Selasa, 30 April 2013

Sony New Subtitle Glasses For Deaf Moviegoers

Sony ‘subtitle glasses’ could be a hit with Deaf moviegoers, Sony’s entertainment access glasses utilizing unique holographic technology.

The movie industry’s transformation to digital technology has created an opportunity to efficiently deliver closed caption data to movie patrons. This coincides with large demand from people with hearing difficulties to watch movies more easily and enjoyably.

Sony has therefore developed entertainment access glasses utilizing its unique holographic technology: the STW-C140GI Entertainment Access Glasses with Audio and, as part of this solution, the STWA-C101 Data Transmitter. When wearing this stylish and lightweight see-through eyewear, users can see closed caption text seemingly superimposed onto the movie picture that they’re watching on screen - it’s a natural subtitle-movie experience.

In addition, as the captioning glasses’ receiver box is equipped with an audio assist function, this solution is useful not only for people with hearing difficulties but also for people with visual impairments - both can enjoy movies far more than ever before... READ MORE.

Visit Sony for more details: HERE.

invisibleCAPTIONS - A presentation of our newly innovative product. Please share this video with every single person on the planet you know!

I realize that many of you have many great questions- we are currently working on our own website and we will be posting updates and answering some questions on our Facebook page so please stay tuned and check out more information there. Our transcript for this video can be viewed here.

Cinema subtitle glasses give promise to Deaf film fans - People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing have long complained that going to watch a film can be an unsatisfactory experience, with subtitled films on at unsociable times and often suffering from technical problems.

But a solution could soon available in the form of special glasses which allow the wearer to see subtitles directly in front of their eyes, giving them the freedom of choice afforded to hearing people. Graham Satchell reports.


Cinemas are letting Deaf people down.

Subtitled screenings are unreliable and hard to find, but digital technology means cinemas now have little excuse, Imagine the following scenario. You go to the cinema, buy your ticket and your popcorn and after taking your seat, sit through 20 minutes of trailers and adverts before the start of the film. But, as the opening scene begins, you realise the sound's not working, and you can't understand a thing.

The cinema staff run around fiddling with wires before deciding they can't fix it and, with that being the last screening of the night, you toddle off home with an apology and a free ticket for a future show. You'd feel gutted, wouldn't you? I mean, how often does that happen? Maybe if you were a glass half-full kind of person you'd figure that you were unlucky – you caught them on a bad night.

For Deaf people, the chain of events I've described isn't just a one-off – it's happened to nearly every deaf cinema-goer I know. Except it's not the sound that goes missing, it's subtitles. Which we need to understand the film. Right now, Deaf film fans have very little trust left in cinema chains, and many people I know have stopped bothering; they prefer to watch DVDs... READ MORE.

Related Articles:

Deaf want a fair hearing on film and TV subtitles

Cinema subtitle glasses give promise to deaf film fans

Subtitle Glasses Could Make Movie-Going More Practical for the Deaf

The Hidden Disability: Subtitled Films

Sony ‘subtitle glasses’ could be a hit with deaf moviegoers

Realated Links:

Follow Deaf Access Films -

Deaf Access Films -

Subtitled Cinema -

Your Local Cinema -

Minggu, 28 April 2013

Holmes Make It Right: Deaf Space

Holmes Make It Right: Deaf Space, All-New Episode: Breaking Through.

Holmes Make It Right, All-New Episode, Breaking Through: A Deaf woman homeowner tries to handle a bathroom renovation on her own after finding the right contractor proves harder than it looks. But her DIY project turns into a nightmare, so she contacts the one contractor she can trust: Mike Holmes.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Mike comes to the rescue and discovers she hasnt had a working shower for months. But this standard bathroom reno turns into breakthrough project as Mike goes the extra mile to give her a 'Sign Language' friendly home.

For more photos & videos, visit:


Related Posts: #DeafCanadians

Arizona Deaf School Protest, Demand Action

Arizona probes accusation of conflicts at Arizona Schools for the Deaf & Blind, Superintendent, board president focus of protests, complaints.

TUCSON, AZ -- Two state agencies are investigating the superintendent and board president of the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind for potential conflicts of interest and excessive travel expenses.

Superintendent Robert Hill and ASDB Board President Bernhardt Jones also have been the focus of multiple protests at school's two main campuses in Tucson and Phoenix over the last two weeks. Students, parents and former employees have called for the two to resign because of a lack of leadership and poor communication with the staff. Among the concerns:

• Possible conflicts of interest: Hill and Jones have a private business relationship outside their ASDB positions. Jones is the director of TASK12, which administers the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment for a $310 testing fee. Hill is listed as a TASK12 local test administrator at Neither Hill nor Jones disclosed their roles with TASK12 to ASDB, its board of directors or the state... Read The Full Story.

