Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Ontario Deaf Schools: Stands Up and Speaks Out

WATCH: Deaf News: Stand ups and speaks out, students protest outfront Deaf school, staff cuts,that they say will impact their education.

TORONTO, Ontario -- Students from the E.C. Drury School for The Deaf are in their second day of protesting the layoffs of 56 full-time support and residential staff, including nine locally at their Ontario Street campus of Ontario’s Provincial Schools.

The Deaf Ontario Association, which represents the Deaf in Ontario, posted on its website - the cuts will hurt the province's most vulnerable students with disabilities and severely impact their families rights to accessible education.

The layoff of 56 full-time staff from Ontario’s Provincial Schools will hurt the province’s most vulnerable students with disabilities and severely impact the families’ rights to accessible education.

Deaf Canadians: Stand Up and Speak Up:

Ellen Support ECD Protest:

This is regarding ECD Deaf school protest in response to Ontario Government's recent decision to lay off staff at Deaf schools in Ontario.

Deaf Children Value Deaf School and Staff:

Vaylena Sauve 6 years old and Owen Sauve 9 years attend Sir James Whitney for the Deaf School. Value all Deaf school.



Ontario Deaf Schools Staff Layoffs

Related Canadian Deaf Schools:

Deaf Schools In Belleville Worried About Future

Canadian 'Deaf Superintendent Now' Movement

Deaf Canadian Schools In Lawsuit Alleging Abuse

Deaf Students Abused By Priests Win $30-Million

Related Posts: #DeafCanadians

Related #DeafProtest:

Deaf Lives Matter

'Sign Language is Strength' Demonstration

Arizona Deaf School Protest, Demand Action

Deaf Connecticuters Wants Terps Jobs Back

Deaf Protest Rally At The White House In D.C.

Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally 2018 Highlights

Deaf Power Of India: Fight For Your Rights!

Deaf Protester Beaten, Arrested By Sheriff

Deaf Protesters Complains of Police Brutality

Protest For Deaf Man Who Was Shot By Police

Ontario Deaf Schools: Stands Up and Speaks Out

First Nations Sign Language Council of 1930

Documentary: Indian Sign Language: First Nations Council of 1930.

The following clips are from a gathering of Native American chiefs, medicine men, and elders representing more than a dozen different nations.

The films were produced by General Hugh L. Scott and the U.S. Department of the Interior by an Act of Congress, for the purpose of preserving and recording Indian Sign Language in a variety of discourse styles.

The meeting took place in September of 1930 in Browning, Montana, and is the largest known gathering of high-ranking representatives from Indian Nations to be filmed up until then.

This footage comes courtesy of the National Archives, and was digitized with support from the Office of the Chancellor at the University of Tennessee.


How AG Bell Association Destroyed Deaf Culture

The ASL storytelling "My Queen" Alexander Graham Bell Association.

Manny's vlog in the ASL storytelling "My Queen" on YouTube about the Awareness of Alexander Graham Bell Association for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) also referred as AG Bad on social media platforms.

Reminder: Oralism is not the problem, The nation of AG Bad promotes American Sign Language is wrong, dishonesty, misleading parents and #LiesAGBellToldMyParents. Although it is history but today the practice, the principle and the philosophy still discriminate against sign language which Alexander G. Bell is the father of Audism.

MannyASL, who is Deaf, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why he is doing a good cause, to educating and awareness about the AG Bell. Please share! Thank you!

AG Bell: Rise of the Evil - The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, is a resource, support network and advocate for listening, learning, talking and living independently with hearing loss. Through publications, advocacy, training, scholarships and financial aid, AG Bell promotes the use of spoken language as well as hearing technology for children with hearing loss. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with chapters located throughout the United States and a network of international affiliates... Read More.

AG Bell Donors: All of you who have donated or supported Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to stop doing more than harms to the Deaf children by stop sending donations to AG Bell, because of your donations, AG Bell continues to lie to thousands of the people such as parents of Deaf children in particular so to brain-wash the parents into harms their child and stripping down their own rights by putting cochlear implants or hearing aids.

Here is the organizations, groups, individuals and businesses that donates to AG Bell: AGB 2014 Annual Report and 2015 AG Bell Symposium.

