Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

LGBT "It Gets Better" Gallaudet University

Gallaudet students who have worked on a video for the Deaf LGBT.

This is a video for the 'It Gets Better' project.

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To view more ASL "It Gets Better" Videos.

Communication Studies Intercourse Dialogue - LGBT.


Dr. Mark Amissah

Dr. Phyllis Maloney


Marty Blomquist

Heather Millirons

James Bushor

Sarah Le Sueur

Dylan Hinks

Kevin Williams

Daniel DiDonna

Karina Torres

Donia Campell

Blake Noland

Camerawoman: Aimee Sever (Thanks to BisonTV for allowing us use their camera operator + camera)

Related LGBTQ:

Why Don't Deaf People Believe In Bisexuality ?

Carl Schroeder In Gay Solo Action

What It's Like Growing Up Transgender & Deaf

Wells Fargo Ad: Learning American Sign Language

Boycott Wells Fargo Ad 'Learning Sign Language'

Deaf Gay Man's Video Project 'I’m From Driftwood'

Deaf Drag Queen Dazzles DeafNation World Expo

Disability Film Challenge - Passengers

Deaf LGBT Interview In Japan

Deaf Gay Pride 2015 - Maspalomas, Spain

Deaf LGBT Filipinos Sees Rise In HIV Cases

Deaf Tranny Cammi Argues On Facebook Live

Deafies in Drag - Deaf, Latino Comedy Duo

Deafies in Drag: 5 Types of Deaf People

Deafies in Drag: Deaf 101 Learning ASL

LGBT "It Gets Better" Gallaudet University

Virtual Deaf Church: God Is A Transgender

Gay People Walking Through The Street Reaction

HIV Is A Gay Disease. Own It. End It.

Gallaudet University - Stop Bullying Now

VIDEO [CC] - Stop Bullying Now! ASL promo by Gallaudet students.

Gallaudet University graduate students in the Dept. of social work made this video as part of the honor society, Mu Pi. Our hope is to spread awareness, address bullying within our schools and communities, and prevent future harm to children and adolescents.

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

ASL Storytelling 'I'm Sorry, I'm Deaf'

VIDEO: 'I'm Sorry, I'm Deaf' - Sometime confront hearing people to tell them that I am Deaf and they will understand why my accent is weird.

They are understanding me speak and gesture a bit, I know I m hard of hearing but still I am Deaf! Most hearing people did not know that you are Deaf so you dont have to give them ugly attitude in first place...be cool!

Don't worry about other hearing people think of you. We should feel sorry for them for being ignorant and stupid. They are worthless! Some of them respect Deaf community and Deaf culture which is good! Moved on and enjoy ur life! Be strong!

Forcing A Deaf Child To Wear Cochlear Implant

VIDEO [CC] - A Violation of Human Rights: Forcing a Deaf child to wear cochlear implant.

Historically, women and girls have faced forced laws that tell them what to do with their bodies against their will which is a violation of human rights.

The sad part is that it is still happening today here in America that the judge ordered the father to force his Deaf daughter to wear a cochlear implant at all waking hours.

She already has a cochlear implant since 14 months old which works good for her until she got a second one at 5 1/2 years old, it is not as effective. voiced-over, girls' actual screams and moanings even the dog barking during physical struggling scenes and some texts available.

Cochlear Implant is a Form of Child Abuse

On the surface, cochlear implants sound like a promising medical solution to the problems surrounding hearing loss or total deafness. A cochlear implant uses existing nerves and electronic signals to override damaged auditory nerves, thus restoring a sense of hearing to the recipient. However, this technology has also caused serious divisions within the Deaf community concerning the hearing society's position on deafness in general. A number of members of the Deaf community choose to view their Deaf status as a subculture of society, in the same sense as a Hispanic person would embrace his or her Hispanic culture.

Deafness is not a handicap per se, but a shared experience which gives the Deaf community its unique cultural identity. To members of this Deaf subculture, cochlear implants are considered disrespectful and insulting, since the medical community views deafness as a handicap which must be treated or corrected: Cochlearwar - Myths and Facts.