Read Letter: PDF: Letter from Robert Hill to ASDB staff

Pigs, goats snatched from classrooms: Deaf students protest, demand action:

Outrage swirling at the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. One administrator on leave. Another fired. And now students say even their animals are gone.

Arizona Schools for the Deaf & Blind Board of Directors: Acknowledge the vote of "No Confidence" in Superintendent Robert Hill:

Five years ago, parents, staff, and community members gathered to ensure that Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind's campuses were truly accessible to American Sign Language (ASL) for the students and staff as well as fostering positive changes in the curriculum in order to advance deaf education.

Today, we find that our students' education is now at risk because of haphazard administrative decisions and questionable conduct by Superintendent Robert Hill, including several allegations of discriminatory conduct in regards to staff (female/sexual) and disability (Deaf).

Nearly 50 ASDB staff members have already personally signed the following statement:

We, the members of the ASDB community including staff, parents, alumni, and friends, sign this petition as a Vote of No Confidence in Robert Hill's continued service as Superintendent of ASDB.

Robert Hill has demonstrated a continued failure to exhibit the professional integrity and leadership that is expected and required of the Superintendent of ASDB. Such failures include a fundamental refusal or inability... Petition Here.

Related #DeafProtest:

Deaf Lives Matter

'Sign Language is Strength' Demonstration

Arizona Deaf School Protest, Demand Action

Deaf Connecticuters Wants Terps Jobs Back

Deaf Protest Rally At The White House In D.C.

Deaf Grassroots Movement Rally 2018 Highlights

Deaf Power Of India: Fight For Your Rights!

Deaf Protester Beaten, Arrested By Sheriff

Deaf Protesters Complains of Police Brutality

Protest For Deaf Man Who Was Shot By Police

Ontario Deaf Schools: Stands Up and Speaks Out

President Obama Engages With Youth Deaf People

Stop Discrimination Deaf People

Selasa, 23 April 2013

Deaf Interpreters: The State of Inclusion

WATCH: Deaf Interpreter Professor, Nigel presented, StreetLeverage.

Nigel Howard talk explored some of the perceptions that challenge better integration of Deaf interpreters into the field and into daily practice. Most notably, the perception that ASL-English interpreters have that requesting to work with a Deaf interpreter is an indication of an inferior skill-set.

Additionally, he highlighted that the definitions ASL-English and Deaf interpreters hold of each other, correct or not, is the basis of their effectiveness working together and that both have equal responsibility for the processing of information and outcome of the communication. Recorded by Street Leverage.

Douglas College Instructor Builds Bridges Between Deaf and Hearing Communities:

For Nigel Howard, working at Douglas College is all about building bridges between the Deaf and hearing communities.

"I am the only Deaf instructor nationally who teaches courses about topics other than interpreters, sign language and Deaf culture," says Howard.

In addition to teaching for the Program of Sign Language Interpretation (INTR), Howard instructs classes on personal and professional development, wellness and community in other programs in the Faculty of Child, Family and Community Studies. While students are required to only use American Sign Language (ASL) in INTR classes, Howard lectures with an interpreter in his other courses.

"There's a pretty progressive attitude here at Douglas College," says Howard.

Howard, who has taught at the college for about 12 years, enjoys elements of both INTR and other courses.

"I get to see both cultures and languages working in this setting. The variety helps me become flexible. I see what's out there in the world in other programs and bring it back to INTR. You need to be skilled in both cultures and languages to move between them," says Howard.

INTR is "my contribution to the students and to the community. I give to them and they give back to the Deaf community," he says... Read The Full Story.

Related Posts: #DeafCanadians

Senin, 22 April 2013

Medical Services - Understanding Deaf Culture

WATCH: Medical Services Interpretation: Understanding Deaf Culture.

Participants will learn how to provide culturally sensitive and competent mental health services to members of the Deaf community through gaining a better understanding of the culture and its specific needs.

Participants will also gain a better understanding of sign language and how this can affect the process of communication in mental health treatment.

Participants will learn how Americans with Disabilities Act applies to working with Deaf individuals in mental health settings as well as how to work more effectively with interpreter in these settings.

Objectives: The cultural aspects of the Deaf community that are necessary to understand in order to effectively provide mental health counseling and to make proper diagnoses, Information regarding commonly held myths about the Deaf community, How ADA applies to this population, How to effectively communicate in the therapeutic process using a sign language interpreters,

Elijah Buchholz, LPC, is the Director of Deaf Services for the Missouri Department of Mental Health. For the past six years, Buchholz has provided mental health and substance abuse services to the Deaf community. He has conducted numerous trainings for both mental health clinicians and interpreters across Missouri and Kansas.