The AG Bell promotes American Sign Language is wrong, dishonesty, misleading parents and #LiesAGBellToldMyParents. Although it is history but today the practice, the principle and the philosophy still discriminate against sign language which Alexander Graham Bell is the father of Audism.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association's 'history repeats itself'.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing survivors of the Alexander Graham Bell Association.

AG Bell Donors: All of you who have donated or supported Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to stop doing more than harms to the Deaf children by stop sending donations to AG Bell, because of your donations, AG Bell continues to lie to thousands of the people such as parents of Deaf children in particular so to brain-wash the parents into harms their child and stripping down their own rights by putting cochlear implants or hearing aids.

Here is the organizations, groups, individuals and businesses that donates to AG Bell: AGB 2014 Annual Report and 2015 AG Bell Symposium.

This MADNESS must be stopped!

Related: #AGBell

Deaf Student Bullied at the AG Bell School

Deaf People Bullied By The AG Bell Association

Audism Free America Video Letter To AG Bell

NTID/RIT Facutlty & Staff Open Letter To AG Bell

Deaf Teachers: Open Letter To AG Bell Association

Cochlear Implant Failures Lawsuits & AG Bell

AG Bell & CI Companies

How AG Bell Association Destroy Deaf Culture

Alexander Graham Bell - Theft Of The Century

#LiesAGBellToldMyParents - Indiana HB 1367

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Grateful Solstice

Mint about to become a mojito. 

The early summer heat has given way to rains and cooler weather.  Today was nothing but on and off torrents of water.  It's leaving the gardens, grass and wilds greener than normal for this time of year.  But then "normal" isn't really something you can gauge anymore.  I live in an area that is considered semi-desert, but it has not lived up to its name for quite some time.

My plans for the solstice tonight included a midnight mugwort harvest in the garden as well as a simple ritual by candlelight in the darkness of the yard, but the soggy weather has thwarted those appointments.  I made a nice dinner for my parents last night with some lovely solar-themed food and mojitos with mint from the garden - so that little delight will have to count as my Litha celebration.

The rains do bring a respite from the flurry of activity of the past two weeks.  Trying to keep up with the herbs that need harvesting and either drying, infusing or tincturing and the veggie gardens that need weeding and thinning and staking, has been an adventure.  If it were my only project, I'd revel in the gardens up to my neck in dirt.  But there are nieces to taxi around to jobs and final exams, a day-job that is knee-deep in our busy season, and a kitty that has decided to start over-grooming herself due to...stress...a bug bite from the garden...a run-in with one of the other cats...I'm not sure - and I'm a worrier when it comes to sick kitties.  (I see more mojitos in my future.)

For the moment, I am watching the sky darken early under the cloud cover and listing the things I'm grateful for.  Reminding myself of the amazingness among the insanity is key to a restful sleep and the will to get up tomorrow and do it all over again.

For now, I will think of:

~ the wild, rapid-fire laugh of my niece.

~ the scores of sugar-snap peas ripening daily on the vine.

~ having a day job that allows me to make up whatever hours I like as long as the work gets done.

~ chai tea in my favourite mug.

~ the smell of rain in the morning.

~ the crazy-beautiful, Tim Burton-esque mini foxglove that bloomed for the first time.

I hope you have a delightful Summer Solstice and find more than enough to be grateful for!

Deaf Woman Jailed For Prostitution

Texas Deaf woman sentenced to two years for prostitution.

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX -- A Deaf woman, 44-year old Lisa Bouillon, was given a two-year sentence for prostitution on Tuesday, after she was arrested for soliciting an undercover police officer.

Bouillon has been arrested several times in the past for solicitation, and that is what led to the tough sentence.

Sign language interpreters were on hand at the Nueces County Courthouse Monday for an unusual prostitution case, in which the defendant was Deaf.

Bouillon, was soliciting an undercover Corpus Christi police officer. Two sign language interpreters communicated each and every work to Bouillon as the first witness, an undercover police officer, testified about what led up to her arrest. A recording of the bust was played for jurors.