Certain factions of the Deaf community also believe a Deaf person's ability to live a full and meaningful life is not compromised by his or her deafness, so the suggestion that cochlear implants provide advantages over a Deaf lifestyle is shortsighted and insensitive.

Many people cope very well with their deafness, learning sign language and lip reading and adapting their work and home environments to accommodate their loss of hearing. Perhaps the cochlear implant is only for the MONEY as the dirty business. Watch Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business with captions.

Another controversy surrounding cochlear implants and the Deaf community is the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Cochlear implantation involves major surgery in an area of the body filled with delicate nerves which control facial movements. One mistake during surgery could cause long-term facial paralysis, also and it is might be a risk to cochlear implant users where the thunderstorms approaching, Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning.

Cochlear implants can also destroy any remaining healthy auditory nerves, which means a Deaf person could lose all remnants of natural hearing which may have helped them adjust to a Deaf lifestyle. Cochlear implants require the recipient to undergo significant fine-tuning sessions, and success can vary widely from recipient to recipient. The controversy over cochlear implants often pits hearing parents against Deaf parents when it comes to raising their Deaf children in a hearing world. Many Deaf parents would prefer to raise their Deaf child in a Deaf culture, including the use of sign language and lip reading. Hearing parents who are not familiar with the Deaf community may opt for the cochlear implant surgery to correct their Deaf child's perceived handicap, Cochlear Implant Cruelty.

The result may be a Deaf child who can partially hear, or a hearing child with a Deaf cultural heritage. Either way, the child may face social ostracism from both communities if the parents do not consider the long-term effects of cochlear implant surgery. Not all members of Deaf community view cochlear implants as an unnecessary procedure, but hearing parents facing a difficult decision concerning a Deaf child may want to research both sides of the controversy before committing to cochlear implant surgery. Benefits and Risks of Cochlear Implants

What is the Leading Cause of Child Abandonment?

History of Abandonment/Abuse - History tends to repeat itself and this is especially true of abuse and neglect patterns. Parents who experienced abuse, neglect or abandonment at the hands of someone when they were a child are more likely to repeat the pattern and abuse, neglect or abandon their own children. UNICEF estimates that 13 million children worldwide have been abandoned by both parents for various reasons, abuse and neglect among them. Watch the video in behavioral problems for not learning in sign language and oppression.

Handicap/Illness of Child - A child born with a handicap, birth defect or chronic illness has a higher chance of being abandoned by their parents. Since infants and children are needy to begin with, parents living with a child with a chronic condition may not be able to cope with the increased demands of their child. Like parents who live in poverty, these parents believe their child will be better off without them and abandon these child to the foster care system or to live with other relatives.

Behavioral Problems - All children experience behavior problems as they grow and learn about the world around them. For some parents, their child's misbehavior is a source of extreme stress they are unable to handle. Other parents have children with extreme, even criminal, behavior that they are unable or unwilling to control. These children are at an increased risk of being removed from their parent's care or having their parents find alternative placement situations for them. Watch Alone In A Hearing World.

STOP to abusive the Deaf children for profits

Related Cochlear Implant:

Deaf Girl's Family Sues Cochlear Ear Implants For $7.25M

Cochlear Implants Is NOT A Cure !

Deaf Culture - Have We Cured Deafness ?

Violation of Human Rights: Forcing A Deaf Child to Wear CI

Deaf Adopted Child To Force On Cochlear Implant

Deaf Girl Dies of Bacterial by Cochlear Implant

No More Sign Language For Deaf Children With Implants ?

Cochlear Business Is Dirty Business!

Cochlear Implant User Struck By Lightning

Cochlear Implant Users Parody

The Language in Space of the Cochlea Implantation

Deaf Man's Cochlear Implant Removal

VIDEO: Deaf man, Walter Lowell's ASL storytelling about cochlear implant removal at the Medical Center.

As for cochlear implant users, those who have experienced as me while removing cochlear implant, Doctor found green mold growing inside cochlear implant metal plate. I'm lucky to be alive today! Reconsidering yourself before implanting the devices.