Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Cochlear Implant Failures Lawsuits & AG Bell

VIDEO: This story covers the cochlear implant failures, lawsuits & AG Bell issues in American Sign Language.

Advanced Bionics had to pay $1,100,000 and their ceo was fined $75,000 Advanced bionics sued for violating FDA regulations re: CI safety by Weitz and Luxenberg - 2nd suit in process - Teresa Curtin Deaf lawyer. Meanwhile Advanced Bionics is at the top of the AG Bell Assoc homepage.

Cochlear Implant Failures Lawsuits & AG Bell.

Find for more information on the lawsuits.

Potential symptoms of defective cochlear implants include:

# A sudden sensation of discomfort or pain;

# A sudden loud noise or popping sound;

# An intermittent functioning;

# A complete loss of sound;

# In infants or children, an unwillingness to wear the external headpiece, crying or fussiness when the sound processor is turned on, lack of expected progress or diminished progress in achieving speech/language milestones, or apparent loss of audiological benefit.

Find - kudos link to AFA petition calling for an indep and impartial invest. into CI. to folks who are standing against falsehoods and time to uncover the true failures. Also a question about remote control CIs and what is our role and responsibilities here? For more info on the true failures, find

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