It's not the first time Bouillon had been charged with prostitution. She has been arrested several times in the past, and in 2010, she was sentenced to prison for that crime.


Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Ontario Deaf Schools Staff Layoffs

The layoff of 56 full-time staff from Ontario’s Provincial Schools will hurt the province’s most vulnerable students with disabilities and severely impact the families’ rights to accessible education.

TORONTO, Ontario -- Vulnerable students in Provincial Schools to suffer from layoffs. The Ministry is moving this work to contingent part-time workers, and away from support workers who have over 20 years’ experience and who have made significant impacts in the lives of parents and students with disabilities, Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

The layoff of 56 full-time staff from Ontario’s Provincial Schools will hurt the province’s most vulnerable students with disabilities and severely impact the families’ rights to accessible education. Ontario government reduces full-time workers who teach students with disabilities.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE) said that the these students, who are Blind, Deaf, Deaf-Blind and learning disabled deserve far better from the Ministry of Education.

“The Ministry is moving this work to contingent part-time workers, and away from support workers who have over 20 years’ experience and who have made significant impacts in the lives of parents and students with disabilities,” Thomas said. “The move to part-time work will cheapen important programs that accommodate students in Ontario.

Meanwhile, full-time social workers, residence counsellors, maintenance workers and support staff will be forced out the door.” ... Read The Full Story.

A Hearing Mother Speaks out in Support of Deaf Children in Ontario:

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I am a mother. I have a Deaf son-he is 10 years old and he attends the school for the Deaf. I am not Deaf as you can tell because I am speaking but I am choosing to send out this message-MY message in a video format to plea to other parents like myself that have chosen to send their child to a Provincial School. I think it is time that we as a collective start a dialogue and have a discussion about important changes that will be coming down and have an impact on our children.

First of all, I just want to commend you on sending your child to a Deaf school because I am sure it wasn't an easy decision for you. I know first hand how difficult it must be to be hearing and send a child to a Deaf school and have them learn a different language probably different than the one you are speaking at home.

So, you are very brave and as I, I said I know how it feels because I do have a Deaf child attending the school for the Deaf and actually living... Read More.

Find more at


Ontario Deaf Schools Staff Layoffs

Related Canadian Deaf Schools:

Deaf Schools In Belleville Worried About Future

Canadian 'Deaf Superintendent Now' Movement

Deaf Canadian Schools In Lawsuit Alleging Abuse

Deaf Students Abused By Priests Win $30-Million

Related Posts: #DeafCanadians

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Deaf Schools 'Home' (VIDEO)

WATCH: American Sign Language storytelling of the Deaf Schools 'Home'

Deaf Institutions, Since 1950, over 67 percent of our homes are disappearing in America - In this day and age of economic cuts, the closure of educational programs and schools for the Deaf has been viewed as a convenient way to reduce budgets. Over the past 63 years, several schools for the Deaf have been closed and numerous others have experienced cuts as well as the threat of closure.

Closing such schools actually result in increased long term costs for states rather than serving as a cost-saving measure and, more importantly, result in severe educational deficits for many Deaf and Hard of Hearing children.


Visit for more videos at

Direct to aslized/hand video


Deaf Schools 'Home' (VIDEO)

Educate For Hearing Parents With Deaf Children/Toddlers

ASLized: Through the Hands

Creating Deaf Counternarratives With Commentary

'Sign Language is Strength' Demonstration

10,000 Deaf people protested in Berlin for equal rights and participation in the German society at by the Federal Parliament.

BERLIN, Germany -- 14 June 2013 about 10,000 mostly Deaf people from all over the West for your rights and accessibility demonstrated by sign language. The demonstration route ran from the Reichstag to the vicinity of Checkpoint Charlie on Friedrichstrasse. Mel Riot reported.

25 years ago, on 17 June 1988 the European Parliament decided that the respective national sign language should be recognized as full-fledged language in all Member States of the European Community.

Due to the prolonged struggle of the Deaf community and the support of many politicians the respective sign language is now recognized in most countries of the European Union and the Deaf fellow citizens have the right of access to information in their native language. However, there are still countries where the national sign language is not recognized, and in Germany there are still many situations in which Deaf people, despite the recognition of sign language, equal access to institutions of public life is denied.