Haley Educating The Hearing People About The Deaf World

Advices To Parents With Deaf Children. ASL

To Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Child

Educate For Hearing Parents With Deaf Childrens/Toddlers

Importance of Educating Hearing Parents

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

ASL Rose: Two Deaf Babies

Educating Hearing People About The Deaf World

WATCH: Haley Sadler: Educating hearing people about the Deaf world.

Haley's video on YouTube to educating hearing people about the Deaf world. Haley Sadler, who is a hard of hearing person, which is issuing a call to action, inviting community to be part of the solution to explain why she is doing a good cause, to educating and awareness about the Deaf world.


Deaf Awareness: 'Love Language' Short Film

How To Communication With Deaf Individuals

Advices To Parents With Deaf Children. ASL

To Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Child

Educate For Hearing Parents With Deaf Childrens/Toddlers

Importance of Educating Hearing Parents

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

ASL Rose: Two Deaf Babies

Related Hearing Parents With Deaf Children:

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

Educate Hearing Parents of Deaf Children

Early Language Acquisition of Deaf Babies

Deaf Awareness: One Deaf Child

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Why Is It Important To Learn Sign At Birth For Deaf Child ?

Educating Hearing People About The Deaf World

Raising Hearing Kids With A Deaf Daddy

WATCH [CC] - A hearing wife explains how raising kids with a Deaf daddy.

In this video, a hearing wife describe some of the ways her family functions with a Deaf parent, as well as her plans for closed captioning on all my videos.

To activate this feature, press the "CC" button.

Let her know if there is a particular video you would like to add the CC, and she will move it up on her list.

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Listen To Diaper Dirt Podcast:

Related: Deaf Parent's Story: Raising Hearing Son With Sign Language

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Deaf Theatre: Message By Canadian Deaf Actors

WATCH: Deaf Theatre: Message by Canadian Deaf actors and director.

We are part of The Northern Lights Theatre with European's Deaf actors and directors. Currently, Canada does not have a "Deaf Theatre".

The director, Liz, is asking Deaf organizations and people to help and donate some money toward Canada's funding. Currently, We do not have any money because many grants don't see her Deaf actors as professional yet.

This project is their first step of setting up the future Canada's Deaf Theatre. More info at The Northern Lights Theatre and/or for more informations.

Related: Sign Language Production Makes History

Related Posts: #DeafCanadians

Raising Hearing Son With Sign Language

A Deaf parent's story on raising his hearing son with sign language.

Who am I, my name is Nathan, and I am the father of two hearing boys. I am going to tell a story about my first son who is 7 and in the first grade.

He is just an average boy, good in some areas, weak in a few, and a normal boy. He hears, talks, and signs. My younger boy is completely different, has no hearing issues, hears, talks, and signs of course. The boy's mother and father are Deaf culture; we have Deaf relatives as well.

I am the PE/health/Weightlifting teacher at the Washington School for the Deaf. Of course, I get to see other Deaf kids here at the school that help me think more about my parenting skills and what I try with my kids.

I often talk to my wife how we can be the best parents we can be because we are Deaf parents with two hearing boys. But the oldest, we learned a lot from, and the youngest is obviously way different from his older brother.

So that is why I feel that I must share my story with you hearing and Deaf parents that it is so important that you use sign language with your child, regardless if they are hearing or Deaf, sign language is a guaranteed language.

This is my way of contributing to the many videos I see popping up that have touched me about hearing parents raising Deaf children; their stories on how they were successful or had a rough time. Some are sad, some are positive. So this is my chance to contribute to the development of using sign language with all babies, hearing and Deaf.

So this is my story, it starts when I had my first son. When he was born, 7 years ago, me and my wife, who is from a Deaf family, me being the only Deaf in my family; we were at the hospital, the nurse talked to us, we told the nurse that we expected the baby to be born Deaf. The nurse wrote down on the notes that "Parents expect baby to be born Deaf, it is ok to fail the hearing test." We felt that was very nice that the nurse did not respond with sorrow or negativity.

So later when the baby was born, I went with the nurse and our son to get the newborn screening test. They put headphones on him and patches on his head; made him look like a mini Eminem.

Anyways, during the test, one of the ears took a long time and "failed". The nurse looked at the note and looked excited and said, "Maybe he will be Deaf". I liked that feeling when the nurse was happy and not negative. Then the other ear passed quickly. The nurse said, "Maybe one ear will be Deaf, lets try again just to be sure". We did the test again; the same ear took a long time but passed this time. I was fine with it; I told the nurse "honestly, the baby will get language regardless if he is Deaf or hearing". The nurse agreed.

