls."  (Hint: it involves rum.)  For those who are newish to the blog, you should know that I spend a large amount of time with my neices.  Their mother is unwell, and their father (my brother) works long hours as a winemaker at a local vineyard/winery, and so I have had the pleasure of helping to raise them.

Something happened at about age thirteen though.  Suddenly, Auntie wasn't funny or cool anymore. Getting them outside and away from the television, cell phone or video games became impossible. And everything became The End Of The World.

In all fairness, I remember being a teen.  Mostly because I wasn't very good at it.  I preferred the company of my grandmother and her garden and land, and her teapot, to the company of most of the people at school.  Every moment seemed rife with drama and the hormones rushing through my body were no help at all.  Add to that a persistent feeling that I wasn't good enough in any way, and I pretty much failed spectacularly at enjoying the years between thirteen and seventeen.  So I do understand (although, not what it is like to be a teen at this very moment in time.)

This summer, I've mostly let them be.  They sleep late, eat everything in the house, use a staggering amount of towels, and glue themselves to any screen they can find.  And they both work summer jobs. But these next two weeks - the last days before school begins here in B.C. - we will find adventure! Or...at the very least, lakes, dirt and a roasted marshmallow.

Our camping trip was cancelled for this weekend, so instead we are going to do a farm stand tour in the next valley over.  Also on the list is a visit to a gouda farm, a dip in at least three lakes, and a run across the border into Washington where I will introduce them to real Mexican food.

I think a round of mini-golf is also in order, as well as some serious goat-love from the resident kids at a huge farm-stand two hours north.  The gods are my witness (insert fist pump here,) we will drive this valley and experience something other than work and video games before this summer is through!

There will be much eye-rolling and sighing, I'm sure.

How will you spend the remains of August?

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

On Time

The gardens are overgrown and the lawn is monstrous.  Although I've been keeping up as best as I can, the weeds are winning.  I'm covered from head to toe in freckles, even though I use a SPF 70 sunscreen and wear a floppy hat when I'm out in the yard.  I've not dipped my toes in the lake once.

And still, summer does its best to keep the heat on, rolling out scorching weather each day.  And I do my best to keep the house full of groceries and clean towels for the necies living with me until school begins again.  I am exhausted.  And I am happy.  

I grin at the blue jays who fly by with peanuts in their beaks - gifts from the neighbours.  I watch as the squash and sunflowers seem to double in size daily.  I glance at the zucchini sitting on the counter, waiting to be shredded and transformed into muffins or cake, and I say..."perhaps tomorrow."
I could fill up every spare moment and still not strike off the entire "to-do list" but I still take friends to catch a bus, make muffins for the neighbours, and find brief moments to have a nap.  I even took an entire afternoon off on Sunday to sit in the shade and read a book and drink daiquiris with my best friend.  It's rather amazing how good that felt - to just sit for a while.

The other day I caught myself saying "...in the Fall, when things slow down..."  and I laughed, because I seem to say that every season about the next - and it's never true.  Things don't slow down.  The list never ends. And that's okay.  It's about realizing that some things on the list are not so important - or, not more important.  Not more important than watching the jays.  Not more important that taking some time to read or nap, or bake things you'll never eat because you just keep passing the muffins down the road.

I'd like to spend some time in the lake.  I'd like to drive through the valley - north to the farmland and the cheese factories, or south through the orchards and vineyards.  I'd like to spend long afternoons in the shade, devouring books.  But today, carrot cupcakes call.  And checking in on a friend's mum. And office work. And tonight I have a date with the lawn mower, when the sun heads lower into the west.

The spirits are calling too.  It's time to head back to the cemetary to see my grandparents.  The flowers I took not long ago will be withered.  The river that I spend so much of the year walking beside and have completely abandoned these last fiercely hot weeks, is showing up in my dreams and even in my waking hours, speaking to me of the geese leaving it for more southern waterways, and of the tansy that is running rampant down the sides of it like a long yellow scarf.  Summer energies are beginning to lose their hold, and others are now slipping through.  

Summer is not done for yet.  I'll continue to harvest and mow, clean and bake, and still find little moments to partake in this delicious season.  There is time.