With the demonstration of "action sign language" grab those affected exactly this topic, and want to show that the German sign language even though she is 11 years officially recognized in Germany, is not yet considered in all aspects as a matter of course. Deaf people encounter still many barriers and there are big differences in quality of the services for hearing-impaired people.

The Walking Deaf 14.06.2013 Demonstration in Berlin, Germany:

Nor is self-evident in the pre-school education, access to sign language and a bilingual early intervention.

An example of this is the education in which the foundation for the further development opportunities and hard of hearing children is fixed. For the school, it is very important for children and young people that they are taught by teachers who are their sign language skills at a sufficiently high level. This can only ensure the fewest educational institutions so far unfortunately. Fact: Deaf children and young people are still not self-evident taught sign language.

Even in the areas of communication and information access in which people with hearing impairments still bump into barriers, must the quality of sign language interpreters, the selection of personnel in institutions and agencies that are working for hearing-impaired people, saved and checked in the best case by native speakers are. Only in this way can be guaranteed that the barriers are broken down and Deaf people can live in an inclusive society, Read More.

Related #DeafProtest:

Deaf Lives Matter

'Sign Language is Strength' Demonstration

Arizona Deaf School Protest, Demand Action

Deaf Connecticuters Wants Terps Jobs Back

Deaf Protest Rally At The White House In D.C.

Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally 2018 Highlights

Deaf Power Of India: Fight For Your Rights!

Deaf Protester Beaten, Arrested By Sheriff

Deaf Protesters Complains of Police Brutality

Protest For Deaf Man Who Was Shot By Police

Ontario Deaf Schools: Stands Up and Speaks Out

President Obama Engages With Youth Deaf People

Stop Discrimination Deaf People

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Deaf Survivors of Oklahoma Tornado

WATCH [CC] - H3: Interview with Deaf survivors of Oklahoma tornado.

MOORE, Oklahoma -- It has been exactly 3 weeks since the Moore, Okla. tornado. Check out this video to learn how the Deaf victims of the May 20th tornado.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Campaign: For more info and dona, contact



Deaf Family Survivors Oklahoma Tornado

Deaf Moore Couple Relies On Each Other, Community

Deaf Survivors of Oklahoma Tornado

10 Interesting Facts About Deaf People

WATCH [CC] - Allison Roberts: 10 Interesting Facts About Deaf People.

A blogger Allison's video on YouTube to educate and awareness to hearing people of 10 interesting facts about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Allison Roberts, who is a hearing person and ASL student, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why she is doing a good cause, to educating and awareness about the Deaf people.

Follow @AllisonRoberts:

Instagram -

Keek -

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Related Deaf Facts:

Jessica Marie Flores - Can Deaf People Drive ?

Myths or Facts: Can Deaf People Drive ?

Facts & Myths About Deaf People

Myths & Facts About Deaf Children

5 Deaf Myths Busted With Amanda McDonough

Related Shit Hearing People Say:

Shit Hearing People Say About Deaf People

How Not To Be A Dick To Deaf People

Things Not To Say To A Deaf Person

Hearing People Questions Annoy Deaf People

Deaf People Teach Hearing People Bad Words

Deaf People Describe Talking Dirty

Deaf People Teach Hearing People How To Flirt

Hearing Kids Meet A Deaf Person

How To Insult And Swear In British Sign Language

Hearing Knows Best - ASL Musical Satire

Related Deaf vs. Hearing:

Deaf Versus Hearing - Eat And Talk

Deaf Pity Versus Hearing Pity

Deaf vs. Hearing - Reaction To The Light Flashing

Hearing People Versus Deaf People

Being Blind Versus Being Deaf

Deaf Community Versus Hearing Community

Living In Between The Deaf And Hearing Worlds

Shit Hearing People Say About Deaf People

Deaf Lifestyle - Oralism Versus Manualism

Deaf Actress Hillary Baack "The East" Premiere

WATCH [CC] - Interview with Deaf actress Hillary Baack on the red carpet of The East Movie premiere.

LOS ANGELES -- The East, a suspenseful and provocative espionage thriller from acclaimed writer-director Zal Batmanglij and writer-actress Brit Marling, stars Marling as former FBI agent Sarah Moss.