As time went on, my wife and me gave our son sign language, which he responded well to. I can speak and hear pretty well for a Deaf person, but of course I have a "Deaf accent". Many people think I am hearing, but important, we gave him language. When he was about 5 months, almost 6 months old, he signed his first word was Milk.

Communication is so important, especially when you have a baby crying and you are trying to figure out what they want. Babies cannot begin to talk until much later and they can begin to sign much earlier; so when he signed milk at 6 months, that solved half of our mysteries when we knew he wanted milk or he wanted something else and was a happy boy when he communicated Milk and got it.

As time went on, when he turned one, he started to use his voice like normal hearing babies tend to do, but by that time, he had learned and used many signs to communicate with everyone. When he was one and a half to two years old, with my watching him and hearing people like my parents, we noticed that his speech was a bit diluted, and there were times when we noticed he would be completely Deaf and sleep through loud noises. We did not think much of it since he could be copying his parent's personality and voice tendencies as children often copy their parents, we didn't know...

For full script; inbox me your email address; Less than half the script has been posted here and in the comment box on my facebook page.


Sabtu, 20 April 2013

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Louisville jury punishes company with $7.25 million verdict for selling Meade County girl defective ear implants that shocked her.

LOUISVILLE, KY -- An electrical short caused an 8-year-old girl to be thrown to the ground, vomiting and convulsing. The shocks happened two more times until the device was disconnected. Born Deaf, Breanna Sadler of Vine Grove, Ky., had a cochlear ear device implanted in her head in 2006, when she was 4 years old. Four years later, an electrical short from the device shocked her so violently that she was thrown to the ground, vomiting and convulsing.

After she was shocked two more times, the device had to be removed from her skull and replaced with a competitor’s model in an open-head surgery that took more than seven hours.

Breanna’s parents sued the manufacturer, Advance Bionics of Valencia, Calif., accusing the company of continuing to sell the device after executives knew it was leaking and defective. On Tuesday a U.S. District Court jury in Louisville agreed, awarding Breanna, now 11, and her parents $7.25 million in damages.

In the first of about 40 lawsuits filed nationally to go to trial, the jury said the company should pay $6.25 million in punitive damages alone for recklessly disregarding patient safety.

The Sadlers’ lawyers presented evidence that Advance Bionics executives delayed disclosing the defect so they could sell more devices and get more money when the company was sold. They “chose to ignore risks and focus on profits,” the attorneys said in a brief.

About 4,000 of the devices have been implanted worldwide, and about 1,000 have failed, according to lead plaintiff’s counsel Tim Edwards, who estimated that dozens of patients in the Louisville area are “walking around with the devices in their head that have failed or will fail.”... Reaf The Full Story.

Advanced Bionics HiResolution Bionic Ear System:

LOUISVILLE, KY -- A federal jury has awarded $7.25 million in damages to an 11-year-old girl who suffered severe electric shocks from a defective cochlear-ear implant that has been inserted in 4,000 people most of Deaf children.

Born Deaf, Breanna Sadler of Vine Grove, Ky., had a cochlear ear device implanted in her head in 2006, when she was 4 years old. Four years later, an electrical short shocked her so violently that she was thrown to the ground, vomiting and convulsing.

After she was shocked two more times, the device had to be removed from her skull and replaced with a competitor’s model in an open-head surgery that took more than seven hours.

Her parents sued the manufacturer, Advance Bionics of Valencia, Calif., and on Tuesday a U.S. District Court jury here awarded Breanna, now 11, and her parents the money.

In the first of about 40 lawsuits filed nationally to go to trial, the jury said the company should pay $6.25 million in punitive damages alone for recklessly disregarding patient safety by continuing to sell the device after company officials knew it was leaking and defective.

The Sadlers’ lawyers presented evidence that Advance Bionics executives delayed disclosing the defect so they could sell more devices and get more money when the company was sold. They ” chose to ignore risks and focus on profits,” the lawyers said in a brief.

About 4,000 of the devices have been implanted worldwide, and about 1,000 have failed, according to lead plaintiff’s counsel Tim Edwards... Read The Full Story.

Related Cochlear Implant:

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

Deaf Girl Dies of Bacterial by Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Deaf Adopted Child To Force On Cochlear Implant

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

Related Hearing Parents With Deaf Children:

Interview With Hearing Parents Of A Deaf Son

VICE News: Deaf Culture 'Signs of Change'

Deaf Awareness: One Deaf Child

American Sign Language For Babies & Toddlers

Educating Hearing People About The Deaf World

Senin, 15 April 2013

Deaf Girl Brutally Raped in India

WATCH: A heartwrenching story of a Deaf girl brutally raped in India.

