Ginny Ong Jing Yun is undergraduate in Bachelor of Science (Information Systems Management) and Started up a social enterprise for the Deaf. "I thought that nobody would understand what I was saying. Over the years, Singapore Management University (SMU) slowly gave me a lot of tips on how to participate effectively. I learnt how to be more outspoken, more confident of myself.
Two years ago I set up this social enterprise it's called iDeaf-Connect. My aim is to use this company to create Deaf awareness. Also, we wanted to have a business to provide jobs for the Deaf. We aim to use this place as a training hub.
I will go out and meet my clients. I will give talks and I will share with them how they can work with the Deaf better. The broad-based curriculum at SMU gave me a lot of knowledge. It helped me to understand better how companies run their business.
You have a lot of projects so you have to face a lot of deadlines. It motivates me to be quick, be creative, think out of the box to finish the project. So the same thing can apply to my company as well. To me, if not for the interactive style (of education) in SMU, I wouldn't be here talking to you today." Welcome to SMU. Discover a Different U at
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