Moss is starting a new career at Hiller Brood, an elite private intelligence firm that ruthlessly protects the interests of its A-list corporate clientele.

Handpicked for a plum assignment by the company's head honcho, Sharon (Patricia Clarkson), Sarah goes deep undercover to infiltrate The East, an elusive anarchist collective seeking revenge against major corporations guilty of covering up criminal activity.

Determined, highly-trained and resourceful, Sarah soon ingratiates herself with the group, overcoming their initial suspicions and joining them on their next action or "jam." But living closely with the intensely committed members of The East, Sarah finds herself torn between her two worlds as she starts to connect with anarchist Benji (Alexander Skarsgård) and the rest of the collective, and awakens to the moral contradictions of her personal life.

The East Movie Premiere - IMDb:

Hillary Baack "The East" Los Angeles Premiere Arrivals:

The East: - For Broadcast TV Licensing.

Hillary Baack "The East" Premiere Red Carpet Arrivals at Arclight Hollywood in Los Angeles, Ca USA May 28, 2013 - Broll coverage of red carpet arrivals. This footage can NOT be downloaded without written permission from Ricomix Productions / Maximo TV.


Deaf Rapper: 'We Interrupt This Program'

Sean Forbes releases "We Interrupt This Program" official music video.

'We Interrupt This Program'

Written and performed by Sean Forbes

Music by Jake Bass

Mixed by Steve King at 54 Sound

Mastered by Adam Ayan at Gateway Mastering

Directed and Edited by Adrean Mangiardi

Shot by Stefan Vardon

Assistant Director Mark Levin

Make Up Artist/Wardrobe designer Ryan Clouse

Sound Recording by Kyle Resto

Special Thanks to MI NEWS 26, Norman and Charlie Parker, Mr.B's Shelby Township, Scott Forbes, Patti Parker-Forbes. Please visit my pledge music campaign:


Sean Forbes

Jake Bass

Mark Levin as Baberaham Lincoln

TV Head guy as TV Head guy

Eric Wotila MI NEWS 26 Anchorman

Rodney Harris as MI NEWS 26 Broadcaster

Morris Langworthy III MI NEWS 26 Cameraman

Dylan Rodenbaugh as the MI NEWS 26 barefoot weather man

and Adrean Mangiardi as the Doughnut Eating Fat Cop.

Filmed in Cadillac, MI and Ferndale, MI.

Sean Forbes official website:

Related #SeanForbes:

Deaf Rapper Opens Doors For The Deaf Community

Sean Forbes 'Mood Swings' Official Video

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

The Longest Days, The Loveliest Nights

"Mine is the month of roses; yes, and mine
The month of marriages!  All pleasant sights
And scents, the fragrance of the blossoming vine,
The foliage of the valley and the heights.
Mine are the longest days, the loveliest nights;
The mower's scythe makes music to my ear;
I am the mother of all dear delights;
I am the fairest daughter of the year."

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

How strange that where there were blossoms a moment ago, there are now cherries.  Where there was spinach just reaching for the sun, there is now an empty row after the grand harvest.

The days blaze by and the rains have left good, rich growth, and now the sky clears and the sun heats up The Valley.  Each morning starts with a walk through the garden beds, weeding here and there, picking this and that.  Making mental notes: dry the peppermint for tea before it gets too leggy in the heat...tincture the skullcap...the mugwort is looking good - she'll be ready to harvest soon... 

There is a sage-pick coming up, yarrow to collect for my healing salve, and a faerie class to organize.  Midsummer is coming fast and I've got to plan a bit of a fete for the fae as well - they do take very good care of my gardens, after all!

Here are a few of my favourite early summer things:

~  The rhubarb is ready for a first harvest.  Mom's rhubarb muffins are drool-worthy - there are some of these in my future!

~  When I can sneak away for an afternoon nap, I've been hitting the shade in the hammock.  Fresh air and a quick, sweet sleep makes for a happy gardener.