BIHAR, India -- In the backdrop of the JD(U) National Executive meet, emerges a sad, heartwrenching story of a young Deaf brutally raped in Chappra, Bihar.

Aafreen Alam brings us this story.

Tired of approaching police officers and politicians in his district, the distraught father has made a last ditch effort to approach the Chief Minister for justice.

For more log on to

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Related Posts: #DeafIndians - #WTF

Irish Deaf Archives: 3 Deaf Prostitutes

WATCH [CC] - Irish Deaf Archives: Documentary Film - 3 Deaf Prostitutes - Mind The Gap Productions.

A story about the research in Deaf history of Ireland about the 3 women Mary Anne Canavan, Mary Anne Dogherty and Agnes Beedam, who were all prostitutes. Film by Mind the Gap Productions.

Two Dominican Sisters, Sr. M Vincent Martin OP, and Sr Magdalen O'Farrell, OP and their first pupils Agnes Beedam and Mary Anne Dogherty set sail for Le Bon Sauveur School for the Deaf in Caen, France. The school opens with fifteen pupils who are admitted to the 'Cottage Parlour', a room in a building owned by the Dominican Sisters in Cabra.

St Mary's School for Deaf Girls was founded in 1846 in the grounds of the Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin, the beginnings from the first two pupils, Agnes Beedam and Mary Anne Dogherty and is under the trusteeship of the Catholic Institute for the Deaf.

Hands On is the programme for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities in Ireland, presented in Irish Sign Language.

We have a strong team of presenters, Senan Dunne, is also an associate producer on the programme and works along with our regular presenters, Sarah Jane Moloney, Caroline Worthington, Eddie Redmond, Caroline Mc Grotty, Seán Herlihy, Alvean Jones, Julianne Gillen, and Teresa Lynch.

Hands On covers a broad range of issues relevant to the Deaf Community from Education, Health, Current Affairs, Sport, Equality and some investigative reporting.


Related: Deaf Working Girls In Thailand

Minggu, 14 April 2013

Calling The ASL Community: Remove Karl White

WATCH: ASL/CC - Calling the ASL Community.

Be toxic may stop spread of audism! Suggest to watch this video and do share to Deaf community only if you love American Sign Language!

As State Director of Special Education and the person who gathered nominations for the Application Selection/Screening Committee members, it is important that I let you know there are two problems.

There is only one Deaf person on this committee. This is unacceptable. Deaf people are heavily invested in USDB and should have a majority position on any committee discussing it.

One of the committee members, Karl White, is seen, by the Deaf Community and also by professionals who study and teach about Language Acquisition, Brain Development, and Deaf Culture, as someone who is very lacking in being able to help decide interview questions for the upcoming USDB Supt candidates.

His past interactions have been disrespectful towards Deaf professionals and those knowledgeable about Deaf Education. This has been evident at EHDI conferences and other NCHAM lectures. He has a known reputation for disregarding Deaf input. He has been oppressive and patronizing to Deaf adults and the Deaf Community. I feel he is someone who does not understand what is critical to understand about Deaf Education and the skills/talents needed in the next USDB Supt. I would petition you and those who have made this appointment to please remove Karl White from this committee. He is unacceptable.

Share this on Facebook, Twitter, and even email your friends and family.


Email --

Subject Line: Complaint Regarding to Application Screening Committee

Sample Letter:

Dear Ms. Gallo

As State Director of Special Education and the person who gathered nominations for the Application Selection/Screening Committee members, it is important that I let you know there are two problems.

There is only one Deaf person on this committee. This is unacceptable. Deaf people are heavily invested in USDB and should have a majority position on any committee discussing it.

One of the committee members, Karl White, is seen, by the Deaf Community and also by professionals who study and teach about Language Acquisition, Brain Development, and Deaf Culture, as someone who is very lacking in being able to help decide interview questions for the upcoming USDB Supt candidates.

His past interactions have been disrespectful towards Deaf professionals and those knowledgeable about Deaf Education. This has been evident at EHDI conferences and other NCHAM lectures. He has a known reputation for disregarding Deaf input. He has been oppressive and patronizing to Deaf adults and the Deaf Community. I feel he is someone who does not understand what is critical to understand about Deaf Education and the skills/talents needed in the next USDB Supt. I would petition you and those who have made this appointment to please remove Karl White from this committee. He is unacceptable.



(stakeholder position:whichever you are)

Deaf adult






Critical Interrogation of Karl White's Speech

EHDI's Stakeholders

Kamis, 11 April 2013

Deaf Man's ‘Fantasy’ In Texas Stabbing Spree

Stabbing spree suspect in 2011 report sheds light on Dylan Quick's past.

HOUSTON, Texas -- Dylan Andrew Quick, the 20-year-old accused of stabbing 14 people on the Lone Star CyFair campus, is now on suicide watch.

On Wednesday, a court-ordered psychologist and his parents visited him in jail. According to a new report, Quick has struggled with suicidal thoughts for years. As you can seen at Prosecutors: College stabbing suspect Dylan Quick had long-held killing ‘fantasy’

More than two years ago, Quick simply vanished. His parents called Texas EquuSearch. Frank Black worked on the case.

On Tuesday, Black was watching news reports of the Lone Star College stabbings.

“They said they had him in custody and they showed pictures of him and I said that guy looks real familiar to me,” Black said. “I saw the hearing aid.”

So, Black went back through his old records. He said he “matched ‘em and said ‘that's the guy right there!’”

It was the same Dylan Quick who had been reported missing back in January of 2011. He was 18 at the time.

Black remembered friends and family saying Quick was sheltered, in part because of his impaired hearing.

“Said he’d been kinda pampered and coddled and stuff,” Black continued.

His notes recall the text Quick sent his parents: "If I continue to live at your house, I would probably commit suicide"... Read The Full Story.

Related Dylan Quick:

Deaf Man Suspect In Texas Mass Stabbing Spree

Deaf Student Suspect In Texas Stabbing Spree

Deaf Man's ‘Fantasy’ In Texas Stabbing Spree

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Deaf People In Nunavut Better VP Talk-Time

Deaf and hearing impaired people in Nunavut now have access to a state-of-the-art communications tool.

IQALUIT, Nunavut -- Nunavut MP and federal health minister Leona Aglukkaq took what she calls “a new way of communicating” on a test drive April 10 in Iqaluit.

That’s when she spoke to Clayton Ungungai of Baker Lake, a student at Algonquin College in Ottawa, who is Deaf, thanks to a new video-conference telephone connection. Helped by sign language interpreters on both ends, Aglukkaq asked Ungungai when he planned to graduate and what his plans were.

Aglukkaq learned that at the end of the month Ungungai graduates in aboriginal studies and then he wants to head back to Baker Laker, where his communication will be that much easier due to the new video telephone he’ll have at home.

“Thanks to this project, hearing impaired people in Nunavut now have access to a state-of-the-art communications tool,” Aglukkaq said.

Six communities in Nunavut are now participating in a pilot project to test the video-conference equipment in a partnership between the governments of Canada and Nunavut, the Nunavut Broadband Development Corp., and the Canadian Deafness Research and Training Institute.

The special telephone, which is outfitted with a tiny video screen so that people on both ends can see each other sign, is an easy thing to use and not expensive to supply: $200 a phone, a $75 modem along with access to dedicated broadband, the most expensive and essential part of the new communication...

Read The Full Story.

Related Posts: #DeafCanadians - #VideoPhone

Deaf Student Suspect In Texas Stabbing Spree

A Deaf student suspect in Texas college stabbings had dreams of success, bloodshed, some say.

HOUSTON, Texas -- A Deaf college student accused of going on a stabbing spree at a Texas campus attacked his victims with such force that "pieces of blade" were found in at least one of his 14 alleged victims, according to police.

Dylan Andrew Quick, 20, allegedly used a razor utility knife to stab and cut fellow students at Lone Star College Tuesday, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

"There were pieces of blade in at least one victim, broken blade pieces in the area where the cutting occurred, and the handle to a razor-type knife (X-Acto-style) was found in a backpack that Quick was carrying when he was arrested," the sheriff's office said in a statement.

Quick told police he has "had fantasies of stabbing people to death" since he was 8 years old. He also indicated he had been planning the attack for "some time."

Quick has been "matter-of-fact" with investigators, Sheriff Adrian Garcia said at a news conference today... Read The Full Story.

Stabbing suspect left 'Pieces of Blade' in at least one victim.

A Deaf college student suspect in Texas college stabbings had dreams of success, bloodshed, some say.

Dylan Andrew Quick overcame a childhood disability and had big plans for the future. But on Tuesday, the 20-year-old student went on a stabbing spree on his Texas college campus, authorities said.

By the time campus police took him into custody, 14 people had been injured at Lone Star College. It's unclear how many of the injured were stabbed and how many suffered other injuries. The campus shut down Tuesday, but will reopen Wednesday.

Quick landed in jail. For now, his plans for the future may be in jeopardy.

Overcoming obstacles: Quick was born Deaf and received a cochlear implant at age 7, CNN affiliate KPRC reported. An article on how he overcame challenges early in life appeared on a Lone Star student blog the first week of April. The implant gave him the ability to hear, but he had to play catch-up to learn how to speak English. His mother homeschooled him and got him involved in Lone Star's library programs, when he was a teen, according to KPRC.

Quick became a voracious reader and developed a close connection with the school northwest of Houston, where he later became a student, the affiliate said. He was planning to finish his associate's degree there and transfer to the University of Houston to study accounting. The young man dreamed of starting a book club. But Quick had also been harboring a darker... Read The Full Story.

Related Dylan Quick:

Deaf Man Suspect In Texas Mass Stabbing Spree

Deaf Student Suspect In Texas Stabbing Spree

Deaf Man's ‘Fantasy’ In Texas Stabbing Spree

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Deaf Man Suspect In Texas Mass Stabbing Spree

Dylan Quick named as suspect in community college stabbing spree.

HOUSTON, Texas -- The I-Team has new developments to report in the latest episode of campus violence. One of suspects stabbed 14 people in Long Star CyFair College where in Houston area, some of friends who witness say that man is Deaf because he has cochlear implants on him. His real name Dylan Quick.

The attacker was in custody Tuesday evening after cutting or stabbing 15 people on one of the Lone Star College campuses near Houston.

The I-Team has learned that police have identified the man as 20-year-old Dylan Quick, a student at the college.

At least one of the victims is now in critical condition after authorities say Quick slashed them with an X-Acto-style knife. While at the campus police station, Quick allegedly said he was planning to murder as many people as possible but that the blade of the knife broke.

A motive is not clear, according to investigators. Quick is hearing impaired, according to neighbors. Friends say Quick was studying accounting and planned to transfer to the University of Houston.

The suspect was tackled and stopped by other students, but not before he ran a path and used the knife to attack 15 students. Some were taken to the hospital by ambulance. Others were airlifted by medevac helicopters... Read The Full Story.

Suspect profile: Who is Dylan Quick?

HOUSTON, Texas -- A man being questioned in connection with a mass stabbing at Lone Star College's Cy-Fair campus has a long history at the school.

Dylan Quick, 21, was featured in the college's student spotlight on April 1. The profile had been posted on a blog site, but was removed Tuesday evening.

According to the story, Quick was born completely Deaf and received a cochlear implant when he was 7 years old.

"The first few years after receiving the implant, Dylan says he was busy learning English, just as if he were an ESOL student," the article read.

Quick was homeschooled and his mother involved him in the college's library teen activities when he was 12 years old, according to the story. The program helped him increase his hearing and communication skills... Read The Full Story.

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Senin, 08 April 2013

Sign Language Interpreter Rules Criticized

Reform for sign language interpreter rules criticized in Michigan.

LANSING, MI. -- In April 2005, a Deaf Roseville woman confessed to police to killing her boyfriend without knowing she had a legal right to have a lawyer present and remain silent through an interpreter.

The Michigan Supreme Court later tossed out the confession, concluding Mary Ann McBride's unqualified interpreter failed to communicate through sign language McBride's Miranda rights.

McBride was later convicted in the stabbing death of Robert Adelsburg, but the case and other incidents of sign language miscommunication in legal and medical settings prompted a 2007 law requiring more stringent education and testing requirements for interpreters.

"Unfortunately, situations like that continue to happen," said Sheryl Emery, director of the state Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Six years later, the new rules are beginning to go into effect, but not everybody is happy with the reforms as Michigan imposes some of the toughest testing requirements for Deaf interpreters in the country intended to prevent interpreter mistakes. Some longtime professional interpreters and graduates of college-level sign language programs say the new state licensing test is difficult and too focused on English language concepts not used in everyday interpreting with Deaf people in community, educational, medical and legal settings.

Robina Anderson, an interpreter from Trenton and the daughter of two Deaf parents, has used sign language for 55 years, but has twice failed a new state exam that places a heavy emphasis on antonyms, synonyms and reading comprehension. Her state certification will become invalid this year under new licensing requirement set to go into effect in June... Read The Full Story.

Deaf Toddler Hears Voices For The First Time

Deaf toddler hears parents' voices for the first time goes viral.

BRAZOS VALLEY, TX. -- A Deaf toddler from Brenham heard his parents' voices for the first time Friday thanks to a cochlear implant Surgery he received at the College Station Medical Center.

Cadyn Beard lost his hearing when he was only a year old. Doctors can't explain why it happened, but ENT specialists told Cadyn’s parents there was a way to restore his hearing. Months later, Cadyn became the second child to ever receive a Cochlear Implant surgery in the Brazos Valley.

Doctors activated the implant for the first time Friday. “It was exciting to know he could hear our voices for the very first time,” said Krista Beard, Cadyn’s mother.

The Beards recorded the moment when doctors turned on the cochlear implant. In the video, you can see the moment Cadyn hears a crayon drop for the first time.

“He got really shy. He ducked down into his arm. He was a little scared, a little skeptical. Then he just wanted a hug,” said Krista. “It’s just a jolt to all of a sudden hear something that you haven't heard before...when you haven't heard anything.”... Read The Full Story.

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Deaf Toddler Hears Parents' Voices For First Time

Deaf Woman Hears Son's Voice For First Time

Adopted Chinese Deaf Girl Hears For The First Time

Deaf People Hears For The First Time Compilation

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VICE News: Deaf Culture 'Signs of Change'

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Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

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Deaf Cats In Cochlear Implant Research

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Cochlear Implant Users Spoof

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation Parody

Deaf Man Hears For The First Time Parody

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Jumat, 05 April 2013

Deaf Woman Sues New Hampshire Hospital

New Hampshire Hospital has agreed to a settlement over allegations that it failed to provide appropriate aid and services under the ADA.

PETERBOROUGH, New Hampshire -- The U.S. Department of Justice announced today that Monadnock Community Hospital has agreed to a $5,000 settlement with a Deaf woman who received medical care at the hospital in 2010, according to a statement from justice department officials.

The woman, Amy Dauphinais, communicates primarily through sign language, and alleges hospital officials failed to provide her with auxiliary aids during her stay there, which resulted in her being unable to communicate with hospital personnel, and instead relied on her minor daughter to interpret for her, according to the statement.

Although the hospital agreed to pay Dauphinais $5,000, it did so without admitting liability in the incident, justice department officials said.

In a statement, hospital officials said there was "a strong difference of opinion on the facts of the patient visit that was the basis of the claim," and that "there was never any question of any adverse effect on the quality of care provided to any patient and MCH cooperated throughout the case... Read The Full Story.

Kamis, 04 April 2013

Drive Thru Headless Prank - Magic of Rahat

WATCH [CC] - A magician-turned-prankster has once again baffled drive-through employees, this time by dressing up in a headless costume.

Magician and prankster Rahat Hussein takes his original on YouTube “Drive Thru Invisible Driver Pranks” to the next level by cruising up to fast food drive-thru windows as a headless car driver. The multiple unsuspecting employees working at the window get quite a fright and even some laughs.

Drive Thru Headless Prank Outtakes: Magic of Raha posted a video this week that shows the trickster driving through fast-food restaurants with the headless costume on and terrifying workers when it looks like the car has driven itself.

This might be the best one yet. The video is presented by Penguin Magic and it's been viewed more than million times.

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Related Drive-Thru:

Taco Bell Complains About Deaf Customers

Taco Bell Worker Refuses Service To Deaf Man

Burger King Worker Refuses Service To Deaf Man

Deaf Woman Refused Service At Dunkin Donuts

KFC Employees Mocking Deaf Couple

Deaf Customer Upset With McDonalds Drive-Thru

Drive-Thru McDonalds Discrimination Deaf Driver

Deaf Woman's Video At Starbucks Goes Viral

Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank - Magic of Rahat

Drive Thru Headless Prank - Magic of Rahat

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April Fools Prank On Mom Gone Wrong!

April fools prank on mom goes wrong, son claims he's addicted to heroin.

VitalyzdTv's humorous video goes viral on YouTube to entertaining the community, a comedian video is a must-see!

People kept asking me to do April Fools Prank...So I decided to prank my mom so simply by just telling her I am addicted to drugs and it turned out to be the best reaction ever!


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Sean Forbes 'Mood Swings' Official ASL Music

Sean Forbes - 'Mood Swings' Official ASL Music Video.

Purchase Sean Forbes debut LP "Perfect Imperfection"


Directed by Adrean Mangiardi

Starring Sean Forbes and Jake Bass

Cameo Appearance by Artur "Arturo" Pinkhasov

Cinematography by Stefan Vardon

ASL Translation by Katie Fitzpatrick and Sean Forbes

Art Direction by Sean Forbes and Adrean Mangiardi

Song Credits:

(S. Forbes/ J.Bass)

Lyrics by Sean Forbes

Produced by Jake Bass for Boca J Music

Mixed by Steve King

Recorded at 54 Sound

Recording and Mix Engineers: Steve King, Kyle Resto, and Jake Bass

Mastered by Adam Ayan at Gateway Mastering

Published by Def Deaf Music (BMI)/ Boca J Music (BMI)/ Martin Affiliated LLC (BMI)

© 2012 Web Entertainment / D-PAN Entertainment.

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