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Away With the Fae

July was a whirlwind and it startled me, a week ago now, to realize that August had arrived without me even realizing that it was sneaking up so quickly.  The next few posts will catch you up on what I've been up to.

My nieces and I, along with some of our best friends, headed down to Oregon on the last weekend of July for our 2nd annual Faerieworlds trip.  We've enjoyed the event so much that I think we'll be doing this for years to come.  The travelling was...trying.  A wildfire closed our route, and the detours we took added hours to the already long 11-hour journey.  Still, we arrived in good spirits (once a glorious frozen lemonade was in hand,) and had an amazing weekend.

Here are just a few pics from the weekend.  I've yet to upgrade my vintage iPhone, so the pictures are simply fair, not excellent, but it will give you a tiny taste of the magic of that weekend.

The torches are lit as the sun fades into the west:

Some sort of tree-beast:



Dancers, great and small:

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Tom Neville's America's Funniest Deaf Comedian

The Tom Neville Show - The best of America's funniest Deaf comedian.

Tom Neville's humorous video goes viral on YouTube to entertaining the Deaf community of his humor comedian is a must-watch! To see just how different, watch and learn from the humorously-educational video by Tom Neville.

Tom Neville, who is a Deaf, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why he is doing a good cause, to entertaining and awareness about the communications service provider.

The Tom Neville Show Presents:

Video Phone Lawsuits:

Deaf Lawyer Tom Neville:

Find more Tom Neville's humorously-educational channel: DeaFridgeProduction

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Deaflympics Closing Ceremony LIVE Stream

Deaflympics - Sofia 2013 Official LIVE Stream of the 22nd Summer Deaflympics Closing Ceremony.

The 22rd Summer Deaflympics held in Sofia, Bulgaria -The closing ceremony will be streamed LIVE on Sofia 2013.com on August 4th, 19:00 (Sofia Local Time).

Highlights for the Closing Ceremony:

Mr Cooper (CEO, ICSD) and Eli Zaharieva (Organising Committee, Host Country) started the meeting by drawing attention to particular highlights of the Games so far, and the exciting final weekend of the Games to come. Eli Zaharieva was delighted to report on the progress of Bulgarian athletes with medals for their wrestling team.

Mr Cooper then explained the outline for the Closing Ceremony on Sunday.

The Men's football final will take place at Vasil Levski Stadium, and depending on whether the match is completed after 90 minutes or there is a need for extra time, the turnaround will be quite quick.

The plan is to vacate the stadium and go to the neighbouring park, Boris Gardens while the stadium is prepared for the Speeches and the Closing Ceremony video. Closing Ceremony Press Release

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2013 Deaflympics, Sofia, Bulgaria

Deaflympics: Press Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia 2013 Opening Ceremony LIVE Stream

Deaflympics: Media Coverage of Sofia 2013

Missouri Deaf Kids To Hospital As Bus Overturns

Authorities say as many as 20 children are being taken to a hospital after a charter bus carrying students from the Missouri School for the Deaf overturned in eastern Missouri.

DANVILLE, MO -- A charter bus carrying students from the Missouri School for the Deaf overturned along an interstate in eastern Missouri on Friday, sending 15 children and three adults to a hospital but causing no life-threatening injuries, authorities said.

The accident happened around 1:30 p.m. as the eastbound bus was exiting Interstate 70 near Danville, about 75 miles west of St. Louis.

The children, who were between ages 10 and 18, were treated in the emergency room at University Hospital in Columbia, along with the bus driver and two chaperones, hospitals spokeswoman Mary Jenkins said. She said the adults' injuries also appeared not to be life-threatening.

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education spokeswoman Sarah Potter said initial reports from the hospital indicated the children had "minor injuries bumps and bruises, that sort of thing."

The superintendent of the Fulton school went to the hospital to help translate for the children. Jenkins said the hospital also brought in eight sign-language interpreters to help the children communicate.

The state-run School for the Deaf has residential and day programs for children in first through 12th grades. The bus was taking the children from the central Missouri campus to five drop-off points in St. Charles, St. Louis, Arnold, Sikeston and Cape Girardeau, Potter said... Read The Full Story.