~  I've been messing about with salt scrubs for weary feet.  This one is my new go-to scrub when I get home and kick off the flip flops:

*I eyeball this recipe, but these measurements should work - adjust as you like*

1/2 cup sea salt
1/4 cup coconut oil
2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil
3 drops essential oil of peppermint (or more if you like a stronger scent)
3 drops essential oil of lavender

Scrub feet, especially heels, and rinse.  Pat dry - your feet will be SO soft!

~  Books, books, books...  Haven't you heard that a book and a glass of sun-tea are the best cure for the heat?  Mix up a good selection of your fave authors, some interesting or inspiring non-fiction, and a smutty book for good measure.  (You know the summer is the best time to read the naughty books!)

Here's a peek at some of the books in my summer stack (and coming soon to the stack.)

The Conjure Workbook - Star Casas

Joyland - Stephen King

The Boreal Herbal: Wild Food and Medicine Plants of the North - Beverly Gray

Make Magic of Your Life - T. Thorn Coyle

Fun, magical and super-fast reads:

The Psychic Eye Series by Victoria Laurie

The Bewitching Mysteries by Madelyn Alt

I can't even recommend a good smutty book. Are there good ones?  (Please don't say 50 Shades.) I usually just hit the bestseller rack and flip through a few and grab the one that makes me blush in the aisle of the store.  The last time I did that though, I ended up yelling: Can you even DO that?  I'm sure that's not legal ANYWHERE!  My friend moved to another aisle quickly.  I bought the book.

Whatever trouble or bliss you get into this month, I hope June blossoms into something quite lovely for you!

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

'Chopped!' Featuring Kurt 'the IRISH chef' Ramborger

WATCH: 'Chopped!' Kurt 'the IRISH chef' Ramborger will make an appearance on the TV show on the Food Network channel becoming the first Deaf chef to be on the show!

Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger will be featured on "Chopped" on June 4th, 2013 at 9pm CST on the Food Network. One of the scenes were taken place at the Rutowski Residence. CAAG provided Sign Language Interpreting for this special occassion!

Sneak Peek - "Chopped!" Featuring a Deaf Irish Chef, Kurt Ramborger Video

Chopped is a American reality based cooking television series created by Michael Krupat, produced by Linda Lea, and hosted by Ted Allen that puts four chefs against each other competing for a chance to win $10,000. New episodes air every Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on Food Network. Food Network On TV: By Television Food Network G.P. - Open iTunes to buy and download apps.

Kurt 'the IRISH chef' Ramborger's settlement announced in American Sign Language, "Chopper" Air date on 4th of June 10/9C:

Over the weekend, Kurt Ramborger participated in a video shoot for multiple projects in regards to his upcoming appearance on the TV show "Chopped"! Watch Kurt compete with other chefs on the show! "Chopped" will be aired on the Food Network Tuesday, June 4 at 10PM/9PM.

Sneak Peek - The Making of Kurt "the IRISH chef" Ramborger Video

Z VRS: Meet Kurt 'the IRISH chef' Ramborger:

Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger will make an appearance on the TV show "Chopped" Tuesday, June 4 2013 10/9c on the Food Network channel becoming the first Deaf chef to be on the show!

Photo Tour: Behind the Scenes of the Chopped Kitchen:

When it comes to cooking on Chopped, much is made of each round’s mystery baskets, filled with four unusual and often disparate ingredients that chefs are required to incorporate into their dishes.

While these oddball picks are, of course, what add deliciously addictive intrigue and drama to the show, it takes more than just a spread of peanut brittle, Marsala wine, durian and wonton wrappers to outcook the chopping block.

If the competitors want to survive three rounds of intense culinary battle, they must utilize next-level appliances and advanced tools, in addition to a myriad of common and eccentric products alike, to transform the basket ingredients and create a winning plate... Read The Full Story.

Follow @Kurt"TheIRISHChef"Ramborger:

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Related Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger:

'Chopped!' Featuring a Kurt 'the IRISH chef' Ramborger

Buda’s Kurt Ramborger Is Nation’s Hottest Chef

Famous Deaf Person Presentation On Kurt 'The Irish Chef' Ramborger

Amateur Deaf Chef - Chad A Ludwig & Kurt Ramborger

Deaf Chef 2014 - Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger